Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1508: Dad is coming

  Chapter 1508 Dad is here

  Xiao Jiajin was anxious and even the little milk sound came out, but Jun Shiling was not surprised at all, and responded calmly.

   "She is not your sister in the first place."

   "Dad?" Xiao Jiajin widened her eyes, "But, my sister doesn't want to go, can I not send her away, I like this sister."

  Jun Shiling was silent for a moment, "No,"

  Little Jiajin started to cry when she was wronged, "Dad, please, or else, let my sister stay with us for a while, and then send it back later, okay?"

   "No," Jun Shiling was very tough, "You don't mess around and let the butler send her away."

  After speaking, Jun Shiling hung up the phone.

  Listening to the beeping sound on the phone, she took another look at Xiao Xia Xia who was looking at her miserably not far away. Xiao Jiajin was very sad.

Behind the couple standing by the couple was instructed. Seeing that Xiao Jiajin could not pull Jun Shiling back, they immediately felt relieved. The two of them stepped forward and took Xiao Xiaxia's arm one by one, "Follow us, my dear daughter. Don't worry, we will treat you well,"

  The two were anxious to take Xiao Xia Xia away, and they didn't even consider that their movements had already pinched Xiao Xia Xia's arms.

  Xiao Xia Xia kept struggling, turned her head and cried at Xiao Jiajin, "Second Brother"

   Xiao Jiajin stood there at a loss. He didn't want to let Xiao Xia Xia go, but he knew in his heart that Xiao Xia Xia had her original parents, and they didn't have any reason to force Xiao Xia Xia to stay.

  In the office of the Jun Group, according to the plan, it should be time for a meeting, but Jun Shiling has been standing by the window, quietly, without any intention to leave.

  Lin Jing came in from the door, after considering for a moment, he stepped forward and handed the documents in his hand to Jun Shiling.

  "Mr. Jun."

  Jun Shiling turned his head and glanced at the file, "What is this?"

  "It was a photo of the young lady when she left the manor, sent by the butler, would you like to see it?"

  Jun Shiling's eyes condensed slightly, and finally shook his head, "Forget it."

  Lin Jing didn't say more, and when he left, he left the papers on the table.

  Jun Shiling heard the sound of placing the file, but he didn't look back, looking at the horizon for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

  At this time, on the plane flying from the Imperial Capital to Wuyi Mountain, Xiao Xiaxia and his wife were sitting in the first-class cabin together.

  Compared to Xiao Xiaxia’s cramped and sad, the couple was very excited. After all, it was the first time to take first class. After lunch, the two of them asked the flight attendant to ask for a few more bottles of drinks.

  Waiting to eat and drink enough, the man winked at the woman, "You go to coax her, crying all the way, why so many tears, so annoying, I want to sleep for a while."

  The woman was too lazy to coax Xiao Xia Xia, “Oh, let her cry. It’s fine if she’s tired. I want to sleep too.”

  Speaking, the two lowered their seats, pulled on the quilt, and began to sleep.

  Xiao Xia Xia was tired and hungry on the sidelines, and she was even more sad when she thought that Jun Shiling would not want her. In addition, she did not like to fly by plane. At this time, she encountered strong air currents and turbulence.

  Xiao Xia Xia cried too much, coupled with the bumps, she couldn't help but vomited out, just on the woman's quilt.

With a "pop", the woman directly reached out and slapped Xiao Xia Xia.

  Xiao Xia Xia was beaten up by her, looking at the woman in a daze,

"It's so annoying, if you cry again, I will throw you down," the woman glared at Xiao Xiaxia, "Shut up, and thought you were the lady of the Jun family? I tell you, you are now the grasshopper in my hand. I will beat you if I cry again."

  After finishing speaking, the woman threw the dirty quilt on Xiao Xia Xia, then pulled the man’s quilt and lay down and continued to sleep.

  The face that had been beaten was hot, Xiao Xia Xia silently curled up in the corner and shed tears, tears dripping down her arms, she thought aggrieved, "Dad, I want to be with you."

  In the Jun’s group at this time, Jun Shiling has been standing by the window for four hours, and the lights outside the window have been turned on.

  In the quiet street, a loud whistle suddenly sounded, pulling Jun Shiling out of his contemplation. He turned around and prepared to take a drink. After a glance, he saw the documents on the table.

  Jun Shiling was silent for a moment, deliberately ignoring the documents, and went to the desk to start processing work.

  It was late at night, and all the documents had been processed. Jun Shiling stood up and accidentally touched the cup next to him. The spoon made a crisp sound in the cup, which seemed particularly harsh on this quiet night.

  Jun Shiling glanced down, his eyes lagging slightly.

  On this cup is a very rough cartoon rabbit, which is incompatible with other decorations in the office. It is childish and cute.

  This is made by Xiao Xia Xia specially for Jun Shi Ling. Xiao Xia Xia likes to stick to Jun Shi Ling. When Jun Shi Ling is not at home, Xiao Xia Xia will tell Jun Shi Ling what she has learned from the teacher.

  This porcelain cup was learned by Xiao Xia Xia from her teacher. The first thing she did after learning it was to make one for Jun Shiling.

  Jun Shiling's eyes stayed on the cup for a long time, finally couldn't help but walked to the sofa, opened the file that Lin Jing had left and took a look, his eyes condensed.

  There are a few photos in the file. Xiao Xia Xia is crying at the camera with tears and she doesn't have the usual smile at all.

  Looking at the bruise pinched out on Xiao Xiaxia’s arm, Jun Shiling frowned and took out his cell phone to call Lin Jing.

   "Come with me to Wuyi Mountain."


  The speed of the private plane has been increased to the extreme. When Xiao Xiaxia's plane arrived at Wuyishan Airport, Jun Shiling's private plane also happened to arrive at the airport.

  Xiao Xia Xia cried all night hungry and tired, and now she finally has no strength.

  The couple half dragged Xiao Xiaxia away, "Hurry up. The Jun family has sent a lot of things to our family. I'm going to see what they are. I don't know if I can sell them at a good price."

   "Well, this little girl is too squeamish, what are you going to do when you get it back? It will be very difficult to raise in the future."

   "Oh, anything that is difficult to raise is accustomed to. Look at her when she is hungry for a few days, she will eat everything."

   "That's true."

  The two were talking while walking outside the airport, but after two steps, there was a sound of footsteps behind them.


  The couple looked back, their eyes widened, this. . . How could this person look like Jun Shiling? ?

  Jun Shiling glanced at Xiao Xiaxia, who was exhausted, her face sank, "That's how you treated her? Since you don't raise her well, you don't have to take her back."

  The couple was photographed by Jun Shiling's momentum, their hands and feet were soft, but thinking of the high bonuses given by the people behind, the woman calmly took out the paternity test report.

   "We are her parents, can we still harm her?"

  (End of this chapter)

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