
I hate people like you who only speak half of their sentences. They are meaningless.

The layout of the Byodoin family is the most common Japanese style of large families. The whole courtyard is full of ancient architectural styles. There are courtyards, pavilions, and dry stone landscape paintings. There is everything - but - the family members look unique!

One by one, their heads are very shiny...

If one person is this kind of person, it can be understood as being unique, but if two or three are all like this,……

"Do all families of monster hunters have to shave their heads?"Rio pondered. When he was studying various mystical courses in the Time Government, he had never heard of such a tradition in the monster hunter family.

He looked at the thick and healthy hair of the Byodoin Phoenix in surprise.

Will the Byodoin Phoenix also have to shave its head in the future?

——Well, I'm looking forward to this scene!

I couldn't help but start thinking. I always felt that this fierce face with a bald head must be a world-shattering existence and scene!

It must make the enemy terrified~

"No... the Byodoin family was originally a monk family!" Byodoin Phoenix explained helplessly.

The little fox's eyes showed his intention clearly without any concealment. Really, do you really want to watch him have fun?

In order to put an end to his bad habits of watching fun, Byodoin Phoenix simply said one sentence to dispel his stupid idea.

"Now the family is not so strict about whether the new generation of young people shave their heads or not!"Baiduin Phoenix hugged his shoulders and said,"I can keep my hairstyle freely and dye it freely.……"

""Puh~ Really?""That's such a pity!"

Niou sighed.

Byodoin Phoenix snorted coldly and thought: Oh, I really disappoint you!

At this moment, the two of them walked to the main hall. The elder with excellent eyesight and the current head of the family looked at the two young men who were talking freely in the courtyard and laughed involuntarily.

"I thought someone was deliberately plotting against Phoenix this time, but now it seems that this kid is a person with a righteous heart.……"

An elder of the Byodoin family said.

Most of the demon hunter families can read minds, that is, they can judge a person's temperament and character by looking at the aura and the aura emitted from the body.

In the eyes of the Byodoin family, Niou exudes a lively and unrestrained white light, with a lively aura, lively and full of vitality... and that white light all over his body is exactly the virtue that a good person should have!

"Not an ordinary person, but a good kid!"The current head of the Edoin family, Edoin Phoenix's father, said

"Do we need to call them in?" asked the elder of the Equal Court.

"Of course we have called them here. If we don't meet them, it will seem like we have deliberately broken our promise to them!"Bai Su of Byodoin is not like the Phoenix of Byodoin, who is naturally majestic and looks fierce. He is an extremely kind middle-aged man.

At least when Niou saw him, he thought, hey, this middle-aged uncle is not bad...

After a friendly conversation, the Phoenix of Byodoin brought Niou Masaharu out.

"Senior, uncle is younger than you!"

Ryoou poked the heart of Byodoin Phoenix without hesitation.

Although she was used to him speaking rudely to her, Byodoin Phoenix still trembled in her heart when she heard this.

This guy——

"I used to be very handsome……"It was just because of the mistakes they made when they first met that their appearances were delayed, which led to Niou always thinking that he looked old and ugly.

In fact, he is really handsome after shaving his beard!

"But you never shaved in front of me.……"Ren Wang said,"I just washed my face once... I can barely see the outline!"

The first time he met Byodoin Phoenix, this man had just run out of the circle of the Time Travel Army and his face was covered with blood.

He couldn't see his appearance clearly.

Even if he washed his face later, he had a layer of dark stubble on his face because he was chased for several days and nights.

Although it was not long, it greatly affected the overall appearance.

Not to mention after that, every time they met, the beard on Byodoin Phoenix's face was running on the road of getting longer and longer!

And his teammates were even more terrifying -

Byodoin Phoenix:"……"

This is such a truth that makes people anxious!

He could ignore it before, but today he lost when compared to his old father. The Phoenix of Byodoin couldn't stand it anymore. There must be an explanation for this matter.

"Come with me——"He grabbed Ren Wang and started walking towards the inner courtyard.

"Where are you taking me?" Ren Wang asked in confusion.

"Go to my room and I'll show you something.——"Practice is the only criterion for testing truth, this is the truth of the flower-growing family next door.

He wants to prove to Niou that what he said was never a lie!

Taking out his junior high school competition album and handing it to Niou, Byodoin Phoenix walked to the bathroom alone.

It's decided-he's going to shave.

He must shave off that layer of beard, so that he can see how his appearance without a beard compares to his father!

It can only be said that men have terrible self-esteem~

Until he held a photo album in his arms, Niou didn't react why things had developed to this point. Aren't they discussing... whether Heinoin Phoenix's father is kind? Why do you have to look at the photo album?

But someone's past is in the palm of your hand, and it seems a bit sorry for yourself if you don't look at it-

I have to say that Niou Masaharu is shamefully moved!

His slender fingers reached for the album in his arms little by little. The moment he dropped it, Ren Wang heard the little man in his heart cheering. He couldn't wait to open it. What he didn't expect was that the first photo on it was actually a confident young man in green. His short golden hair was shining in the sun...

But no matter how brilliant his hair was, it couldn't stop the boy's wanton smile, and the natural domineering and confident flying in his bright eyes.

This was a photo taken with his teammates when Byodoin Phoenix Junior High School won the national competition. He put it in the first photo of the album. Its commemorative value is self-evident!

Without the beard, this young and mature face is full of handsomeness and domineering. Although the overly arrogant smile reduced a lot of impression points, men all admire strong people. No one cares about beauty. They care more about the person's performance!

"Phew~ I really didn't expect this!"It turns out that the face under the beard can withstand so much beating!

Niou touched his chin and felt that he had learned something new. Byodoin Phoenix is really a man who gives her a surprise from time to time.

Speaking of which……

"Senior, what are you doing in there?"Rinou noticed that the Phoenix of Byodoin had been in there for a while.

"brush……"The paper door was suddenly opened!

The man was obviously covered with water vapor, and the cool water drops slid down his neck like transparent pearls from the mountains. They slid from his neck to his body little by little, and slowly fell into the gaps between his eight abdominal muscles. The water drops seemed to have their own seductive colors, arousing colorful desires in people's hearts.

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