It was not that she did not dare to, but because she did not dare to!

"You... you're crying? " Xiao Jiu'an froze as he looked at Ji Yunkai in disbelief.

Did he hit or curse her?

What was she crying for?

"No, the smoke is too strong." Ji Yunkai raised her hands to wipe away the tears on her face and lied unashamedly.

Seeing Ji Yunkai wipe away her tears but becoming more stubborn, Xiao Jiu'an suddenly laughed, "Ji Yunkai, you are interesting." Few people lied in front of him so boldly.

"You... are sick." She was so angry that she was brought to tears, yet why was this man talking about how interesting she was? This man was sick.

Xiao Jiu'an's face sank. "Ji Yunkai, have I been too lenient toward you recently?"

Who dared to call him sick? Who dared to provoke him so openly?

Too lenient?

If you call using her as bait as being too lenient, then so be it.

Ji Yunkai did not speak. She only looked at Xiao Jiu'an with her big eyes. To him, she was like a weak tiger cub, it knew that it did not have enough power, and so, it bared its fangs and brandished its claws, hoping to garner its owner's attention.

The corner of his mouth curled up as he walked forward and patted Ji Yunkai on the head, "Alright, let's go back!" With her thorniness and exploding manner, she did look like a little tigress.

"You... Why did you do that for?" Ji Yunkai retreated a few steps back. Her face immediately flushed red, not from embarrassment, but anger.

Did Xiao Jiu'an know what he was doing?

Touching her head was a very intimate action. Who was Xiao Jiu'an to her? Why did he touch her so intimately? What right did he have to treat her like an ignorant child and to talk to her like one?

"Why? This King can't even touch you now?" Initially, Xiao Jiu'an only wanted to pat Ji Yunkai's head to prevent this little tigress' anger from exploding. However, he did not expect that Ji Yunkai's hair would be so soft and that her fluffy strands would feel so good. He could not help but pat her.

'Of course not!'

However, Ji Yunkai did not dare say these words. She could only find an excuse, "You would mess up my hair."

"Is that so?" It was clear that Xiao Jiu'an did not believe it, but he did not push any further and only said, "Let's go." He then took the lead and walked away. As for whether Ji Yunkai would follow him, it had nothing to do with him.

Ji Yunkai did not want to follow along, but why would she stay here?

After standing there for a while, Ji Yunkai sullenly walked out. She originally thought that after waiting for so long, Xiao Jiu'an would have been further away. However, when she walked a few steps, she spotted Xiao Jiu'an, who did not seem to be in a hurry.

Was he not in a hurry to leave? Why was he walking so slowly? Guang An Temple did not have good scenery to look at, you know.

Ji Yunkai could not help but complain in her heart, but she had no choice but to slow down so that she would not get too close to Xiao Jiu'an or walk in front of him.

After arriving at the main hall, the guards gave her a cloth hat. Ji Yunkai silently carried the cloth hat with her and continued to follow behind Xiao Jiu'an.

The two of them walked out of the temple, and the Temple Master personally came to see them off. Before they got on the carriage, Xiao Jiu'an suddenly said, "My Princess Consort, you forgot to pay for the house." Did she want to leave like this after burning someone's house?

"I'll pay?" So, in the end, it was still her fault?

This man was so narrow-minded. Before he left, he even wanted to characterize the matter.

"Could it be that you want This King to pay for you?" Xiao Jiu'an's left hand was behind his back, his expression serious as he looked at Ji Yunkai. His eyes were serious and sincere, his temperament was handsome and suave, with an incomparably noble aura, but the words that came out of his mouth would anger anyone to death. He did not have the slightest aura of nobility.

The two of them faced off for a long while, and in the end, Ji Yunkai still lost, "I'll pay!" She had been crying, and her eyes were still sore.

She did not want to admit it, but she could not beat Xiao Jiu'an.

Ji Yunkai looked at Xiao Jiu'an with a smile and said gently, "I would like to request that Your Highness help me find a group of workers to rebuild the house that I've burned as quickly as possible.

Ji Yunkai agreed to pay but had dragged Xiao Jiu'an along.

"Did you hear what the Princess Consort said?" Xiao Jiu'an rarely gave Ji Yunkai face and did not take her down this time.

Ji Yunkai was startled, but before she could understand what was going on, Xiao Jiu'an had already boarded the carriage and urged her, "What are you waiting for? Get in the carriage."

Ji Yunkai regained her senses. Seeing that the Temple Master was still there, she hurriedly said, "Master, I've troubled you today, farewell."

"Benefactor is too courteous." The Master looked merciful as if he would never be angry. Ji Yunkai calmed down a little and apologized before getting on the carriage.

Just like before, the moment Ji Yunkai got on the carriage, she holed up in a corner and pretended to be asleep, treating Xiao Jiu'an as if he were a ferocious beast.

Unfortunately, Xiao Jiu'an did not know anything and just thought that she was tired.

After running around all day and encountering an assassination, it was normal for her to be tired.

It took them an hour to return, but the sky had gradually darkened as the carriage finally arrived at Prince Yanbei's Mansion. Ji Yunkai got off the carriage, hesitated for a moment, but still asked, "Prince, where is the Infanta?"

She was not worried about the safety of Infanta Shiqing. She was worried that something happened to Infanta Shiqing and that Xiao Jiu'an would use her as an exchange again.

"Don't worry, she won't die." It was unknown if it was due to her mentioning Infanta Shiqing or whatever else, but Xiao Jiu'an's face turned extremely ugly. He warned, "You take care of yourself. Do not get mixed up in things that do not concern you."

Ji Yunkai was silent.

She seemed to have been implicated.

But this also told her that Infanta Shiqing did something, and it was not small; otherwise, Xiao Jiu'an would not be so angry.

Ji Yunkai obediently did not ask further and returned to her courtyard.

Before she could get close, she saw Baoqin standing at the entrance of the courtyard, stretching her neck and looking out. Seeing her approach, Baoqin immediately came over and greeted her, "Esteemed Consort, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, why did you come back?" Regarding Baoqin, who she only saw as a servant of Prince Yanbei's Mansion, she did not trust her, it was just that she would use the person that Xiao Jiu'an gave her to use.

"This servant has returned a long time ago." Baoqin supported Ji Yunkai into the courtyard. After thinking about it, she added in a low voice, "Princess Consort, the Infanta was brought back here by guards."

"Is that so?" Ji Yunkai only raised her eyebrows and asked indifferently as if she was not interested.

This was not something that she could be curious about, nor was she that interested in anyway.

When Baoqin saw this, she knew that she did not need to say anything more.

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