The Colorless King's actions seemed to follow his feelings, with no rules for his every move, as if he went wherever he wanted, always following the voice in his heart.

Niou looked at the people coming and going around him and pondered. This afternoon, he had followed the Colorless King from one side of Tokyo to the other side of Tokyo... The huge crossroads, with nothing but people.

Just when Niou was about to give up today and go home. The Colorless King, who made him feel confused, finally made the next move.

He - sat opposite a robot.

That's right, it was a robot -

Niou looked at him and suddenly spoke. Because of the distance, he didn't hear clearly what the other party was saying, but it was obvious that the person he was talking to was this robot.

【Kitsunesuke——】Nioh said.

Kitsunesuke ran out of Nioh's body very consciously. The soft little fox tiptoed closer, but before he could eavesdrop, he was blocked by a barrier.

【hiss——】Kitsunesuke touched his own poor���Tomoe's head. [Shinsen, it hurts so much!]

The Colorless King talks to the robot and even needs a barrier

【It's interesting that a robot can actually climb the barrier……】Ren Wang moved his wrist.

Don't tell him that it was the Colorless King who did it. Their energy is the same. If the Colorless King makes any move, he will be the first to know.

【Go check what that robot is?】

【What's there to check about robots?! Kitsunesuke looked back at the so-called robot.

Rather than a robot, it was just an ordinary service robot in a cafe.

It had a huge head and an even bigger body, sitting there in a straight tube. It only had a screen-like face that could answer questions.

【This kind of robot should be produced by a company, nothing special……】

Ren Wang laughed and said,"Check which company he is from? I can rest assured!" The company that can calm down the madman Colorless King is definitely not an ordinary company.


Ryooh was not sure how well Kitsunesuke could surf the Internet in the real world, so he also called the other party

"Are you sure you saw the Colorless King?" Munakata Reiji clenched his phone.

This answer was really a bit beyond his expectations. Nioh's actions were too fast, right? He just said it last week, and he met him this week.

"I think this is the destiny between him and me, although I don't want this kind of fate……"

After briefly describing the characteristics of the Colorless King, Niou handed the matter over to the organization of the Blue King. In the words of Hatta Misaki, that is - if there is something

, go to the Blue King! If there is a problem with the security organization, go to the Blue King!

If there is a difficult problem, go to the Blue King!

Anything can be done - go to the Blue King!

The Blue King is the most useful king in the world, no one else.

Munakata Reiji:...Who told you this? Tell me the name, I promise not to kill him!

(Finally I know why I am so busy!)

Jutsu Tadara worked hard to help him improve his skills. This is the music test in Niou's final exam, which passed smoothly. Facing the eyes of the beautiful teacher who was disappointed in him, Niou smiled secretly and left the music classroom.

The non-cultural test that made him feel very scared was finally over.

The cultural course test will be held next week. I thought I could have two days of leisure, but I was summoned to Kyoto again by a phone call.

This time it was because of the Phoenix of Byodoin - the Phoenix of Byodoin returned to the country!

As soon as he returned home, the elders in his family discovered that there was something wrong with his body. There was a power in his body that was completely different from the usual one!

The Byodoin Phoenix was afraid that the old stubborn man in the family wanted to make trouble for Niou, so she had to admit that she was injured and someone helped her to save him.

After knowing the cause of the incident, the Byodoin family of course invited this savior to come over and have a good talk and ask questions.

Then... after finally passing the final exams, Niou, who hadn't even had a day off, was running on the road again!

Niou [Smiling Face]: Byodoin Phoenix, thank you and your family!

Byodoin Phoenix:...

I said I didn't do this, do you believe it?


The moment Niou saw the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple, his face was not in a good mood.

Just think about it, he had just studied hard for a week, and finally returned to Kanagawa to take the final exams and have a good rest for a week. Then suddenly someone called him and asked him to come to Kyoto without stopping! Are you tired, tired, tired?

"Hey, isn't this the Byodoin Phoenix who travels abroad all day? How can I see you in Kyoto?" Niou mocked him directly when he met her.

Byodoin Phoenix:"……"Why is this kid speaking so harshly?

"Who has offended you again?"I had menopause in the morning.

""Pu Li~" Niou threw the tennis bag with a kind smile, and slapped the gift in his hand on the chest of Byodoin Phoenix,"What do you think... I just finished the exam last night, and I arrived in Kyoto this morning. I am so happy!"

Byodoin Phoenix, whose chest hurt from being slapped by him:"……"

The strength has increased! Or the anger has increased!

"It wasn't my idea to have you come this time, it was mainly because the people in your family were surprised by what they saw!" The Phoenix of Equal Court explained.

"Haha, your family is so surprised that you come here to torment me. Can't you wait for two days?" Ren Wang bared his teeth, his eyes flashing with a terrifying light.

"I have to go out for a competition in two days, so……"Just like what Niou had mocked him before, he is indeed very busy.

"……"Ren Wang was dumbfounded

"Is it so busy in high school?"Ryoou asked with a wink, going abroad all the time. He thought that Byodoin Phoenix would stay in Kyoto for a while longer this time.

"Ordinary high school students can do it, but I joined the U17, and this is the U17 training routine!"Baiduin Phoenix said

"Phew~ It's so scary that there's not even a holiday?" Niou, who had planned to enter the U17 before, was a little discouraged. He is a fox longing for freedom and doesn't want to be trapped in the cage of sports.

Byodoin Phoenix paused,"This year……"

"What happened this year?"Ryo is a sensitive person

"Nothing!"Baiduin Phoenix smiled slightly, wanting to give Niou a surprise. This must be a big surprise for Niou who is so looking forward to not entering U17...

It will definitely make him very happy!


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