When the Emperor saw this pair of couple, he felt inexplicably aggrieved in his heart, especially when he saw Xiao Jiu'an standing in front of Ji Yunkai.

Was Xiao Jiu'an blind?

When did Ji Yunkai become so bold?

What do you mean "if you tell my master that he wants me to apologize, I will apologize"? What did Ji Yunkai take herself to be?

A mere Prince Yanbei's Wife actually dared to run rampant in the palace.

"My beloved concubine, you've suffered." Seeing that, the Prince Duan did not say anymore, using her eyes to glare at Ji Yunkai, the woman who dared to bully his wife.

"It's true." Although Ji Lan was a little biased towards Prince Duan's Wife, from a man's perspective, she was indeed bullying Prince Duan's Wife.

The techniques of the Prince Duan's Wife were very simple, but these little men could not understand it. Only the women knew, only the women knew, from beginning to end, that it was not her who was bullying the Prince Duan's Wife, but the Prince Duan's Wife who framed her.

"This is how you bully others?" When Xiao Jiu'an heard Ji Yunkai's affirmative answer, the cold energy around him suddenly rose. She turned her head and looked coldly at Ji Yunkai.

He was obviously framed, but he was called bullied, did Ji Yunkai even have a brain?

Ji Yunkai was startled for a moment, then understood what Xiao Jiu'an had said. She was a little surprised in her heart.

There was actually a man who was not affected by Little White's moves?

"Stupid woman, do you know what it means to bully people?" Seeing Ji Yunkai's silly look, Xiao Jiu'an's heart became even more dissatisfied: "Look clearly at what is bullying!"

Having said that, Xiao Jiu'an walked forward, walked in front of Prince Duan and Prince Duan's Wife, and waved her hand: "Prince Duan, please step aside."

"Huh?" Prince Duan was stunned for a moment. Under Xiao Jiu'an's pressure, she unconsciously let go and took a step back.

Prince Duan's Wife had a bad premonition and wanted to hide beside Prince Duan. However, under Xiao Jiu'an's suppression, both of her legs seemed to have rooted themselves and she was unable to move. "Prince Yanbei, you have …"

"Pah!" Without waiting for Prince Duan's Wife to finish speaking, Xiao Jiu'an raised her hand and slapped him. Then, she took a step back and said to Ji Yunkai: "Ji Yunkai, do you see this, this is what you call bullying people."

This woman helped Nan Zeyu and poisoned his Yanbei Army.

"Ahh …" Prince Duan's Wife was beaten until she fell to the ground, her entire person was confused.

Prince Yanbei Xiao Jiu'an actually hit her? To actually hit her in public, was he even a man?

Ji Yunkai was also stunned, that Xiao Jiu'an actually hit a woman?

Why did she feel so happy?

Did she have a tendency to be abused?

No, no... What nonsense, Xiao Jiu'an wasn't beating her up, he was being tortured like a ghost.

"Ling'er, Ling'er …" Prince Duan was stunned until she fell to the ground.

"Y-Prince Yanbei?" The moment Xiao Jiu'an entered, Infanta's gaze fell on him. She could not retract her gaze, and immediately became stupefied when she saw that Xiao Jiu'an beat him up without saying a word.

The Prince Duan family closest to him did not even manage to react, let alone the emperor himself. The emperor was currently staring at Xiao Jiu'an with her eyes wide open, his mouth wide open, unable to close it no matter what.

Xiao Jiu'an, is he crazy?

He actually dared to hit the Prince Duan's Wife in front of him, what exactly was the basis for this?

Not only the Emperor, even the wives present were so shocked that their mouths were wide open, unable to believe what they had just seen. The Grand Princess was so scared that she covered her face, secretly rejoicing that Xiao Jiu'an did not slap her in public last time.

Although Xiao Jiu'an would definitely be unlucky after hitting her, to be slapped in public like this was truly shameful.

"My prince, my face, my face hurts …" With just one slap, it caused Prince Duan's Wife to swell and constantly vomit blood.

"Xiao Jiu'an, you, you actually dare!" Prince Duan was furious, his eyes bloodshot as he roared at Xiao Jiu'an.

But Xiao Jiu'an didn't take it to heart at all, standing beside Ji Yunkai, and coldly said: "Ji Yunkai, go and apologize."

Didn't Prince Duan's Wife want Ji Yunkai to apologize? Apologize, then.

"Alright." Ji Yunkai was not the least bit unwilling to do so and cooperated as she came forward to apologize: "Prince Duan's Wife, I'm sorry."

Xiao Jiu'an was too ruthless, she actually hit her with such a heavy punch, pitiful, she did not know if she would break her appearance, and did not know if Prince Duan would still cherish her so much.

"Xiao Jiu'an, Ji Yunkai, you two, good, good!" The two of them had gone too far.

"Your Majesty … Puuu ~ Prince Duan suddenly stood up, she wanted to sue, but just as she opened her mouth, she spat out a mouthful of blood, her eyes went blank for a moment before fainting.

"Imperial Physician, Imperial Physician …" "It's almost Imperial Physician Xuan." Things had changed too quickly for the emperor to care anymore. Seeing that Prince Duan had fainted, she could only look for the imperial physician.

No matter what, nothing can happen to a person.

"Your Highness, Your Highness... "Don't scare me." Seeing that, the Prince Duan's Wife cried and fainted along with his, leaving his at a loss of what to do, and looked at Xiao Jiu'an with his big eyes ….

Why did this man strike her mother and make her father so angry that she found him even more charming?

The imperial physician was quick to arrive. After making sure that the Prince Duan was only extremely furious, there were no major problems. The Prince Yanbei's Wife was too frightened, so her life was not in danger.

"Help them down." Knowing that the Prince Duan won't die, the Emperor was relieved.

Prince Duan was his royal uncle. If people knew that he died in the Consort Competition, what would her other royal uncles think …

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