What the little wolf cub saw was not a fake. At this time, Ji Yunkai was indeed in so much pain that she was about to die, yet she just couldn't die no matter what …

Of course, she didn't want to die either.

When she woke up again, she found that life was better than death.

Two hours later, someone took the stick away, but the pain in her head did not lessen in the slightest.

She felt as if she was being stabbed by needles or cut by a knife. She was in so much pain that she wanted to smash her head against the wall. Her entire body was extremely weak.

When he woke up again, his head was still heavy and there was still some dull pain. However, he didn't look as if he was going to die.

Someone came and fed her with food and water, and she was barely able to regain her strength, but she was still not free. Her four feet were tied to the rack, and she could not move.

She wanted to ask the people around her what had happened. Where was this? What was the purpose of her captors?

However, it was useless …

The people here acted as if they didn't understand her words. No one paid attention to her no matter what she said.

Just like that, she was hung on the rack. Every day, she would be fed no more or less. She would not die of hunger, but she would also not be full.

After living like this for three days, she gradually felt her strength returning, or perhaps it was better to say that she didn't have a headache anymore. Her Discipline was almost recovered, and she tried to activate her Discipline to cut the chains that bound her.

However, before she could move, the people here took another needle and stabbed it into her head …

After that, it was the same experience she had experienced the first time. However, this time, she clearly felt that it was the needle that had pulled out her Spiritual Energy …

It was the same as the first time. She had been in pain for two whole hours. During this time, she fainted from the pain, woke up from the pain, and fainted again from the pain … It went on and on until they pulled the needle out and she fainted.

When she woke up again, her situation had not changed. There were still people who fed her regularly. After three days, her mental strength had recovered and she was once again extracted …

This kind of life lasted for a full three months.

For the next three months, she was continuously extracted by these people and locked in the dark world.

After being tortured for nearly a hundred days, Ji Yunkai had thought that he would go crazy or die.

Miraculously, she did not go crazy. In fact, her fighting spirit grew stronger and her mind became clearer and clearer.

Each time he was tormented by pain, Ji Yunkai would become tougher and stronger, and he would also become more convinced of his will to live on.

She could not die!

These people had tortured her for more than a hundred days, extracted her endless spiritual force, tortured her to an inhuman state. If she died just like that, these people would dig a hole and bury her, then at that time, who would know what had happened to her?

Who would avenge her?

She wanted to live, she had to live …

To see her son alive!

Carrying this conviction, Ji Yunkai endured for three months like this.

After the thirty-third time he lost consciousness from the pain, Ji Yunkai, who was used to this kind of pain, retained a little of his consciousness and also heard the conversation of these people.

"The Adepts this time are way too strong. They didn't die even after three months. The former Adepts could only survive for a month, and most of them died after half a month."

"Isn't it good to hold on for a long time? They died too fast. We had to search for Adepts, but they weren't easy to find. Even if they found us, it wouldn't be easy for us low level Adepts to tie them up. We were lucky to run into someone who was injured and had no companions. Otherwise … I don't know how many people will die trying to find such an Adept. "

"Being able to see hope is good enough. It'll only give us power. No matter how many we lose, it'll be worth it."

"Brat, you think too innocently … Adepts are so hard to find. Even if we find one or two, we'll give them to the adults to use first. No one knew when it would happen. I don't want superpowers right now. I just want to have a full meal. How long has it been since we had a full meal? If this goes on, we'll be eating people again. "

… ….

The blurry Ji Yunkai did not hear what the two people behind said, but from their short conversation, Ji Yunkai roughly understood his own situation.

The people who were holding her prisoner were a group of low level people. In other words, they were people without superpowers in this ten-sided world.

These people treated her like food, or perhaps it was better to say that her Discipline was like food. Every time she was selected, someone who didn't have any special abilities would gain special abilities.

Although she didn't know how these people had done it, she was certain that they were able to subdue her Discipline for their own use.

These were the reasons for her current situation, and the most interesting news to Ji Yunkai was: These people's situation are very bad, they don't have enough to eat!

To a special ability user that could stimulate the growth of a hundred herbs, making people … Eating to your heart's content was too easy.

In order to improve her situation, when someone came to feed her, she did not wait for that person to leave and anxiously said: "I can give birth to Hundred Herbs, I can make all of you … Everyone is full, I can. Talk to your adults? "

The man did not reply Ji Yunkai, but he did not leave either, and stood in the darkness, sizing her up.

After staying in this dark world for a long time, Ji Yunkai was barely able to see something from within the darkness. She saw the cold eyes of that person as he sized her up, and she also saw his hesitation …

Ji Yunkai thought about it and immediately understood why he hesitated.

No matter how poor this organization was, how many people were unable to eat their fill, as the leader, they could not starve, and could even eat well.

Her superpower was the leader's' food '. As the leader, how could she sacrifice her own food for the sake of the people below?

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