All of the officials of the imperial court, including the emperor, were looking at Ji Yunkai weirdly. As Ji Yunkai continued to speak, everyone went from being shocked to becoming numb.

"No, impossible, how could you remember it so clearly, this is impossible …"

"Nothing is impossible, Princess. Even though my body is weak, it's good for me here. " After being interrupted by the Sky Martial Princess, Ji Yunkai was not angry at all. He pointed to his own head and smiled faintly.

Humans are so strange. Once you mold yourself into an authority, a genius with photographic memory, no one will suspect you. Even if you discover something wrong, others will only think that they are wrong and not think that she, this genius with photographic memory, is wrong.

In the face of the confident Ji Yunkai, the Sky Martial Princess did not have the confidence to tell that she was in the wrong, so she simply avoided pointing at the heart of the problem: "No need to check, since you remembered the details at that time so clearly, then you should remember the matter of my carriage being smashed, and someone pouring slop water on me."

"Isn't the princess' carriage safe and sound?" She had restored the scene, but who told her to tell the truth?

"You …" Even if Sky Martial Princess knew that Ji Yunkai was lying, he still wouldn't be able to do anything to the perfectly fine coloured glaze treasure carriage.

"What about the slop? What about the people who were causing trouble? You don't want to deny these two points, do you? " She was in trouble with the coloured glaze treasure carriage, how could Ji Yunkai deny these two things.

"Those people were not causing trouble, but to defend themselves. At that time, Princess, your guards were slashing at people randomly, accidentally injuring a lot of people, and those people were retaliating in self-defense. I remember that the law of the Revelation states that self-defense is innocent." This was her good memory. She was able to remember seventy to eighty percent of the dry and tasteless law after looking it over twice.

"Not only does the law of the Revelation allow you to defend yourself with innocence, even the law of the Sky Martial has this rule. Princess, you must have seen it before, right?" The dignified heir to the Sky Martial actually didn't understand the laws of the country. Ji Yunkai really wanted to ask the emperor of the Sky Martial, how did he teach the successor of the family?

Was he trying to scam the citizens of Sky Martial to death?

"There is indeed such a rule. Princess Hua-Yang has a good memory." The President of the Ministry of Justice stood out in time to testify for Ji Yunkai.

"Thank you very much." Ji Yunkai turned his head, and gently nodded to show his thanks.

There was no helping it, she was so weak and didn't have the strength to thank him.

"There is no need to be so courteous, Your Highness. This subject has heard that Your Highness is familiar with the law before, so I thought that it was just an exaggeration. But today, I know that Your Highness is truly familiar with the law." From Ji Yunkai's tone, not only did she understand the laws of the Revelation, she also understood the laws of the Sky Martial.

However, with the princess' photographic memory, it was not difficult for her to study the law.

"I was afraid of breaking the law, so I watched the laws of the countries twice. That way, I would know what I could do and what I couldn't do." She would never admit that she was mainly looking for loopholes in the law so that she could use the law to justify her mistakes in the future.

"What wangfei says is right. Only when there's a measure in your heart will you know your limits." "I don't know how many noble ladies, because they do not understand the law, commit heinous crimes and in the end, implicated their entire family." When the head teacher of the Ministry of Justice heard it, he could not help but be moved, and looked at Ji Yunkai with eyes full of regret.

If their Revelation had a Queen who was proficient in the laws of the countries, she would be able to lead all of the women in the Revelation to learn the laws. If she knew the laws, the atmosphere in the Revelation would also change.

It was a pity that she was not the Empress. She could not act as a mother to the world, could not be a model to all the women in the world, and could not be a target for them to learn from.

Ji Yunkai smiled lightly and said: "It is not my fault that the previous godsons and wives didn't understand the laws." It was all the lords' fault.

Ji Yunkai did not say anything further, but everyone understood what he meant.

"Princess's words make sense." When the Minister of Justice heard this, he immediately nodded his head in agreement. At the same time, he secretly thought that Ji Yunkai was very intelligent, not only did he speak out for the ladies, he even gave the Prince Yanbei a big compliment.

Ji Yunkai laughed, and did not speak further. His gaze once again fell on the Sky Martial Princess who had been ignored by him, "Princess, we shall continue with our recent topic. The matter at Jing'an Avenue that day, the citizens of my Revelation were not at fault, but I was in the wrong. I should not have allowed people to pour slops on the princess, I am solemnly apologizing to the princess right now, and forgot to forgive the princess. "

Ji Yunkai carried all the responsibility on himself as he picked out all the commoners on the streets.

She had promised them that she would protect them, that she would protect them.

"Apologize?" When Sky Martial Princess heard it, he laughed coldly. He looked at Ji Yunkai as if he was looking at a fool.

Ji Yunkai wouldn't be naive to think that he could erase the matter of that day with just an apology, right?

Ji Yunkai acted as if he did not see Sky Martial Princess's contempt, pushed away the eunuch who was supporting her, took a step forward to Sky Martial Princess, and apologized seriously: "Princess, I am sorry that I disturbed the princess here. I apologize to you here, please be magnanimous, and forgive my rudeness."

"Forgive? If you charge at this princess and make people pour slops on her, can you kill me with a single apology? " Ji Yunkai wanted to take care of this matter for himself, right?

Fine, she'll grant Ji Yunkai's wish!

She wanted to see if Ji Yunkai could shoulder this responsibility!

"Then Princess, what do you want?" She was not afraid of Sky Martial Princess not mentioning anything.

Sky Martial Princess didn't remember some things, but she remembered them clearly …

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