Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1509: Father and daughter recognize each other

   Chapter 1509 Father and Daughter Recognizing Each Other

   Seeing the appraisal report in the woman’s hand, Jun Shiling’s eyes moved slightly,

  He asked Lin Jing to also take Xiao Xiaxia's data to do a paternity test with the couple. The final result showed that they were indeed Xiao Xiaxia's biological parents, and Jun Shiling agreed to take Xiao Xiaxia away.

  But he did not expect that this couple would treat Xiao Xia Xia like this.

  At this time, Xiao Xia Xia was lying in the woman's arms, as if she was too weak to cry. Jun Shiling stepped forward, "put her down."

"No," a panic flashed in the woman's eyes, and she hid Xiao Xia Xia behind her, "Mr. Jun, we know that you are a big man, but the big man must abide by the law???? She is our daughter, what are you? Do you want to steal other people's children in broad daylight?"

  The acting skills of the couple are superb, but any slight expression is fully exposed under Jun Shiling’s eyes.

Jun Shiling noticed the panic flashing in the woman's eyes, he glanced at Lin Jing, and Lin Jing immediately led someone to control the couple.

  The woman's hand softened, and Xiao Xia in her arms fell straight down, and was firmly caught by Jun Shiling before falling to the ground.

  At this time, Jun Shiling discovered that Xiao Xia Xia was asleep, she had fainted, her palm-sized face was pale, and her breath had become quite weak.

   "Go to the hospital." As Jun Shiling said, he hugged Xiao Xiaxia and walked out.

  The hospital had already made preparations. The first time Xiao Xia Xia was delivered, she was taken to the operating room.

  But the medical facilities in this small town were not good, and Shen Xiu was still on his way. The chief surgeon made a mistake in an urgent operation, causing Xiao Xiaxia’s wound to bleed heavily.

  There was no blood type matching Xiao Xiaxia in the blood bank in this small hospital. The doctor promptly reported the situation to Jun Shiling.

  Jun Shiling asked Xiao Xiaxia's blood type, then stood up, "I can give her a blood transfusion, but mine."


  The blood problem was solved, and the doctors began to perform the operation methodically, but the blood was infused into Xiao Xia Xia's body. Not only did her condition not get better, but it got worse.

   "No." The experienced doctor instantly noticed something was wrong, "If there is a problem, stop immediately."

  Jun Shiling sat next to him and waited for the blood transfusion, watching the nurse interrupt the operation, "What's the matter?"

  "Mr. Jun, is this your biological daughter?" The nurse saw this situation a lot and judged the situation of Jun Shiling and the patient based on experience.

   Jun Shiling's thick eyebrows constricted, "What?"

  "Your daughter really looks like you. I thought you knew that your immediate family members could not have blood transfusions."

  The nurse was still talking, but Jun Shiling had already stood up. He strode outside the door and called Lin Jing, "Go and check on the spot."

   "What to check?"

  "My relationship with that child, this time, I will test it anonymously."


  In the operating room, Xiao Xia Xia's condition became worse and worse, but fortunately, Shen Xiu arrived in time and saved Xiao Xia Xia from the brink of death.

  At the same time, in the hospital lobby, Lin Jing put all ten test reports in front of Jun Shiling.

  "Mr. Jun, these are ten reports, all of which were tested anonymously."

  Jun Shiling picked up the report, turned it over and glanced at it, his eyes froze, he put down one book, and opened another one.

  Soon, all ten books were opened,

  At the end of every book is the same sentence,

  "After testing, the probability of testing the relationship between the father and daughter of both parties is 99.99%"

  (End of this chapter)

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