At the scene, I have a good brain

Ji Yunkai was acting as a weak person today, so even if he had the advantage, he couldn't be overbearing or take the initiative to attack. He could only wait for Sky Martial Princess to attack and then attack.

The Sky Martial Princess was also very clear that today was her home ground. Since Ji Yunkai had come, she didn't hold back and let the emperor allow her to bring the witnesses up.

"Yes!" Ji Yunkai knew, although this was the Revelation, neither the emperor nor the officials present would help her.

Compared to her, the benefits the Sky Martial Princess brought to the Revelation was much greater. If she had lowered her head a little, in exchange for Sky Martial Princess's concession, I presume the emperor and the civil and military ministers would both be willing.

After all, the Sky Martial Princess had already given way. Although the matter had reached the peak of a nation, they had only caused trouble for her, and did not find trouble for the Revelation.

However, even though the emperor would not help Ji Yunkai, he would not only help the Sky Martial Princess, which was enough for Ji Yunkai.

Ji Yunkai's body was as weak as a paper man. She had a soft voice and every word she said would cause everyone to gasp for breath, thus, the moment she opened her mouth, everyone quieted down, in order to not be able to hear her words.

"You all … Where were you standing? " Ji Yunkai asked the moment he opened his mouth.

"This commoner, this commoner was standing under Tian Ji's shop at that time."

"The peasants are selling fruits on the street."

"This commoner …"

… ….

From left to right, the five of them answered each of Ji Yunkai's questions.

"In front of this commoner is a seven foot tall man, on the left is a woman, on the right, on the right …"

"There are a pair of brothers in front of this commoner. Right, right …"

… ….

"What color were you wearing that day?"

"What color clothes did the people in front of you wear that day?"

"What color was Sky Martial Princess wearing that day?"

"What color do I wear?"

"How many guards have I brought? Where did the carriage stop? "How many people are standing next to the carriage?"

"Sky Martial Princess..."

The more Ji Yunkai asked the more detailed the questions, the more specific the questions were. In the beginning, the five people were still able to barely answer, but after that, they could only hear Ji Yunkai's voice. The five people's faces were completely red, and were unable to say a single word.

He had barely managed to squeeze out a sentence or two, but he had only heard a string of words from Ji Yunkai that were not right, no, not right …

Sky Martial Princess had always been enduring, enduring until his heart and lungs ached. Seeing Ji Yunkai asking a series of five witnesses and not being able to answer the questions, Sky Martial Princess finally could not hold it in and asked a question in reply: "You're asking this much, do you know the answer?"

"Princess, don't worry. I definitely know the answer to my question." Because of Xiao Jiu'an's reminder, when she went back, she carefully thought back to what happened that day. Other than a few exceptionally minute details, Ji Yunkai could almost completely recover.

"Alright, then tell me. What was the answer to the question you asked just now?" Sky Martial Princess did not believe him from the start and only thought that Ji Yunkai was talking big.

Do you know how chaotic it was? Under such circumstances, how could he get the details?

"Princess, listen carefully." Ji Yunkai's voice was still weak, but it was as if there was a force behind it that caused people to follow her voice uncontrollably.

Ji Yunkai pointed to the person on the left and said, "At that time, he was wearing a blue cloth robe, and on his feet was a pair of old and not new grass shoes. He was standing at the northwest corner of the Tian Ji Hall, holding a carrying pole, which was tied with two thick ropes, and a seven foot tall man was standing in front of him, while on his left was a mother and son.

When the woman and the old man encountered this sort of thing, they would naturally leave at the first possible moment. This was a very normal thing to do.

Ji Yunkai then pointed to the second person: "This man picked two boxes of plums and was selling them. The plum did not put them down, but had always been carrying them on his shoulders.

"This person …"

… ….

Ji Yunkai pointed at the five of them, and one by one, they were restored to their original positions. The situation at that time, and the people in front of them, all these words proved that the five of them could not clearly see what was happening in front of them.

After she finished speaking, she began to describe in detail the positions of the two parties on the street. Sky Martial Princess's attire, the positions of Sky Martial's guards, and even the timing of when they were about to attack.

Ji Yunkai closed his eyes and continued to talk, his voice becoming more and more stable, but his body was shaking more and more violently. The knuckles of the eunuch who supported her on the chair were completely white, and the eunuch who supported her had a head full of sweat.

However, the people present couldn't bear to interrupt him, especially Prince Jing. His eyes were wide open, as if he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

It was too, too terrifying!

Was this a photographic memory?

How did her brain grow?

How could there be such a powerful person?

When the gathered ministers saw Prince Jing like that, they knew that's words were most likely true. Instantly, the look in Ji Yunkai's eyes changed as well, one after another, filled with admiration and envy.

He never knew that his daughter, whom he had raised for eighteen years, would actually have this kind of ability …

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