Ji Yunkai was very aware that she had been given enough face to negotiate a deal with Xiao Jiu'an; otherwise, with Xiao Jiu'an giving her the Fire Lingzhi, she had no reason to reject him.

Although Xiao Jiu'an did not directly give her the Fire Lingzhi nor mention anything about it afterward, it did not mean that she could pretend to be stupid just because he did not say anything.

"Prince, is what you said true?" Ji Yunkai's eyes lit up, and she looked at Xiao Jiu'an without blinking.

"Of course. This King does not need to lie to you." He was not so relaxed and idle as to spend time and energy deceiving Ji Yunkai.

Most importantly, he did not need to lie.

"Deal! I will do my best to create the antidote, but I will not be responsible for the ingredients." She would help Little Doctor Zhuge concoct the antidote and Xiao Jiu'an would help her search for the Phoenix Pendant. He also promised that he would find it by the end of the year; this transaction was fair.

At least it was fair to her.

"You don't need to be responsible for the medicinal ingredients." How could Ji Yunkai bear the responsibility of finding and gathering the medicinal ingredients needed for thirty-thousand soldiers and warhorses?

Although he was an unreasonable and tyrannical person, he would not make things difficult for others on purpose and make them do things that they could not do.

"Prince, don't worry. I will try my best." With this motivation, Ji Yunkai became more at ease and full of fighting spirit.

The Phoenix Pendant's loss was like a knife hanging above her head. She was on tenterhooks every day, afraid that the Emperor would suddenly ask her to hand over the Phoenix Pendant after he established an empress.

Now that Xiao Jiu'an was willing to help her find the Phoenix Pendant, even if there were conditions, she was satisfied.

After all, she was not one of Xiao Jiu'an's people, and so, Xiao Jiu'an did not have any obligation to help her unconditionally. She was not a beggar, and she did not need Xiao Jiu'an's charity.

If Xiao Jiu'an was like this more in the future, she believed that they could happily cooperate.

"This King knows that you will try your best, so there is no need for you to repeat yourself." In certain aspects, Ji Yunkai was very similar to him. They were both practical and rational people, and he knew very well where Ji Yunkai's soft spot was.

"If you need anything, just tell the Steward of the Estate and he will arrange it for you." After saying that, Xiao Jiu'an left, but when he reached the door, Xiao Jiu'an paused again. Just when Ji Yunkai thought that he had forgotten something important, she heard Xiao Jiu'an say, "In the future, send a potted plant to This King's study every other day."

The plant should not die after one day, right?

"Send a potted plant?" Why should she send it to him? Was the estate short of silver? They could not even raise a gardener?

"What is it? Is there a problem? " Xiao Jiu'an put one hand behind his back, his expression cold, making it hard for people to say whether they would reject him or not.

"No..." She did not dare say that there was a problem, "Does Your Highness have any plants that you particularly like or dislike?"

"Nope." Xiao Jiu'an answered quickly, but just when Ji Yunkai thought that it was a simple task, she heard Xiao Jiu'an continue saying, "Not too much color, can't be too red, not too beautiful, can't have a strong smell, can't have too many leaves, can't have no leaves..."

After he listed six or seven requirements in a row, it almost knocked Ji Yunkai unconscious.

Where did these requirements come from?

These were a bunch of requests, right?

Perhaps knowing that he had asked for too much, Xiao Jiu'an added on, "The potted plant you gave me last time was pretty good, but don't give me the same one." If he did not remind Ji Yunkai, this lazy woman, she would probably only give him the same breed.

"I'll remember that." Ji Yunkai resisted the urge to vomit blood and remembered all of Xiao Jiu'an's requests.

"Yes, I'll send you off today." Xiao Jiu'an nodded his head in satisfaction. Seeing the little red flowers next to the door, he touched it and left.

He was looking forward to seeing Ji Yunkai's expression when these little flowers die tomorrow.


Ji Yunkai could not help but roll her eyes when she saw Xiao Jiu'an's childish actions.

After looking down on Xiao Jiu'an, Ji Yunkai went to pick a plant for him.

Ever since she understood that she was her own person, Ji Yunkai knew that she did not need to bear the responsibilities of the original owner to live. Since then, Ji Yunkai had lived very well; she did not have any unrealistic requests, nor did she have any unrealistic hatred.

If she wanted to live safely in Prince Yanbei's Mansion, hugging the big boss's leg was very important. Although she did not need to curry favor with Xiao Jiu'an, she definitely would not disobey him.

Not to mention that Xiao Jiu'an only wanted a small potted plant. She did not have any objections in giving away a plant from her courtyard.

Ji Yunkai picked a stalk of a money leaf plant that had an extremely high spirit, replanted it into a flower pot, and used a bit of her special ability to nurture it. She then handed it over to the Steward and told him to give it to Xiao Jiu'an.

When the Steward heard that this was the potted plant that the Prince wanted, he was stunned for a moment. Then, he carefully held the potted plant and solemnly said, "I will send it to the Prince right away." Your Highness does not believe in evil, so why do you still want to continue luring in these plants?

It was fortunate that the plants were spiritless; otherwise, they would cry themselves to death.

The Steward carefully brought the potted plant to Xiao Jiu'an's study, "Your Highness, the Princess said that this is the plant that you wanted."

"Put it on the table." Xiao Jiu'an glanced at it and then pointed to an empty spot on the desk.

After the Steward had carefully arranged the item, he carefully adjusted his position before taking his leave.

After the Steward left, Xiao Jiu'an put down the unfinished document in his hands and moved the potted plant closer to him. His fingers casually fiddled with its leaves, "The plants raised by Ji Yunkai are indeed different."

Xiao Jiu'an could not tell what exactly was the difference, but it was not just because they were better looking or more spirited. The difference came from within them and it was just a feeling.

"You have so many secrets on you, and your brain isn't stupid. I cannot even tell that you ever loved the Emperor, so why would you be so stupid as to use your life to save him?" The more he understood Ji Yunkai, the more Xiao Jiu'an could not understand her actions.

"Even if you want to hide your abilities, it's too much." If not for the fact that she looked the same, he would have suspected that Ji Yunkai had been switched out with someone else.

The difference was too great!

How can he trust a woman like her, a woman with so many secrets?

"Whatever, I don't care who you are. On the account that you still have a bit of ability and as long as you keep to your word, This King will not make things difficult for you." Xiao Jiu'an casually flicked the leaf, then moved the potted plant away, continuing his unfinished work.

Although he told Ji Yunkai to give him a potted plant every other day, he did not like plants. No, he did not like anything.

The education he had received since childhood was so that he could not have people or things he liked, much less be immersed in someone or something. He had to remain calm and rational forever, and only by doing so could he become a qualified heir.

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