Ji Yunkai would naturally save them. Although she was not a kind person, she was not so cruel as to let them die without a chance. The two of them helped her block a blade strike, so it was reasonable for her to save them.

Those two little silver snakes were indeed poisonous, but after so much effort, the dark guard's arm became purple-black and swollen. Ji Yunkai weighed the blade in her hand a bit and realized that it was not easy to use. She could only throw it to the wayside.

*Pfft...* With a light stroke, poisonous blood gushed out. Ji Yunkai held down the dark guard's wound and squeezed out the poisonous blood.

When the poisonous blood was almost gone, Ji Yunkai took out the golden needles to resume their normal blood flow.

If blood did not flow for a long time, the arm would become necrotic.

After confirming that the little silver serpent could no longer move after death, Ji Yunkai then cut open its body.

As soon as she cut it open, she could smell the faint aroma of medicine.

"It is indeed of the highest quality." Ji Yunkai's eyes lit up, her eyes staring at the little silver snake in her hand.

This was a good thing, but unfortunately, she could not eat it.

Xiao Jiu'an walked in and saw Ji Yunkai holding a bloody snake corpse in one hand and the snake's gallbladder in the other. There was no trace of fear on her face, but instead a hint of excitement.

For a moment, Xiao Jiu'an felt that he did not recognize Ji Yunkai.

Was Ji Yunkai a woman?

"Prince?" Sensing that someone had come, Ji Yunkai instinctively took precautions. Only when she raised her head and saw that it was Xiao Jiu'an, did she relax.

At least the current Xiao Jiu'an would not take her life.

"What are you doing?" The courtyard was a mess, and smoke was rising from the house. The flames were constantly rising, and soon, the house would be set ablaze completely.

Various creatures were everywhere on the ground, either alive or dead, but Xiao Jiu'an acted as if he did not see anything. His gaze only landed on Ji Yunkai.

"Your men are poisoned. I'm trying to save them." Ji Yunkai's tone was calm and was no longer as cautious as before.

No matter how careful she was, when Xiao Jiu'an wanted to use her, he would still push her out without blinking. She no longer needed to worry about Xiao Jiu'an's emotions, because no matter what she did, it would not change Xiao Jiu'an's mind in the end.

"Silver Snake of the Southern Wilderness?" When Xiao Jiu'an saw the other little silver serpent, he finally knew what kind of snake was in Ji Yunkai's hands.

"How did they die?" The silver serpent's vitality was extremely tenacious. This was due to the Silver Snake being born with an owner, so ordinary people would not be able to take its life.

"One was hit by the Heavenly Doctor's Divine Needle, while the other bit me." Ji Yunkai pointed at her face.

There was still blood on her face, but she did not dare to touch it. The fact that it could instantly kill the little silver serpent showed just how venomous the black spots on her face were.

"There should be. These two silver snakes are young, and their poison isn't strong enough."

"It's also because these two dark guards are lucky. If they met someone with a stronger poison or if he attacked a little later, they would have probably died."

"Try your best to save them." Xiao Jiu'an's eyes swept across and landed on Ji Yunkai's left wrist.

On Ji Yunkai's left wrist, there was a very ugly scar. That scar was Ji Yunkai's proof that she had used her blood to save Xiao Jiu'an.

With just a glance, Ji Yunkai knew what Xiao Jiu'an meant. She spoke before he could say anything, "Your Highness, my blood is useless. I won't use my blood to save them."

Her blood was useless against the poisons made in the Southern Wilderness. She did not want to test whether her blood was effective against the poisonous snakes there.

So what if it was useful?

She was just one person, but the army stationed in Yanbei was in the hundreds of thousands. Every year, the number of people bitten by poisonous snakes was at least 8,000. How much blood could she spill?

"You're thinking too much!" Xiao Jiu'an's face immediately darkened.

What was Ji Yunkai thinking?

When did he say he wanted Ji Yunkai to use her blood?

What did this woman think of him?

"It's better to think too much about it than to die." Ji Yunkai put the snake's gallbladder into the mouth of the dark guard. She then cut the little silver serpent into two and stuffed the meat into the mouths of the two guards and said, "Swallow it."

She knew that the two of them still had consciousness and could still swallow things.

Seeing Ji Yunkai's dark face and furious look, Xiao Jiu'an laughed coldly, "Are you angry at This King?" Ji Yunkai's guts were so thick that she dared to be mad at him.

"Prince, you're thinking too much. I don't dare." While she said she did not dare, she did not even glance at Xiao Jiu'an.

The snake meat could not be eaten because it was poisoned, but the snake's gallbladder could be used.

"What a pity." Looking at the blackened snake meat, Ji Yunkai felt quite pained.

These two little silver snakes were fed with top-grade medicinal herbs. Its meat was much more useful than a snake's gallbladder.

"A woman who doesn't mean what she says." Being ignored by Ji Yunkai again and again, even if he had a good temper, Xiao Jiu'an would still not be able to take it, not to mention that he had a bad temper in the first place.

But, who cares about him!

After feeding the snake's gallbladder to the dark guard, Ji Yunkai immediately used the other party's clothes to wipe her hands. Seeing her actions, the corner of Xiao Jiu'an's mouth slightly twitched.

He did not know that this woman was so different when outside.

"Your Highness, get someone to carry them away as soon as possible. After drinking the antidote for three to five days, they'll be fine." The Silver Snake meat seemed to have the effect of detoxifying the poison, and the faces of the two dark guards became a lot better.

"Take them away!" Xiao Jiu'an raised his hand and two shadows immediately appeared and carried the dark guards away.

Only Ji Yunkai and Xiao Jiu'an were left in the courtyard. Facing Xiao Jiu'an's probing gaze, Ji Yunkai felt a little uncomfortable, and pointed at the fire behind him and said, "Your Highness, are you going to allow people to extinguish the fire?"

The room she lived in was already on fire. If he did not extinguish the fire, the neighboring house would be implicated.

"You set the fire and then want This King to extinguish it?" Although he did not see it with his own eyes, seeing the flames shooting out from the house, Xiao Jiu'an could guess what was going on.

"If it wasn't for the fact that you didn't arrange everything properly, I wouldn't have been forced to set fire to save myself." Ji Yunkai retorted.

It was one thing to use her as bait, but it was another to not send enough men to protect her. In the end, he did not even want to finish her. Was this man that shameless?

Ji Yunkai was enraged!

"Even so, so what? Did This King ask you to set a fire?" Even if Ji Yunkai did not set the fire, he would not let Ji Yunkai die. After all, Ji Yunkai was still useful.

"So, this is all my fault? It's all my fault?" Pointing at herself, Ji Yunkai felt as though a ball of fire was burning in her heart. She wished for nothing more than to burst everything out at once, but...

Xiao Jiu'an did not care in the slightest, as he lightly said, "What else? Could it be that you dare to blame This King?"

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