If a person did not commit suicide, then the heavens would be destroyed and the earth would be destroyed. In order to live well, in order to live well, Ji Yunkai didn't hesitate at all and decided to incite this person, who brought him food every day, to look like he still had a little brains …

"Most of you don't have enough to eat, but he only cares about himself. Is such a person worthy for you to follow?"

"If that's the case, then what's the difference between following you adults and being bullied by your adepts?" "Maybe it'd be better if you were a Power User. At least with your abilities, you guys can eat your fill, can't you?"

"I'm not trying to incite you guys to anything, but you should think about it. Do you really want to spend your whole life working for your lord just to turn him into a Power User?"

"I don't think I'm the first Adept you've caught, and I don't suppose I'll be the last." But, you captured so many Adepts. Amongst you … "Besides you adults, how many have become Adepts?"

"I hope you think about it carefully. I can give you what you adults can't. The most wonderful thing is that I do not have any combat power. You two cooperate with me and do not need to worry about me running away, and even be able to eat your fill. Why not? "

"I know you all want to become Adepts, but …" Will your master give you the Disciplines he extracted from me? No! "But it's different if you overthrow him. You draw my Discipline from me in the future, so we can split it equally. Everyone has it."

"Do you want to try replacing it …" With me helping you, you should understand that for other people, eating their fill right now is more tempting than having a superpower. As long as you can make them eat their fill, they will definitely believe you. "

… ….

Ji Yunkai had always been talking, always talking, she could not remember how much she said, and what she said after, she could not remember either. In order to obtain freedom, to stop the endless torture that she had to endure, in order to convince this person, she could only constantly come up with more chips, so as to make this person's heart move …

As for her, would she be able to leave the wolf cave and enter the tiger's den?

Ji Yunkai did not care. As long as she obtained her freedom, as long as she left this damned place, even if she sold her soul to the demons, she would not hesitate.

… ….

Ji Yunkai knew that it would take time to convince a person to rebel, so he did not think about it too much.

As long as that person didn't report her, she wasn't in a hurry.

If one day didn't work, then she would wait two days. If two days didn't work, then she would wait ten days. If ten days didn't work, then she would wait one month.

She wasn't afraid of waiting. She was afraid that there would be no hope. As long as she had hope, she would be able to wait for a long time.

One month after the other, after she incited that person, she waited for three full months. From midsummer to autumn, then from autumn to winter …

She had to endure the pain of having her Discipline extracted every three days. She had to suffer the torment of living a life worse than death. However, she didn't die. She lived and waited …

After half a year of inhuman living, she finally received the news she wanted.

That day, when the person who fed her stuffed the food into her mouth, he whispered in her ear, "All the food is already empty. It's time to start eating people."

"Congratulations, your chance has come." Ji Yunkai revealed a weak smile.

"I will think of a way for you to eat your fill in the next few days. Do it in three days. to let me see enough food. " The person whispered in Ji Yunkai's ear.

"As long as there are seeds, believe me …" Being alone in the darkness, Ji Yunkai was still not crazy. Her mind was still clear, which showed how strong her heart was.

To a normal person, staying in this dark environment for three to five days was enough to drive them crazy, not to mention that they would have to suffer once every three days.

"I will be ready, I hope. "You are obedient enough, don't force me to do what he did. He treats you like a pig and cuts me every day." The man was not only ambitious, but courageous.

"I'm just a weak girl. My Discipline isn't fighting. I just want to be free. I have no other ideas." Having been locked up for half a year and tormented every day, it was impossible to say that he had no thoughts of revenge.

However, Ji Yunkai was even more clear that at this very moment, revenge was not important. What was important was surviving, possessing freedom, being able to live like a human being, otherwise, everything would have been for naught …

"Remember what you said. If you had any other thoughts, I wouldn't kill you. I would keep you locked up like this. I would drain your Discipline every day until you were drained."

"Don't worry..." Ji Yunkai feigned fear at the right time and cowered.

The man finally left in satisfaction.

In the next two days, that person brought enough food for Ji Yunkai, but did not speak to her again. On the third day, that person …

He had finally brought the key!

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