Ji Yunkai could feel his pulse, but she had to say that he had a lot of knowledge and experience. In comparison to his pulse diagnosis, Ji Yunkai was more adept at treating external injuries, at least he had a lot of clinical experience.

Raising the blanket, Ji Yunkai removed the blood-soaked bandage that was wrapped around Infanta's abdomen, and saw the wound on her body.

"The wound can be treated. It won't kill me, but I'm sure it won't be able to give birth." However, if it had injured the uterus, it was almost impossible for Shiqing to become a mother in her entire life, and it was even less likely than Tao'an.

Little Doctor Zhuge paused, she was at a loss of what to say.

Rebandaging Shiqing's wound was clearly a thankless task. Normally, he would agree to it, but she was not good at dealing with external injuries, and even if Shiqing was injured in such a position, it would not be good for him to make a move.

She had always known that the Little Doctor Zhuge was a friend that was worth making, but now, she was even more certain of this.

"Alright." Little Doctor Zhuge did not say anything else as she stood at the side and helped Ji Yunkai pass the alcohol and stitches used to sew it up.

This was a commonly used tool by the doctors of Sky Doctor Valley. Different from the Little Doctor Zhuge's medicine gate, the doctors of Sky Doctor Valley were better at treating external injuries and better at using various types of tools to treat patients, not herbs.

Using a golden needle to replace the anesthetic, Ji Yunkai quickly cleaned up Infanta's wounds.

Cleansing injuries, sewing, other than being a little unfamiliar in the beginning, Ji Yunkai's methods could be said to be perfect, especially when he was sewing the fallopian tubes for Shiqing.

"This, this can be sewn together?" Why did the princess sew them up at such a young age?

"Of course you can. It uses a special kind of thread. It won't affect the human body." Ji Yunkai put on a simple mask, his voice was unavoidably rough, but it did not affect her listening.

"T-that …" Do I have to sew up that wound? " Little Doctor Zhuge was referring to the injuries on Shiqing's womb.

"Yes, but not necessarily." The main issue was that it was too troublesome. She could pull out a bit of the fallopian tube, sew it up, and then put it back, but not the uterus.

"That's good." If all of them were sewn together, why would they need a doctor? They could just use a tailor.

After asking Shiqing to sew up the fallopian tube, Ji Yunkai once again cleaned up Infanta's wound, and then sewed up the wound on her abdomen.

The wound on Shiqing's Infanta's abdomen was too big, it would not take even a month or two before it healed. If he were to sew them up, he would need at least a hundred stitches. At that time, a very ugly wound would be left on Shiqing's abdomen, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Following that, Ji Yunkai was truly like a tailor, piercing all the way through needle and thread, sewing Shiqing's wound. However, she did not use the same thin thread previously, but a slightly thicker thread, which was also slightly thicker.

The sharp needle pierced the flesh, the thread passed through the hole in the flesh and pulled forcefully, pulling tightly the opened wound and pulling on the flesh on both sides, it was a sign of strength, and before long, Ji Yunkai was drenched in sweat.

Without needing Ji Yunkai to remind her, Little Doctor Zhuge took out a clean handkerchief and wiped her sweat. However, Ji Yunkai's forehead continued to sweat as she wiped more and more sweat, and her face was slightly pale.

"Princess, are you alright?" Little Doctor Zhuge asked worriedly.

He felt that, compared to the Infanta Shiqing, the princess needed a doctor.

"I'm a bit tired." His body was weak and Infanta's wound had expanded too much, it took a lot of effort for his to tighten it. At the beginning, it was fine, but after a while, she started to die.

Surgery was not something that a delicate girl could do. It required a lot of strength, especially surgery, which took several hours. Without physical strength, it was impossible to do.

"Why don't I do it?" Little Doctor Zhuge asked probingly.

Sewing was not something that was too skillful, and Ji Yunkai did not avoid him either. He even taught him a few techniques, and after watching for a long time, Little Doctor Zhuge knew about them.

Ji Yunkai hesitated for a moment before agreeing, "Alright."

It wouldn't be a bad idea to let the doctor try it out. With her by his side, nothing could go wrong.

"Princess, this isn't good, right? Doctor Zhuge doesn't seem to be so. Prince will definitely be unhappy if he knows about this. " Shiqing's Infanta's maid stood at the side. Seeing that Ji Yunkai had sewed halfway and then threw the Infanta over to Little Doctor Zhuge, he couldn't help but frown.

The Crown Princess was too irresponsible, how could she abandon the patient halfway through treatment, and make the Infanta an ordinary patient? Aren't you afraid that the prince will be dissatisfied if the wangfei does this?

After Ji Yunkai heard this, she laughed coldly, "Then why don't you …" Using Xiao Jiu'an to pressure her, the maid of Infanta Shiqing was extremely daring.

The maid's face paled as she timidly explained: "This servant would never do that. This servant is just worried about the Infanta, and would like to ask that for the sake of the Prince, we, the Infanta, are still women after all. It's not good to let a man of the Doctor Zhuge take action."

"What's wrong!" A low and cold male voice came from outside the door, following that, a 'bang' sound could be heard. Xiao Jiu'an who was dressed in blood black walked in against the light.

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