The experience of this man was simply not worth mentioning in the eyes of Mo Qixi …

What's wrong with children? When children become vicious, they are even scarier than adults. When he and Jiu An were young, they lived on the brink of death. Every day, they would have to kill countless people in order to survive.

This man … Really stupid.

His mother was dead, and he could accept his stepmother and stepbrother, but had forgotten whether they could accept him?

He had treated them as a family, but he had forgotten that in the eyes of the trio, his son was unnecessary, a person who would ruin the family's happiness.

Mo Qi Xi couldn't help but shake her head as she looked at the man with a sorrowful expression …

Mo Qixi only wanted to say one word about the man's fate — Serves him right!

Yes, he deserved it!

This person had been spoiled by his so-called father when he was still at home. Only then would he be stupid enough to believe in the kindness of human nature and treat his stepmother's child as his own.

This person was so stupid that he couldn't even see him clearly. It was no wonder that his little brother had easily chased him out of Sui family.

"I can't feel sorry for you." Looking at the man's face that was covered in tears, Mo Qisha had an indifferent expression. She was not moved by his sadness in the slightest.

"You think. Do I need your sympathy? " The man was indeed very angry, but he instantly put away all of his grief.

Just as he had said, he only talked about the time of one mutant fruit. When the time was up, his grief would naturally disappear as well.

"You need to, you're pitiful... You're stupid enough to ruin your good life. I'm really sad for your mother to have such a good hand in a card game like this. " Mo Qixi was truly unkind when it came to being harsh. Every word she spoke was piercing to the heart.

"How does it feel to call the killer your mother's enemy your father, your mother's enemy your stepmother, and the culprit who killed your mother your blood brother?" His little brother, who was three years old, was the fuse behind this man's mother's death. However, he hated this man for not being able to understand and treat his enemy as family.

"You … Don't try to provoke me, it's no use. Twenty years have passed, and I have completely understood and thought about it. " The man opened his mouth and spoke magnanimously, as if he was the one who was laughing and crying earlier.

"So what if I think and think? To you, being at home is a colossus, and you can't even move a hair's breadth away from it. You can't even get close to your enemies, can you? " Mo Qixi said straight to the point.

Speaking of which, this man could be considered to have some ability. He was expelled from his family, suppressed by the mother and son, and he was still able to survive until now. If one were to say that he had no skill or scheming, Mo Qisha would not believe it …

"Not before, but now, isn't it? There is nothing in this world which cannot be accomplished without the presence of the Emperor. " If not for this, he would not have exposed his own scars and revealed this matter.

He had made the preparations to never speak out and never let anyone know about it.

He naturally had to take revenge for this enmity, but revenge was his own business, and he wouldn't involve others in it.

This was because he knew better than anyone how big Sui Xiong was.

But, the actions of the Lord of the Nihilum were different.

No matter how powerful those old fellows of the Sui Family were, no matter how powerful the weapons they forged were, they would not be able to withstand the attack of the Lord of the Terminator.

"So, do you want to follow the clan, or destroy it?" The moment the man opened his mouth, Mo Qixi knew that he was a natural ally.

However, it was only limited to dealing with his family. If he were to face off against the other three families, this man might not necessarily contribute.

"Destroy the house." The man spoke without hesitation.

He liked power, he liked being on the top, he liked the feeling of being in charge of the life and death of others, but …

He didn't want to go with the family.

He would rather spend the rest of his life climbing up than having that person at home.

He wanted to destroy the family they cared about the most in front of his father, his younger brother, and let them see that the family they had tried so hard to take from was nothing more than ashes in the end.

"Vicious." Mo Qixi was very satisfied with this answer, but she could not give the man any answer. "I still have to tell this matter to our lord. After all, you are from the main branch, someone our lord must kill."

"When you tell him, can you tell him one more thing? My surname is second, second is Mo." My mother and his father used to. "It almost became a pair." As the man spoke, he laughed...

At that time, he didn't suspect anything about his mother, because he knew very well that his mother didn't have his father in her heart.

At that time, he blamed his mother, because she didn't like his father and didn't like him. When he was young, he had seen his father beg his mother countless times. He had begged that woman to be good to him, to be able to get close to his son. It was a pity …

No matter how his father begged or tried to please her, the woman was unmoved.

At that time, he longed for that woman to hug him, kiss him, and talk to him, but she didn't …

That woman wouldn't speak to him for a year, just a word or two.

The woman had pushed him and his father far away. In those years, he had seen his father begging for help, and he had also seen himself being hurt time and time again.

Both father and son were hurt by that woman again and again. His father left lonely time and time again, even hugging him and comforting him, saying that his mother loved him and didn't dislike him. It was only because his mother was sick that she did this.

Later, as he grew older, he saw his mother trampling on his father time and time again. Seeing that his mother didn't even look at him, he was sad, but he also hated his mother.

When his father came in with the widow, when he saw the smile on his father's face, he felt happy for his mother from the bottom of his heart.

His father was finally blessed.

For the sake of his father's happiness, he didn't mind accepting the mother and son, treating their child as his own younger brother.

Heavens, he had been slapped hard!

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