He stretched out a trembling finger with a ferocious look on his face,"You - not only bully others on the field, but also continue after the game - I will report you to the organizing committee, and have you withdraw from the competition - banned, and never be able to compete again."

He said viciously and cursed.

Niou and Byodoin Phoenix looked at him madly with expressionless faces.

Niou kindly reminded,"Sorry, I am not in the same group with him!"

"In fact, I don’t like him either!"

""Huh?" The man looked up, his eyes full of disbelief."Then why are you helping him!""

"I've already said it, I just - accidentally!" He emphasized every word.

The man collapsed and yelled,"You are lying to idiots!"

Who would believe it!

Ren Wang finally smiled sincerely,"So you know you are an idiot!"

The smile suddenly turned cold,"That's right, only idiots don't know that the on-court and off-court behaviors cannot be generalized!"


"But he went too far. Didn't you see what happened to Kevin?"

"Then you fight back, on the field - fight back!"Ryou said coldly.

"Only fools and incompetent people will bark like a wild dog after the game!"The boy's height is actually not as tall as the tall Europeans, but he has the momentum of three meters.

The man was speechless, and he knew it.

But - what about the anger in his heart...

Ren Wang doesn't care about these.

That's other people's business, he just needs to take care of himself

""Uncle, aren't you leaving?" Ren Wang asked as he passed by a certain voice.



"You don't like me, but you still help me?" On the corridor, Byodoin Phoenix tried to straighten the corners of his mouth.

""Is it not okay for me to dislike you for bullying my senior?" Niou said coldly, hugging his shoulders.

Byodoin Phoenix said,"Of course!"

"You are strong, I admire your strength, is that not okay?"

The young man said confidently.

"……All right!" Byodoin Phoenix paused.

Nioh looked at him,"I am a person who protects people the most. I know you and admire you. If someone slanders you, I will kick him. Is there a problem with that?"


The corner of Byodoin Phoenix's mouth curled slightly.

This kid is mentally ill!

But - he likes it!

"What about that little red-haired boy?" Feeling happy, the Byodoin Phoenix's tone became much better when he mentioned a red-haired boy he disliked.

Niou blinked, his clear green eyes revealing a bit of clear stupidity, and the next second, he suddenly came back to his senses.……

"Ya——Mori-senpai——"He was about to rush out with his tennis bag on his back. He came to see Maori Juzaburo and to see Maori Juzaburo's fun.

——Why did we stop here?!!

It's all because of that idiot!

"Which team is that idiot from?" Ren Wang asked

"Australia——"The Phoenix of Byodoin lazily watched the flames grow in the boy's eyes. The emerald green eyes were added with flames, and the interweaving of fire and blue revealed a different kind of strange beauty.

It was like the most unlikely intersection in the world, blending together.……

"What do you want to do?"The Phoenix of Byodoin followed the anxious King Ni, walking slowly.

"Of course I'm going to cause trouble!"Ren Wang took it for granted that he had delayed his work and had to be taught a lesson.

"You mean the difference between on and off the court?……"

"This is what I did off the court!" Niou said confidently, he didn't have any competition.

Byodoin Phoenix raised his eyebrows:...

He followed the people, walked through the dark corridor, and when he was about to walk into the light, he finally heard……


Wow, you are really tall!"……"What a stupid opening.

"Not bad!"

The cold voice carried a familiar flavor.

"Oh, the more you know about moonlight——"Byodoin Phoenix smiled with an ambiguous meaning."So, you brought him here to look for Yuezhi Yueguang!"

"What else?"Hearing the voice, Niou slowed down, walked along the wall to the corner, and quietly poked his head over."Phew~ It's really here——"

"What do you want to see Yue Zhi for?"

Byodoin Phoenix hugged his shoulders and leaned against the wall behind Niou.

"Mr. Maori has trouble growing taller. I mentioned Yuezhi Yueguang to him before. He took it to heart.……"

The King's heart was focused on the corner, and he didn't see the joy in someone's eyes in the dark corner.

"Who are you——"Yue Zhiyueguang is a cold person, but he can't resist Mao Li Shouzabulang's passionate questioning.

"Did you feel uncomfortable when you were growing taller? I feel very uncomfortable recently! My legs hurt every day! I have an unstable center of gravity when playing basketball, and I have to do basic training repeatedly.……"

He talked about his confusion and sadness. He didn't even give Yue Zhi Yue Guang a chance to interrupt him. He couldn't find a good time to interrupt him.

Yue Zhi Yue Guang:"……"

Is this guy's mouth borrowed? Does it cost money?

"……"There was no chance to interrupt, Yue Zhi Yue Guang glanced at him, then looked at the corner and prepared to leave.

Having stayed here for so long, it was in line with his concept of elegance. However , he did not expect that this little red-haired boy was not only a chatterbox, but also a follower.

He took one step and the other took two steps.


"Can we add each other's contact information directly? I really have a lot of questions and want to consult you!"

Yuezhi Yueguang:"……"

No, do we know each other?

"Where on earth did you come from?"Such a self-familiar person!

Horrible self-familiar person!

"My junior brought me here!" Maori Jusaburo said bluntly,"He said I could come directly to you!"

Niou, who was squatting in the corner:"……"

He said with difficulty,"I never said that!", facing the perverted gaze of the Phoenix of Byodoin.

His character was of supreme purity, the same color as his hair.

"……Ha!" The Phoenix of Byodoin gave him a look of contempt, which clearly said,"I don't believe you."

"With Yuezhi's perception, we will be discovered if we get any closer!"The Phoenix of Byodoin Temple left, and Nioh, who was about to take shelter,

""Pfft? Is this true?" They were separated by a corner and a wall.

"Humph, do you think anyone can be my team member?"You underestimated him.

Ren Wang hummed and stopped talking.

He suddenly realized……

"So, he just found you here, so he let Maori-senpai go.……"

Phew, I owe someone a favor!

"Humph, I'm glad you know it!" Do you think Yue Zhi Yue Guang has a good temper?

He didn't intend to say it out loud to take credit, but Ren Wang found out, so he had to admit it. Those who do good things without leaving their names are fools!

Considering that this kid helped him before... Wait……

"You spoke up for me before, why are you still arguing with me!" asked the Phoenix of Byodoin with a dark face.

"Phew~ I won’t tell you!"

He is a hater, that’s not okay!

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