The house could still be rebuilt if it was burned down, but if she died, there was nothing left after that.

This small courtyard was not connected to anything else, and Ji Yunkai did not worry if burning it down would harm anyone else.

"Princess is too intrepid. Is she a woman?" The shocked dark guard silently regained his bearings and then retreated.

Although she was not afraid of these things, she did not want to be bitten. Regardless if there were poisonous or not, being bitten was painful enough.

Ji Yunkai did not even look at them, as she dragged her two thick legs and clumsily walked outside.

There was nothing she could do. She was afraid of the bugs outside, so she did not dare to take off the blankets that were wrapped around her legs.

Ji Yunkai walked away, but it angered Nan Zeyu, who was hiding in the darkness, to the point of spitting blood. "Ji Yunkai, I underestimated you too much!"

To think that he would run into a woman who was completely unafraid of the poisonous bugs; it was really bad luck.

Since the poisonous bugs could not take her life, he could only do it himself.

Nan Zeyu did not move. Like a poisonous snake waiting in a corner, he waited for his prey to approach.

When Ji Yunkai reached the range of his ambush, Nan Zeyu suddenly jumped out. The Spirit Serpent Sword in his hand aimed toward Ji Yunkai's heart.

Ji Yunkai's face changed, she wanted to retreat, but her feet were wrapped with blankets and she could not move at all. Seeing that her opponent's sword was about to stab her, Ji Yunkai took out the Heavenly Doctor's Divine Needle and aimed it at her opponent. The moment she was about to press it, the dark guards appeared and shielded Ji Yunkai.

*Dong!* As the sword and blade clashed, the two dark guards pressed onto Nan Zeyu at the same time, and coldly asked, "Third Prince of the Southern Wilderness?" They did not expect that the dignified Third Prince of the Southern Wilderness would not bring anyone with him when he left the Southern Wilderness.

"So you were waiting for me here. Xiao Jiu'an is willing to part with his money and even push out his Princess Consort." Nan Zeyu knew that he had been deceived.

Thinking about it, that made sense. How could a dignified Prince Yanbei's Wife not have any guards by her side?

Although they did not get a direct answer, the dark guards were certain of it. The two of them wielded their blades and slashed at Nan Zeyu, each move fatal.

Their mission was to protect the Princess Consort and take down the Third Prince of the Southern Wilderness.

"So... I'm the bait." Ji Yunkai staggered back. Looking at the three people fiercely battling, she could not tell what she was feeling.

There were always dark guards by her side, but when she was surrounded by those poisonous creatures, these hidden guards did not appear. It was clear that they did not take her life seriously.

She originally thought that if she and Xiao Jiu'an could coexist peacefully, Xiao Jiu'an would give her basic respect and fairness; however, reality slapped her in the face.

She was too naive.

It was not convenient to walk around with these things.

Seeing that the dark guards and the black-clothed man were fighting to a standstill, Ji Yunkai hesitated for a moment before deciding to stay put.

Nan Zeyu's goal was to kill Ji Yunkai, and he was not willing to get entangled with the dark guards. As he fought, he tried to get closer to Ji Yunkai, but Ji Yunkai saw through his motives. She quietly aimed the Heavenly Doctor's Divine Needle at him but did not press it.

The Heavenly Doctor's Divine Needle could only be used eleven times, and she had already used it twice. If the dark guards could take care of this black-clothed man, why should she use it?

Nevertheless, she had overestimated the dark guards' strength. Seeing that he could not get rid of the dark guards for a long time, the black-clothed man suddenly flung his sleeves and two streaks of silver light flashed by, followed by the dark guards' screams.

The two dark guards screamed and fell to the ground.

Ji Yunkai's face changed drastically and she immediately pressed down on the Heavenly Doctor Divine Needle. With a *puh* sound, nine golden needles pierced through the air and shot toward the black-clothed man. But, at the same time, the two silver lights that flew toward the dark guards also pounced toward Ji Yunkai.

*Pah!* One of the silver lights was hit by a golden needle and it hit the ground.

Ji Yunkai had no time to see what that silver light was because another had already reached her. She wanted to quickly dodge, but the silver light's speed was even faster.

*Pah!* The silver light hit her face.

"Ahh!" Ji Yunkai felt as if her face was bitten by something, and instinctively reached out to touch it. She found out that it was a small dead snake.

Those two silver lights were two little snakes, and she killed them?

When did she become so powerful?

"You..." Nan Zeyu saw that the two little snakes had died and one was injured. His complexion was ghastly white and he raised his Spirit Serpent Sword. He was about to rush forward, but just as he moved, he was pierced by three golden needles.

"Ahh...!" The golden needles continued to spin inside his body. It was more painful than he had imagined, and the pain did not let up.

"What is this?" Nan Zeyu's face changed. He wanted to force the golden needles out but realized that when he moved, the golden needles inside his body revolved even faster.

"Why should I tell you? Third Prince of the Southern Wilderness, why did you want to kill me?" Ji Yunkai casually threw away the little silver serpent and looked coldly at the black-clothed man in front of her.

This person was not here for her Heavenly Doctor's Divine Needle.

"Why should I tell you?" Nan Zeyu tossed the same words back to Ji Yunkai.

"I can kill you." Ji Yunkai raised the Heavenly Doctor's Divine Needle in her hand and aimed it at Nan Zeyu, but did not press down on it.

She realized that although the Heavenly Doctor's Divine Needle was very powerful, it did not seem to be able to take a person's life. At most, it could only injure them.

It was indeed a creation of a kind-hearted doctor; the Heavenly Doctor's Divine Needle was only meant to protect life, not to take it.

Nan Zeyu's expression changed. He could not kill Ji Yunkai, nor could he care about the little silver snake on the ground. He quickly turned around and ran...

"Hey...!" Ji Yunkai's face darkened. Was she that scary?

Sighing silently, Ji Yunkai put away Heavenly Doctor's Divine Needle. Looking at the dark guards on the ground, she hesitated for a moment, but she still knelt and checked over them.

"He's so lucky. He's still alive." The two dark guards were bitten on the arm by the little silver serpents. Although the little silver serpents' poison was very strong, it was not to the extent of being strong enough to make one choke on their blood.

The two of them could still be saved if Ji Yunkai was willing to save them.

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