Thirty-thousand people!

Xiao Jiu'an was silent for a moment, then said, "Ji Yunkai."

"How much blood can she bleed?" Xiao Jiu'an threw a cold look at Xiao Shaorong and continued, "Use your brain to think about it."

"Yes." Maybe Ji Yunkai could do it with help from Sky Doctor Valley.

Even though Ji Yunkai tried her best to hide things from him, he still discovered some interesting things.

"I'll go find the Princess Consort now." Xiao Shaorong could not sit still for a moment, and immediately ran, but Xiao Jiu'an did not stop him. He waited for Xiao Shaorong's attempt to be thwarted.

Ji Yunkai was very shrewd, and would not be stupid enough to accept this thankless task. Unless there were enough benefits for her, she would not do it.

As Xiao Jiu'an had guessed, Xiao Shaorong had excitedly come to find Ji Yunkai but was rejected by her.

"I'm sorry, I can't help." There were no superfluous words in her response.

She really could not help him.

"You haven't even tried. How do you know you won't be able to help?" Hearing Ji Yunkai's rejection, Xiao Shaorong was very disappointed with Ji Yunkai.

He once thought that Ji Yunkai was different, and on that day, he was almost moved for Ji Yunkai.

Of course, he was moved because of Ji Yunkai's appearance, and later on, he was also unable to move because of Ji Yunkai's appearance.

There was no helping it, he loved beauties.

"Young Master Xiao, how do you want me to try? Thirty-thousand men! If it were three thousand or three hundred I still would not be able to do it. How can I save thirty-thousand people? Even if my blood is drained, I won't be able to save them." Ji Yunkai wanted to curse.

Xiao Shaorong had immediately said that her blood could suppress the poisons from the Southern Wilderness; therefore, she should help him think of a way to detoxify the thirty-thousand soldiers and warhorses.

Help, her ass!

Ji Yunkai could not hold it in any longer, and she could not express the anger in her heart without cursing.

She was a human, not a blood bank. Even if she was a blood bank, she could not provide enough blood for thirty-thousand men. It was as if Xiao Shaorong not only wanted her blood but her life too!

Dammit, to drag her into a situation like this, Xiao Shaorong thought too highly of himself, or he was thinking too highly of her.

Would she, Ji Yunkai, sacrifice herself for a stranger that she did not know?

Was she, Ji Yunkai, that great?

"Princess, you've misunderstood. I'm not asking you to bleed. I just hope that you and Doctor Zhuge can work together to find the antidote." Xiao Shaorong realized that Ji Yunkai had misunderstood his intention and immediately explained himself.

"How do you want me to cooperate? Previously, when Doctor Zhuge was concocting the antidote, I helped him out, and that was all I could do." At first, she did not volunteer to help. It was only after Little Doctor Zhuge took over the job that she bothered to participate at all.

She had done everything she could, except letting out her blood.

Furthermore, if it were not for her help, would Little Doctor Zhuge be able to concoct the antidote to suppress the Southern Wilderness' poison within three days?

Of course, she was not helping Xiao Jiu'an. She was only helping Little Doctor Zhuge, and this point had to be made clear.

"Esteemed Consort, you really can't help?" Xiao Shaorong did not believe that Ji Yunkai was such a great person.

"If Young Master Xiao doesn't believe me, you can ask Doctor Zhuge. There is no need for me to lie about this sort of thing." She knew Xiao Shaorong would not believe her.

Of course, she did not need the people from Prince Yanbei's Mansion to believe her. She said that she was helping the Little Doctor Zhuge, and it had nothing to do with Xiao Jiu'an.

"Princess, it's not that I don't believe you, I'm just asking." He did not believe it, but he could not say it out loud.

"It's not good for Xiao Shaorong to speak of so many things. It's fine if you do not believe me, but I admit that I'm worthy of my conscience. Young Master Xiao, my abilities are limited, and I can only achieve this step. I really can't help with anything else." Not only did Ji Yunkai refuse, but she had also even directly sent him off.

Xiao Shaorong felt a little wronged, but he also felt that Ji Yunkai was right.

He could not force others and make things difficult for them.

With the matter not resolved, Xiao Shaorong could only look for Xiao Jiu'an again. "Your Highness, the Princess says that she has already tried her best and that she can't help. No matter what I say, she is not willing to agree to help."

"This King will handle this matter." Xiao Jiu'an was not the least bit surprised by these turn of events.

"My Prince, can you convince the Princess?" He had spoken for half a day and Ji Yunkai was still not moved. Could the Prince do it?

After all, Ji Yunkai did not treat His Highness very well.

"This King does not need to convince her." To Ji Yunkai, words alone were useless. Ji Yunkai was a smart person, and she was smart enough to know that no matter how beautiful words were, she still would not be able to do it properly.

"Then, Your Highness..." Xiao Shaorong was just about to ask Xiao Jiu'an what he wanted to do when he heard him say, "You can go now."

Do you want to throw him away after using him?

Xiao Shaorong was extremely depressed, but it was useless staying in Prince Yanbei's Mansion, so he had to leave.

As soon as Xiao Shaorong left, Xiao Jiu'an stood up and walked out as well. The guards followed closely behind. As soon as they stepped out of the courtyard, they heard Xiao Jiu'an ask, "Where is Ji Yunkai?"

"In reply to the Prince, the Princess should be in her courtyard by now." The guard was stunned for a moment before reacting to Xiao Jiu'an's question.

It was very easy to find Ji Yunkai. As long as he went to her courtyard, he would be able to find her.

Xiao Jiu'an nodded and brought the guards to Ji Yunkai's courtyard. He could smell the fragrance of the flowers from far away. It was a smell that Xiao Jiu'an had not smelled for a long time.

There was no other way. Wherever he went, the plants would all die. He did not have much of a chance to smell the flowers.

As he walked closer and saw the luxuriant purple flowers and potted plants in the courtyard, Xiao Jiu'an's mood calmed down.

As he expected, the plants that Ji Yunkai was raising were not ordinary.

"Your Highness, why have you come?" Ji Yunkai was currently pruning the branches of a rose plant. When she raised her head and saw Xiao Jiu'an, she immediately became unhappy.

To be courteous to others, one must have a request. Combined with what Xiao Shaorong had said, Ji Yunkai could already guess the purpose of Xiao Jiu'an's visit.

"Yes." Xiao Jiu'an nodded slightly and stepped into Ji Yunkai's courtyard. However, he did not enter and instead stood in front of Ji Yunkai.

"Ji Yunkai, let's discuss a deal." Although he and Ji Yunkai were husband and wife, they were two separate individuals and he had no right to demand Ji Yunkai's help.

Moreover, even if he were to order Ji Yunkai, she would have no other choice but to help him, and she might not give it her all.

To be honest, she did not want to make a deal with Xiao Jiu'an, but reality did not seem to allow her to say no...

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