Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1360: Official opening

  Chapter 1360 Official Announcement of Opening

  As the admiral was meditating, the office door was knocked suddenly, and the admiral raised his head and said, "Come in."

  A man in a black robe walked in,

   Seeing this man, Admiral frowned subconsciously, "Why are you here? Haven't I given you everything you want?"

  The man’s voice was a little hoarse, "Don’t you want to get rid of your brother? I don’t need my help anymore?"

  Business people are born with a keen sense of danger. Although the black-robed man has indeed helped him a lot, Xuanyi always has a hunch that he cannot have too much intersection with this black-robed man.

  Shanli stood up and said, "No need, I can do it myself."

   "Okay," the black robe man didn't bother too much. He stretched out his hand and handed a small locked box to Xuan Li, "This thing, you find a way to send it to Xia Wanyuan and the others,"

  Looking at the box that was full of quaint aura, Admiral was inexplicably afraid of it, "What is this?"

  The black-robed man became a little impatient, "I just let you do it. Where is so much nonsense."

  Xuanli reached out and took it. To his surprise, the box was quite light, almost weightless, "Give it to Xia Bangyuan, and then?"

"You don't need to worry about the next thing." The black-robed man turned around and prepared to go, and suddenly stopped when he was approaching the door. "I warn you, if someone else opens this box, everyone will die. Undoubtedly, you should know that I never frighten others."

  After speaking, the black robe man left here directly.

  The room became quiet again, and Xuanyi stared at the complicated patterns on the box for a long time, and finally dispelled her curiosity and put the box aside.

  He was just a man who robbed a dog for food on the side of the road. He was sent back to China and became the prince of the Xuan family just because he agreed to the black-robed man’s bargain.

  He also sent someone to check the origin of the black-robed man, but it was blank.

  For the unknown, the human nature is to be in awe, and he dare not touch that person's things because he is afraid of accidents.

  But how can this thing be delivered to Xia Manyuan? ?

  Xuanli thought about it, and suddenly thought of the ancient tomb that was being excavated, he asked his assistant to come in and handed him the box.

   "Find a few archaeological experts, let them take this box to Linxi, and put the box in the tomb when others are not paying attention."


  The assistant's movements were quite fast. In just one night, the box lay peacefully in the depths of the tomb.

  Early the next morning, the archaeological team came to excavate as usual. As soon as the shovel went down, they encountered a hard object.

  The archaeologists dug carefully, and their eyes widened when they saw the box, "Here is a well-preserved item!"

  Everyone hurriedly gathered around, carefully swept away the soil around it, took pictures, sealed it, and then sent it to the museum warehouse.

  At this time, Xia Wanyuan, accompanied by Jun Shiling, was checking the rest of the Moon Bay project.

  Jun Shiling has never been interested in beautiful food, but the Moon Bay project developed by Xia Wanyuan made him very interested.

After drinking a small glass of wine by a broken bridge, Jun Shiling picked up a lotus flower from the lake. He handed the flower to Xia Bangyuan, "Thanks for our work, Mr. Xia. The work here is very beautiful. What do you do? They are all great."

  Xia Wanyuan stretched out his hand to take the flower, "Thank you, Mr. President for the compliment,"

  The lotus blossomed just right, Xia Wanyuan sniffed it lightly, then looked around, "I didn't think about how much current flow should be restricted every day."

  Jun Shiling has participated in many such scheme designs. He calculated the area of ​​the entire project in his mind, and then compared it with the supporting facilities he saw in the past few days.

   "It is more appropriate to limit the current flow of 30,000 people per day,"

   "Okay, then I'll listen to you." Xia Wanyuan nodded, and then called Shen Qian to explain related matters.

   Soon, the official Weibo of the Moon Bay project released ticket sales information to the country.

  At the same time, Xia Wanyuan’s account on the extranet also updated the ticket sales information simultaneously.

Seeing that this project finally began to sell tickets to the public, everyone was very excited at the beginning. After all, this is a tourism project developed by Xia Bangyuan. The stars have their own fan effect. A large number of people flocked to the official Weibo to want the first time. Grab the ticket.

  However, when seeing the fare, everyone’s heart was basically broken.

  Because the ticketing website clearly states, "The full ticket is 1,000, including all the attractions in the scenic spot and the cost of food and beverages of the specified category. There is a limit of 30,000 per day."

  Everyone didn’t pay attention to anything else, just the two numbers of 1,000 and 30,000 are enough to shock everyone’s attention.

【I am not wrong, right? ? 1,000 sheets? ? Does the richest wife need to look so ugly? ? It's better to grab it quickly, it's really speechless. 】

   [Laughing to death, I hang 1,000 tickets, and there is a limit of 30,000 per day. Are you crazy or I am crazy, if I have this money, I will go to other places to eat and play well. Isn't it fragrant? ? Here is the wool for you? ? 】

  [People's certain park is only a few hundred yuan for tickets. I don't know how embarrassed to receive 1,000 for a broken resort, and there is a limited amount. I suspect that this place will not survive a month. 】

  【. . . Do you need to be so excited? ? Didn’t everyone say that they included part of the designated food and drink? It’s a good deal to do so. 】

  The voice of reason is always drowned in the angry condemnation of netizens,

  In itself, Xia Bangyuan is a representative of the rich and a star, making money faster. Now she is developing a tourism project, which has naturally become the focus of everyone.

  And the ticket fee of 1,000 yuan is indeed higher than 99% of domestic tourist attractions, no wonder everyone is so excited.

  But with excitement and excitement, there are still some people with strong curiosity who tried to buy tickets for the Moon Bay project, wanting to see what kind of mood Xia Wanyuan dared to set the tickets so expensive.

  Domestic netizens are so excited, not to mention the ridicule from abroad,

  The most representative entertainment project abroad is Di Park, which belongs to the overlord level of park projects in the world, and its price is now inferior to the Moon Bay project.

  Foreign netizens naturally compared the Moon Bay project with Di Paradise. The more the comparison, the greater the laughter from everyone. In the end, the Moon Bay project was already on the Internet before it opened.

Although    is black and red, at least, most foreign netizens know that the richest family in China still thinks about the wool of fans even when they are extremely rich, and delusional to make a paradise project that rivals Di Park.

  (End of this chapter)

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