The four noble families hid in their holes like mice. It was not easy to find them, but it was easy to send them news …

Mo Qisha got the idea from the prince and Ji Yunkai, and went to find the man who controlled the underground world and told him to spread the news as he wished.

The man laughed, "I used to be a direct descendant of your family." However, I believe that Emperor Niu Wu Guang is a person who can differentiate between right and wrong, and he wouldn't make things difficult for lowly people like us who have long been expelled from his family, right? "

"At home... It was originally meant to be mine. " The man's face was calm, but his tone carried a hint of ruthlessness, "You've just arrived in this ten-sided world, there are many things that you don't know. It just so happens that I'm bored today, so I wanted to talk about a strange fruit with you. "

"There is a type of person in the Ten Directions World who has sensed the existence of a superpower long ago, but their superpower is extremely unstable. Such a person would usually be discovered at the age of ten or so, but whether or not they have a superpower depends on whether or not they can awaken a second time."

"If he was born in an ordinary family, this kind of person would have a fifty percent chance of awakening their Discipline, but if he was born in a family like ours, he'd have a hundred percent chance of awakening his Discipline." "There are many rare treasures in aristocratic families. Not to mention that my Discipline is unstable, as the heir to the family, I don't have any superpowers at all. I've fed him so many strange fruits and treasures since birth, even if I piled them up I could still produce superpowers. It's just the strength."

"As you know, the strength of a superpower is not important for an heir. I don't even need to fight for my family, and as long as I'm not a lowly person, and I don't want to die of stupidity, I can hold onto the position of heir to the family. Unfortunately …"

The man laughed in a low voice, sounding both self-deprecating and sad at the same time. "Unfortunately, not only am I so stupid that I want to die, I have a father that I can't even understand. My father took a fancy to a widow, and before my mother died, he hooked up with that widow, and the widow got pregnant, and. My mother died, the widow came in, and three months later she gave birth to my brother. "

"My little brother is a true genius … He was a Divine level growth master at birth. Do you know what a God Level Growth Master represents? Represents … He would not have to worry about food, fruits, or treasures in the future. With him here, everything is there. "

"A person like this will naturally be treated as a treasure. I also feel that it's very good. After all, with such a person at your place, your family will become stronger and stronger. "

"I am fifteen years older than my so-called little brother, and I really think of him as my son's adopted son. That child is also very intimate with me, and I really thought that we two brothers would be fine, but I actually forgot about dragons, phoenixes, phoenixes, what kind of trash would a child born from a woman like that be?"

The man's face was full of self-mockery. Mo Qixi didn't need to ask to understand, "You were tricked by a three year old child?"

People from all over the world would awaken their superpowers when they were born. Normally, they would awaken at the age of 18. If they didn't awaken after the age of 18, then it would be completely impossible.

For those with unstable superpowers, the second awakening would occur at the age of 18 at the latest.

"Yeah, he was tricked by a three year old child." The man didn't deny it and even smiled …

"I still remember that day when the weather was so gloomy. That little brother of mine used his superpower to produce a batch of strange fruits and eagerly offered them to me for me to eat. I did not refuse him. I ate more than one of them."

"I can still remember the taste of that strange fruit. It really is..." It's very delicious, and people still want to eat it. " The man smiled as tears suddenly appeared on his face …

"After eating the strange fruit, I suddenly felt that my superpower is about to awaken. I thought I could successfully awaken it, but … I underestimated the ugliness of human nature and overestimated my IQ. "My little brother, that three year old child, that childish voice and appearance of an innocent child. He sweetly called out to me before stabbing his blade into his own chest."

"I can still clearly remember that child lying in a pool of blood. His innocent face was filled with contempt and evil, and he said to me, 'Brother, you're so stupid. However, after today, I will no longer have to call you idiot big brother, my good big brother '. "

The tears on the man's face became more and more intense, but his voice became calmer and calmer, "After doing all this, he broke down and cried, luring his clansmen over. Then, he fainted. I was locked up by my father. Three days later, my trusted aide told me that my brother had pushed the blame to him for failing to awaken his superpower. He wanted to kill him out of anger. He even begged for mercy on my behalf, saying that even though I am a lowly person, and even though my thoughts are vicious, I am still his elder brother.

"Hahaha... Say, how can there be such a malicious person in this world? Such a vicious person is still a child. Don't you think it's scary? Such a small child, to poison her own older brother and to stab herself with a knife, I feel so terrible just thinking about it. I feel so disgusted just thinking about it. " The man laughed, but it was worse than crying.

"The most disgusting thing is that my father didn't even listen to my explanation and kicked me out of the house like a wild dog. In order to not let me go back, he even had my legs broken for fear that I would go back and steal his precious son."

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