Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1361: Rainy night

  Chapter 1361 Rainy night

  Whether it is black or holding, at least for now, the popularity of Moon Bay Paradise is unparalleled.

  Under the circumstance of scorn and ridicule at home and abroad, people in the advertising industry simply want to envy this kind of hot attribute of Xia Manyuan.

  "Good fellow, what kind of enthusiasm is Xia Wanyuan? With her, there are hundreds of millions of dollars left in advertising expenses."

   "Hundreds of millions of dollars may not be able to achieve her effect... It takes no effort to make your project famous all over the world... How many companies spend a lifetime failing to reach this level."

  Regardless of admiration or mockery, as these people said, Moon Bay Paradise is on fire, and many netizens at home and abroad are waiting for its opening.

  Linxi has entered the rainy season. During this time, the continuous rain has never stopped. Shen Qian once again confirmed with Xia Wanyuan. After getting a positive answer, he announced to his subordinates that the opening time will not change.

  Tomorrow is the opening ceremony of Moon Bay. Tonight, the entire park is brightly lit. Everyone is working overtime to prepare for tomorrow.

  The night is getting deeper, the rain is getting heavier, and the thunder is faintly roaring,

  Xuan Sheng stood by the window, quietly watching the lightning outside the window, and the assistant was anxious beside him, “Mr. Xuan, it’s raining so hard, what can I do for the opening ceremony tomorrow?”

   "Since Xia Wanyuan said yes, then yes." Xuan Sheng replied faintly.

   "Okay." Xuan Sheng said so, the assistant did not dare to say anything else, he stood behind Xuan Sheng and accompanied Xuan Sheng in a daze.

  Time gradually passed, the night was getting deeper and the rain was getting heavier, the assistant just wanted to ask Xuan Sheng if he should go to rest, and there was a messy footsteps outside the room.

  The door of the room was knocked, and a rainy person rushed in, "Ms. Xuan, something happened to Miss Xia!"

  Xuansheng turned around suddenly, "What's the matter?"

   "Miss Xia turned back and wanted to see our preparations again. I met a landslide on the way. Hearing from the people over there, the whole car rolled into the valley."

  Xuan Sheng immediately rushed to the door, "How is it possible? Where is Jun Shiling?"

   "Mr. Xuan, don’t the Linxi City officials have a dinner with Mr. Jun tonight?"

Xuan Sheng's face suddenly became ugly. His subordinates were right. In order to win over Jun Shiling, the Linxi City officials hosted a dinner at a hotel in the city tonight and invited the Lin family to accompany him, although they also sent him an invitation letter. , But he did not go.

  "Have you called the police?" Xuan Sheng grabbed the collar of his subordinates,

   "The rain is too heavy, and the road over there is landslide. Although the police has called the police, the police will not be able to get in for a while." The subordinate said as he wiped the mud from his face.

  Xuansheng let go of his subordinates, and rushed straight into the rain curtain. The assistant shouted behind him for a long time without being able to shout.

   "Really!" The assistant took an umbrella and rushed out, "It's such a heavy rain, ancestors, wait for me!!"

  The rain gradually fell heavily, hitting the mountain path like a bet,

The   Moon Bay project was originally built on natural mountains and rivers, many of which have not been remodeled and still maintain the original landforms. At this time, it became muddy after the rain.

  Following the direction of his subordinates, Xuan Sheng drove the car to the south.

  However, he had just recovered from the last explosion, his body was hanging on the medicine Shen Xiu had prescribed, and now he was in a hurry, and with the violent storm, Xuan Sheng’s body began to appear strange.

  The subordinate on the co-pilot glanced at Xuan Sheng and said, “Mr. Xuan, otherwise let me drive, I know the way, you take a break, and you will have to contact the police outside for a while.”

"Okay." Xuan Sheng stopped the car to the side of the road, the subordinate got off the co-pilot and went around to Xuan Sheng's side. He stretched out his hand to touch the steering wheel, and in the next second, he directly took out his right hand with his back behind him. The knife slashed straight towards Xuan Sheng.

  A white light flashed in the rearview mirror suddenly, and Xuan Sheng dodged subconsciously.

   Seeing that a blow could not be achieved, the subordinates slashed towards Xuan Sheng. The two struggled in the rain and plunged into the mud. They were completely unrecognizable by the mud.


  Early the next morning, it was time for the opening ceremony, but everyone searched the entire hotel and found no trace of Xuan Sheng.

  At this time, Xia Wanyuan and Jun Shiling had also arrived at Moon Bay. Everyone reported the situation to Xia Wanyuan. Xia Wanyuan frowned, "He is not someone who doesn't know how serious it is. Is there something wrong?"

  At this moment, a muddy man ran towards the door of the hotel. Everyone stopped him. He wiped his face. It was the assistant next to Xuan Sheng.

   "Where is your boss?" Xia Wanyuan walked up to him and asked.

   "Miss Xia?! Didn't you fall into the valley? When did you go back yesterday?" The assistant panted.

"What valley? I went back after I checked it yesterday." A bad premonition surged in Xia Wanyuan's heart. Hearing Xia Wanyuan's words, the assistant's face changed drastically, "Yesterday someone came and said that you fell into the valley. Mr. Xuan was worried about you. Just follow that person and leave, if you are okay, then we Xuan Zong?!"

  Xia Wanyuan took the assistant to the side to ask, and now everyone standing not far away is looking curiously here.

  Xia Wanyuan thought for a moment, “Don’t panic. You can’t let others know about Xuansheng’s disappearance now. I’ll let people find it. After you cooperate with me to make a round, you should also go to Xuansheng.”

   "Okay, I'll listen to you." The assistant nodded, and then followed Xia Wanyuan over.

  "Is President Xuan not here yet?" Someone couldn't help but ask curiously.

  The assistant wiped the mud off his face, “Don’t mention it, our car broke down on the mountain. I came back to look for the car and fell on the road. It’s raining really hard.”

   "Oh, it broke down, is it far?"

   "It's far, the road on the mountain is slippery. It is estimated that I won't be able to return for a while. Mr. Xuan said that he will not come forward according to the original procedure. It is the same if Miss Xia comes forward."

   "Okay." The assistant's reaction was normal. Everyone cared about Xuan Sheng's situation and didn't ask more.

   Assistant Xia Wanyuan winked, and the assistant stepped aside, Xia Wanyuan led the others into the paradise.

  Although the tickets are quite expensive in the eyes of many people, for many fans of Xia Bangyuan, they are quite willing to support the idol’s cause with a thousand dollars.

  Xia Bangyuan has a lot of fans, so on the first day of opening, 30,000 tickets were sold out, but the time to sell out was a little longer, and it took a whole week or so.

  In view of the high popularity of Moon Bay during this time, it opened today, even if Xia Wanyuan did not specifically invite it, news media from all over the world have already filled the entire Moon Bay.

  (End of this chapter)

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