Hate is a foolish thing to do.]

This was abnormal!

Everyone present, including the little wolf cub, understood this point, but no one dared to step forward!

The royal family had studied the Emperor of Silence for many years, they had made wild guesses, the Emperor of Silence was too powerful, and too heaven defying, so the heavens would not let him live too easily …

It was impossible for someone like the Silent Emperor to not have enemies. The more he used his destructive abilities, the more he would destroy himself.

Initially, the royal family was only guessing who it was. However, based on this guess, the royal family decided to try their best to win the favor of Emperor Mo Wu's attitude.

So what if someone who was strong but could not live for more than a few years was giving him more benefits?

He was not destined to use it!

So what if he earned the world?

He still had no life.

In a situation where the Nihility Sovereign King was fighting with another power and both parties were injured, the royal family could take advantage of this situation.

All these years … In terms of how the Royal Family treats the Emperor of the Fences, they have always tried to curry favor with and cooperate with the Emperor. This proves that their decision was correct.

For thousands of years, the four great families of the ten-sided world had been changing, one after another, with only the royal family standing firmly.

And today …

When they saw the black gas surrounding the prince's body, as if it was a backlash from the destructive power, they were even more sure that their guess was correct.

When Princess Meng Xi saw that the prince had been surrounded by the black qi, after the initial shock, only ecstasy remained.

The Nihility Sovereign King was terrifying, but if he didn't have much time to live, then no matter how terrifying he was, he wouldn't be terrifying.

Their royal family only needed to choose to remain dormant and not fight with the Emperor of the Fates when he appears. The final victory would definitely belong to them.

After confirming this secret, Princess Meng Xi was truly overjoyed. She was so happy that she seemed to have lost herself in joy, to the point that she revealed a calm expression …

Although the prince had always been surrounded by the black gas, it did not mean that he was unaware of what was happening in the outside world.

Seeing Princess Meng Xi's uncontrollable smile, the Prince coldly snorted and moved his wrist. A black stream of air flew towards Princess Meng Xi, passing through Princess Meng Xi's arm ….

"Ahh …" Princess Meng Xi gave a pitiful cry as she looked at her rotting arms. She then shouted in fear, "Save me!"

"Princess!" The royal family's Adept shouted. He slashed out a burst of Adept power, cutting off Princess Meng Xi's arm.

"Ahh …" Princess Mengxi cried out once more in pain as she hugged her broken arm. The pain was so intense that cold sweat flowed down her body, but she did not dare to get angry at her prince. What's the matter with you? "

"Hmph …" You want to use This King? Use This King as a blade? Your royal family wants to see if you have the ability. Before This King dies, This King also has the ability to destroy the ten-sided world and to pull everyone to accompany This King in death. " The prince's hands fiercely shook, and the black air around his body dissipated with his movements.

The prince who had just walked out from the black fog had a pale face, but he seemed to be in good spirits …

"Jiu An, are you alright?" Only then did Mo Qixi dare to step forward.

"This King is fine." The prince closed his eyes, concealing the violence and weakness within them.

Princess Meng Xi had discovered it, so of course he had as well ….

As expected, the heavens were fair.

The destructive power was too strong, to the point that the heavens did not allow him to use it without restraint.

The power of destruction, while destroying all things, was destroying itself as well. The more times he used this power, the more dangerous he would become …

"It's good that you're fine, it's good that you're fine, you really scared me to death just now, I thought … You will be controlled by this power. " Mo Qi let out a long sigh of relief.

The way that Jiu An had just been surrounded by black gas was simply too terrifying.

"Don't worry, This King won't be controlled by this power." He would only be a part of this power.

He thought he had a rough idea where the first few of the Lord of the Nihilum had gone.

Those people had all been turned into destructive power, and became a part of that power.

Lord of the Nihilum … It truly was destroyed, never to be seen again!

But, he, Xiao Jiu'an, would not resign to his fate!

"This King will not die. This King promised Yun Kai that This King would stay with him forever. How can This King die?" His Royal Highness put his hands behind his back and held them tightly.

The power of destruction was strong, but it could not be used forever.

It didn't matter. From now on, he would properly manage his own faction, and this power …

The Prince glanced at Princess Mengxi and sneered.

Didn't the Imperial Family want to use him as a blade?

He started with the royal family and slowly built up his own power!

… ….

"Let's go!" The Prince did not even look at her. Princess Mengxi, who had one arm missing, told Mo Qixi before walking towards the secret location.

The special fruit of the secret realm could replenish his superpower, so he hoped that it would be effective on him as well.

With Yun Kaiyi around, he … Can't die.

This time, Mo Qixi, Xiao Lang, and Xiao Budian followed closely behind the prince. They were afraid that Princess Mengxi and the royal family's adepts would lay their hands on the prince.

He had already known from the beginning that the Imperial Family unconditionally helping Xiao Jiu'an was an ill intention. However, he knew that Xiao Jiu'an possessed the power of destruction and was not afraid of the Imperial Family's schemes at all.

Knowing that Xiao Jiu'an's ability wasn't as invincible as she had imagined, Mo Qi Xi naturally had an extra knack for it.

The royal family's special ability user stood beside Princess Mengxi and looked at the trio from the Wang family. They knew that the conflict between them had already arisen, and it was almost impossible to make up for it …

"Princess, what do we do now?" To know the weakness of the Emperor of the Terminator, was to keep luring him into battle and let him perish by his own destruction? Or was he going to use him to deal with the four great families?

In a situation where he wasn't strong enough, hatred was a foolish act …

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