The Emperor summons you, unless you are very ill, you must crawl to the palace as long as you are alive.

Of course, if Xiao Jiu'an was here, it would be a different story altogether. Unfortunately for them, Xiao Jiu'an was not in the Duke Palace today.

The people of Revelation did not care whether the Sky Martial Princess would be able to return to the Sky Martial, but the consequences of halting the alliance, the people of Revelation could not afford it.

Even though the Revelation was strong, he was not strong enough to the point where he could not be controlled by others. So no matter how unwilling the Revelation Emperor was, he could only give in.

Under these circumstances, regardless of whether Ji Yunkai was willing or not, if he was unhappy, she could only follow the eunuch into the palace as per Sky Martial Princess's wishes.

"Since my body isn't feeling well, there shouldn't be too much of a problem if someone were to carry me to the palace, right?" Although entering the palace was unchangeable, Ji Yunkai would also not forget to obtain some benefits.

Given her current state, if she were to really walk into the hall by herself, she probably wouldn't even be able to speak before fainting on the spot.

She didn't like showing her weakness, but she also didn't like showing off. If she could enjoy it, why would she grit her teeth and suffer?

If no one saw her trying to be brave, then it would be a waste of her suffering.

"The emperor said that the wangfei's body isn't feeling well, so everything depends on the wangfei's body." How could the emperor not know if Ji Yunkai was really sick or just faking it?

"In that case, let's go." Ji Yunkai also did not change his clothes, and directly ordered his men to prepare a carriage, of course, he brought a sedan along as well.

They did not have a high profile, but they did not keep a low profile either. When they thought about Xiao Jiu'an's reminder, they knew that Beichen's First Prince would definitely be able to stay in the capital city.

Life was more important. No matter what, she would not take it as a joke.

After an hour, the carriage had arrived at the palace gate, and after reporting to the emperor, a few Imperial Guards came over to carry the sedan chair, and bring Ji Yunkai to the great hall.

The court officials waited in the great hall for two hours, and when they saw Ji Yunkai coming in the sedan chair, they all became displeased, and thought that Ji Yunkai was pretending, purposely trying to be arrogant, but he was actually doing it on purpose!

The Imperial Guard put down the palanquin, and looked at Ji Yunkai's pale white face as he weakly leaned on the palanquin. Everyone was speechless.

They had naturally heard of the matter of Prince Yanbei's Wife's serious illness, but had always thought that it was just an ordinary illness, how could they have known that it would be so serious?

You don't have many days to live, do you?

"I's body is unwell, to the point of disrespect, I hope that Your Majesty will forgive me." Ji Yunkai leaned on the sedan, his eyes still shut, looking extremely dispirited.

It was impossible to fake such an immortal, lifeless look.

In that moment, everyone looked at Sky Martial Princess weirdly.

Even the Prince Yanbei's Wife was this sick, and yet the Sky Martial Princess insisted on bringing him to the palace. Wasn't this too much?

That's right, this is the world where you are weak and you have reason. The people of this world are always naturally sympathetic towards the weak, and compared to the arrogant Sky Martial Princess, Ji Yunkai, who is on the verge of death, is undoubtedly the weak.

Seeing that Ji Yunkai looked like he was about to lose his last breath, Sky Martial Princess was shocked, and secretly regretted it in his heart.

She knew that Ji Yunkai was truly sick, but she never thought that he would be so sick. Furthermore, so many days had passed, why was there still no change?

But things had already gotten to this point, she had nowhere to retreat to, if she retreated, the next time she brought this matter to's rescue, she would lose all of her confidence, and even if she retreated today, the people of Revelation would not say that she was kind.

Rather than that, it would be better to just be ruthless and force Ji Yunkai to his death.

Ji Yunkai was so sick, and didn't come to the palace voluntarily. Even if the emperor hated her, he wouldn't blame her at this time. He would even give face to the Prince Yanbei in front of the officials and Sky Martial Princess.

Not only did the Emperor exempt Ji Yunkai from his formalities, he even asked someone to bring a chair for Ji Yunkai to sit on.

In the palace, only the emperor could sit, even the Sky Martial Princess was standing, but Ji Yunkai was simply unable to stand up, no matter how the emperor ordered, he could not be unreasonable.

It's just that, while the Emperor is giving face, Ji Yunkai is unable to follow suit. "No, you can't. If the I can stand, the Emperor only needs to have someone support the giant woman. "

She wasn't weak to the point that she couldn't even stand, but she was naturally weak. If she didn't pretend, how could she be worthy of the hardships she had gone through these past few days?

Moreover, if she tried to act tough now, it would only make people sympathize with her even more.

Although everyone present would sympathize with her because she was weak, if she didn't grasp the opportunity and squandered the sympathy of others with her weakness, she would become annoying.

Human nature was just too complicated. If one was not careful, the advantage would be reduced.

As an enlightened monarch, the emperor naturally wouldn't agree. No matter how vile the later was, he had to display the demeanor of an enlightened monarch. The emperor didn't refuse and had someone bring over a chair and place it by his side.

Ji Yunkai really wanted to sit, she had been standing like this for too long, it was tiring, but thinking that she was the only one in the hall other than the Emperor, so the others would definitely refuse, she endured it, determined to stand.

Afterwards, when she really could not convince the emperor, she stood up while supporting herself with a chair, and was supported by two eunuchs. This way, even if Ji Yunkai did not sit down, it would not be hard for him to do so.

This time, other than the Sky Martial Princess, everyone was satisfied, the way the officials looked at Ji Yunkai became more and more friendly.

There was no such thing as sick or tender. He had to follow the rules. Not bad, not bad!

It was normal for Sky Martial Princess to be unhappy, but from her standpoint, she naturally hoped that Ji Yunkai would sit down, and the more arrogant and proud he would be, the better. Yet, Ji Yunkai didn't fall for it, and before the matter could even begin, Ji Yunkai had seized the initiative …

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