Anti-fans -

Kitsunesuke felt that he had learned something new.

The anti-fans in his impression were not like this!

Why did he feel that the Shinsengumi had an illusion of being stubborn?

Was it his illusion?

Well, it should be an illusion, an absolute illusion - the Byodoin Phoenix looked at the little fox in front of him with his lips raised and a little smug, and his palms suddenly felt itchy...

Do whatever you think, this is the Byodoin Phoenix's philosophy of life.

If you think about it, you will act!

——I punched that soft, white head that looked nice to touch.


Niou gnashed his teeth in pain and turned back viciously,"Betweenin Phoenix, are you sick?"

Why did he hit him for no reason?

Byodoin Phoenix grinned happily, turned his wrist, and grabbed Niou's collar.

You dare to say I'm sick - this must be explained - haha!

Niou is not a pushover. Byodoin Phoenix's hands are fast, and his reaction is even faster.

He turned sideways, and a spiritual sword appeared in his hand. He blocked the hand that was stretched out with the handle upwards.

"What are you doing?"Ren Wang asked in surprise

"Little fox, you should be more respectful to your seniors!" The Phoenix of Equal Court snorted coldly.

"Phew~ What kind of senior are you?"Ren Wang's eyes turned,"I call you a senior only because you are older than me!"

Ren Wang was very unhappy after being hit just now. A survivor can be hit by a monster catcher and can't fight back?

If this is said, it will lower the threshold of their Shinsengumi.

"Ding——"The sword was unsheathed, and a horizontal chop hit the sticker vessel.

Ren Wang sneered,"Sure enough, you don't know how to save fuel!"

The blond young man in the red and white uniform directly pulled out a black iron rod from the tennis bag behind him. With a flick of his wrist, the iron rod directly lengthened with a click.

It reached a length similar to that of the sword.

This is - a must-have machine for fighting - a baton!

"Humph, we have to teach those ignorant people a lesson when we go outside!"The Phoenix of Byodoin sneered, threw the tennis bag aside, and rushed up with a stick. The two of them fought in the dark corridor at the bottom of the court.

Kitsunesuke shook his tail silently in Nioh's space.

【……】In short, even though Kitsunesuke has so much knowledge, he still cannot describe the feeling of appealing at this moment.

How did we two talk? Why did we talk?

How did we end up fighting in one second? Obviously, the atmosphere was quite harmonious in the previous second.

However, he can't understand the ending, but he can understand the beginning.

Everything started from the dirty hands of the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple.——

【Lord Shinsengumi, why did he hit you?】

【How would I know!】Ren Wang took a big step back and dodged the blow on his head

【Let's not guess what the tyrant is thinking! 】

In fact, what Niou said was right. The Byodoin Phoenix was also wondering

"……"Wasn't it just a touch?

Why was he so angry?

And he even used a knife?

How could he tolerate this!

The dignity of the senior, the title of tyrant, and the frustration of always being bullied burst out at this moment.

He must teach him a lesson!

"Hey, what are you two doing?"

The Party and Government Branch of the Financial Professional Title and the security guard came over to hear the news. The second the security guard was about to arrive, the painting style instantly turned into——

""Pu Li~ What are you doing? I didn't do anything!" The spiritual sword in his hand slowly dissipated into countless silver spirit particles in the air the moment he let go.

Niou walked to the side of Byodoin Phoenix very calmly, and in the shocked and suspicious eyes of the security guard, he took the man's arm, smiled calmly and said,"We were just joking just now.……"

He was not panicking at all, and his smile was so sincere and bright that the security guard once wondered if he had just seen it wrong.


"Of course it’s true!" He calmly picked up the tennis bag on the ground and patted it,"We can’t say that all our brothers play tennis—athletes, you know?"

"Athletes cannot fight. If they do, they will be suspended!"

The security guard nodded. That's right. No one would bet their career. However

, the flash of swords and sabers he just saw was not an illusion. He said to Byodoin Phoenix,"You were really just joking just now?"

Nioh"gently" stroked Byodoin Phoenix's hand,"Of course, right! Senior!"

"If we fight, we will be banned!"

He raised his eyes with a sincere tone, his azure eyes flashing a dim light in the darkness,"banned, but everyone will laugh to death!"

Not stupid at all, Byodoin Phoenix who had no intention of exposing him:...

My arm hurts!

It seems like I threw this guy into the face of the security guard!


The Phoenix of Byodoin held back.】!

"All right……"It was obvious that these two people were not from China, and the security guards did not want to cause trouble.

""You two stop making trouble and leave!" After saying that, he left.

Ren Wang's face was almost frozen with laughter.

"I'm definitely losing my mind.——"He rubbed his face,"How could I be so impatient to fight you here?"

He was a Shinsengumi who had been tortured by swords since he was a child.

He had a very good self-restraint!


"Hum, yes! You don't seem to be very smart!"

Baiduin Phoenix said indifferently and sincerely.


He finally knew why he was always so irritable.

Who wouldn't be irritable when meeting such a person?

"Uncle Byodoin, please don't force me to hit you now!" Niou showed his beautiful eight teeth and greeted him cordially.

"We can't fight. The security guard just left. If we fight, he will find out.——"

The Phoenix of Byodoin is very calm, but Nioh is very irritable— or getting more and more irritable!

"Phew~Alas……"After tightening his fists and unclenching them, Niou decided to leave this infuriating place.……"

They should add their contact information. That Yuezhi Yueguang can almost bring the person back.

Byodoin Phoenix watched the person leave.

He did not choose to follow. During the U17 World Cup, as the captain, he had a lot of things to do. He was not as idle as Niwang imagined.

However, just after taking two steps……

"come out——"Cold eyes swept across the corner

"Sorry, I don't mean any harm, I just think you two are quite interesting!"

The man who came out was very strong, with a fierce face full of teasing smiles.

Of course, this smile is a bit fierce~

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