After settling down the Prince Duan's family, the Emperor finally had time to find trouble with the main culprit, Xiao Jiu'an.

"Xiao Jiu'an, do you know what you are doing?" At this time, the emperor was no longer called the Prince Yanbei, but instead called out with both life and surname. It could be seen how angry the emperor was.

"You, you, you …" The Emperor was enraged by Xiao Jiu'an's words.

"Xiao Jiu'an, Ji Yunkai, don't be too unreasonable, you injured Prince Duan's Wife and angered him. Do you know what punishment you guys deserve?" The emperor was too lazy to speak to Xiao Jiu'an and Ji Yunkai, so he directly came to a conclusion.

If he were to continue talking to this couple, he would be angered to the point of spitting blood.

"Your majesty, we won't admit to the crime you've said." Ji Yunkai looked at Xiao Jiu'an, and seeing that he did not object, she continued: "The fact that Prince Duan would vomit blood and faint has nothing to do with you, he is a kidney deficiency, her vital energy is insufficient, her body is too weak, the moment she stands up, he is too fierce, and will vomit blood before she can even catch her breath."

"What did you say?" The Emperor gnashed his teeth, wishing that he could have the imperial guards step forward and drag Ji Yunkai out.

Did this woman know what she was saying?

Ji Yunkai obviously knew what she was talking about.

"The emperor doesn't believe that we can have the imperial physicians inspect, see if the Prince Duan is overly lustful and lacking in kidney." Although she only took a look and did not feel her pulse, Ji Yunkai was still certain that her diagnosis was not wrong.

"Ji Yunkai, shut up for us!" The Emperor was so angry that his face turned black.

Regardless if this matter was true or false, it was impossible to say it out in front of the crowd.

"Your majesty, everything I said was true. There wasn't even a single lie." Ji Yunkai knew what the Emperor meant. If it was before, she definitely wouldn't dare to pretend to be stupid, but what was she afraid of now?

No matter what she did, the emperor wouldn't let her off. Why would she be wronged?

She was not the big white lotus like the Prince Duan's Wife.

"Your majesty, not only is there a problem with Prince Duan's body, there is also a problem with Tao'an's body. Prince Duan's Wife seems to have a type of strange spice on her body, and that spice should be harmful to people." This was what Ji Yunkai smelt when the Prince Duan's Wife approached.

She usually interacted with flowers and plants a lot and was very sensitive to their smell. Prince Duan's Wife had a smell that made her feel uncomfortable.

Of course, she had initially only thought that she was not used to the smell of Prince Duan's Wife's body. However, looking at her appearance, Ji Yunkai had a bold guess.

Yes, it was just a guess. She didn't dare to make that conclusion, but what did it matter? If the censor could hear of this matter being impeached, then she would naturally speak of it if she had any doubts.

"What did you say?" This time, the emperor wasn't angry, but shocked.

The higher one's position was, the more afraid one would be of death. The people who feared death the most in this world belonged to the emperors.

It wasn't easy for him to be reincarnated into the royal family, and only after experiencing a fierce battle did he manage to ascend to the throne. He held the greatest authority in this world; who would be willing to die?

Upon hearing that it was detrimental to a person's health, the Emperor forgot about the matter of questioning him.

Hearing Ji Yunkai's words, every single one of them were frightened, their eyes opened wide as they stared at Ji Yunkai, afraid that they would miss a single word or expression from Ji Yunkai.

"Your majesty, I'm only guessing but not certain. It's best if we let the imperial physician check if there's really something wrong with Prince Duan's Wife." A woman in her forties still looked like a girl in her early twenties. How come no one doubted her?

In this era, there was no such thing as skin peeling or needling. How could someone like him do such a thing with his maintenance skills?

"Go, let the imperial physician investigate." Based on the principle that he would rather believe it to be true than not, the emperor immediately asked the imperial physician to investigate with a dark face.

While they were waiting, the emperor did not continue to hold them accountable and let them disperse. Then, he brought Ji Yunkai and Xiao Jiu'an to the side hall.

There were some things that shouldn't be known by too many people.

Although the wives really wanted to know what was going on, the emperor had given the order. Who dared to say no, so the group could only disperse hastily? One by one, they left with preoccupied thoughts, and left with Ji Lan in a seemingly absent-minded state.

Ji Lan couldn't help but feel hatred in her heart, but there was nothing she could do. She didn't dare to hate the emperor, so she could only place this debt onto Ji Yunkai.

Madam Ji left in the end. After all the people had left, Madam Ji stepped forward, held Ji Lan's hand, and said with a solemn voice, "Lan'er, remember, you are not the Second Miss of Ji Family now. You are the Imperial Consort, so you can't be angry or have any temper.

"Mother …" When Ji Lan heard this, she felt even more wronged.

Today was her Feast of the Consort, the greatest joyous occasion of her life, but what had happened now?

Thinking of this, Ji Lan began to cry.

She felt wronged. Her heart was incomparably wronged, but no one could comfort her. The man that should have been by her side was currently busy with another matter. He simply couldn't care less about her.

The emperor was currently discussing the news of the imperial physicians at the side hall. Ji Yunkai and Xiao Jiu'an sat at the lower level with them.

"Ji Yunkai, you better pray that what you said is true or we won't let you off." Because of the incident with the First Princess Mansion, the emperor hated Ji Yunkai to death and wasn't interested in feigning affection in front of Xiao Jiu'an at all.

"I am one hundred percent sure about what happened with Prince Duan. I was only guessing about what happened with Prince Duan's Wife." Ji Yunkai reiterated her words fearlessly. Although she knew it was useless, the emperor would still punish her if he wanted to punish her.

"I won't listen to any of this." He didn't care if Ji Yunkai was guessing or not, as long as Ji Yunkai was not right, this matter would not end peacefully, "Regardless of the outcome, the matter of you beating up the Prince Duan's Wife is wrong. You guys think about how to appease the anger of the Prince Duan's Mansion and the clan!"

No matter if the imperial family liked the Prince Duan's Wife or not, she was still the imperial wife. That slap of Xiao Jiu'an's had not only slapped the Prince Duan's Wife, it had also slapped the face of the entire imperial family. Even if the imperial family did not pursue this matter, the imperial family would not let Xiao Jiu'an off the hook …

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