"If Your Highness is not happy, the consequences will be severe"

Xiao Jiu'an was someone who had a strong desire to control. Everyone around him knew very well that he only needed to carry out his orders, there was no need to doubt his words.

Xiao Shaorong ignored his orders today!

"Do it in the city? "How dare you!" Xiao Jiu'an's mood was not good, but hearing that, a cold glint appeared in his eyes, "Come, let's go take a look!"

He was just about to get blood when someone came to his door. Then, he wouldn't stand on ceremony any longer.

"Yes." The hidden guard saw Xiao Jiu'an taking action, although he did not understand, he did not say much and followed closely behind Xiao Jiu'an, heading towards the Prince Duan's Mansion.

The distance between the Prince Yanbei's Mansion and himself was not that far. Xiao Jiu'an had done his best, and arrived at the Prince Duan's Mansion in less than an incense's time.

From afar, the sound of fighting could be heard. Coincidentally, the patrolling soldiers couldn't get here even after a long time.

"Interesting!" This street was filled with nobles. Whether it was day or night, there was no lack of patrolling soldiers. However, today there was no one. It could be seen that this was not a simple matter.

Without further ado, Xiao Jiu'an leapt into the Prince Duan's Mansion with his sword. More than half of the Prince Duan's Mansion's guards were killed and injured, they were forced to retreat continuously, and they were not a match for the black clad assassin. At the same time, the Prince Duan also fell into the hands of the black clothed man.

Without much words, Xiao Jiu'an joined the battle, and the moment he appeared, the entire situation changed instantly.

"Prince Yanbei, it's Prince Yanbei!" When the guards of the Prince Duan's Mansion saw Xiao Jiu'an appearing, their eyes all lit up.

"The Prince Yanbei is here, we are saved."

"Don't worry, the reinforcements are here."

… ….

This was Xiao Jiu'an, he did not need to do anything. As long as he could stand there, he could calm the hearts of the people, stimulate the morale of the people, and stimulate their fighting spirit.

"Prince Yanbei, quickly, quickly save me …" Hearing the guard's words, Prince Duan shouted excitedly. If not for the collar on his neck, he would have definitely rushed behind Xiao Jiu'an.

Everyone knows that the safest place is behind Xiao Jiu'an, because you are protected by Xiao Jiu'an!

"Master Prince Duan, be gentle, swords and sabers are blind." The black-clothed man who had grabbed the Prince Duan suddenly spoke with a voice that was not too loud, just loud enough for Xiao Jiu'an to hear.

"Beichen Tianque?" Xiao Jiu'an cut the person in front of him into pieces, then turned around to look at Beichen Tianque who had the exact same light colored eyes as him.

Those eyes were truly annoying!

"Prince Yanbei, we meet again." Beichen Tianque removed the black cloth that was covering his face.

In front of Xiao Jiu'an, no matter how tightly he covered himself, he could not hide it.

"This King has been looking for you, but I never expected you to walk right into his trap." Seeing Beichen Tianque, Xiao Jiu'an was not the least bit surprised.

Beichen Tianque wanted to use Liu Li's formula to make himself crazy, but how could he miss this opportunity when he heard that the Son of Prince Duan had created Liu Li.

"You already took out Liu Li's prescription, how could I not come?" Obviously, Beichen Tianque understood Xiao Jiu'an very well.

The reason why Ji Yunkai took out Liu Li's recipe was to slap Sky Martial Princess, so that she wouldn't be so cocky every day and think that she was invincible. And the reason why Xiao Jiu'an exposed this matter earlier was all because of Beichen Tianque.

Beichen Tianque was a scourge in the Revelation Royal City after all. How could Xiao Jiu'an feel at ease if he did not find the person he was looking for?

However, Beichen Tianque was too good at hiding, so he had no choice but to use some methods.

Of course, he had used an open and aboveboard plan. Beichen Tianque knew clearly that it was a trap but he still chose to do it.

"If you want Liu Li's recipe, you can win against me. If you want to win, Liu Li's recipe will be yours." But Beichen Tianque would definitely not be able to defeat him.

"I have Prince Duan in my hands, how can his son not bring out Liu Li's recipe?" Beichen Tianque was very clear about the disparity between him and Xiao Jiu'an, he had already suffered greatly the last time he attacked, but this time, he would definitely not fight with Xiao Jiu'an.

"You can try." Xiao Jiu'an looked at Prince Duan sarcastically.

It had only been a short while, but Prince Duan looked like a different person. Beautiful women was truly the Hero Tomb, Prince Duan was extremely spirited back then, but now he had become a sloppy, wretched old man.

Women were indeed untouchable.

Wasn't the reason he lost control tonight due to Ji Yunkai?

"Zhao Chenhe, come out!" Xiao Jiu'an glanced at the guards and assassins who had stopped fighting, and called out.

There were no surprises. His men should have brought Zhao Chenhe to a safe place.

He was using Zhao Chen He as bait in place of Ji Yunkai, so of course he would send people to protect him. This was something he had his own conscience, after all, Zhao Chen He's death would not benefit him at all.

About a quarter of an hour later, Zhao Chenhe, who had his arm injured, walked out with the support of a guard. The first person he saw was not Beichen Tianque, nor was it the Prince Duan he had captured, but Xiao Jiu'an.

"Prince Yanbei, are you satisfied?" Zhao Chen He was not an idiot, at this point, he still could not see through Xiao Jiu'an's schemes, he should just run his head into the wall and die.

"Zhao Chenhe, remember … …" There is no such thing as a pie in the sky. " Was it that easy to obtain Ji Yunkai's things?

Zhao Chenhe couldn't be like his father and be stupefied, right?

"You …" Zhao Chenhe gritted his teeth, but was still unable to say anything.

He should have thought of it, no. He had long since thought that it was because he was too greedy that he would do everything he could to ignore the danger that was brought by Liu Li's formula.

"Alright, Beichen Tianque wants to use your father to exchange for Liu Li's prescription. Are you willing?" Xiao Jiu'an did not have any plans to teach Son of Prince Duan. Since his words came to this point, Zhao Chenhe understood that it was best if they did not. So what if he didn't understand? Did he, Zhao Chenhe, have the ability to take revenge?

"Chen He, quick, give him Liu Li's prescription." Prince Duan heard and immediately spoke out.

Beichen Tianque was someone who ate people without spitting out their bones. He was someone who truly knew how to kill people, and he didn't want to die …

"Hmph …" Zhao Chenhe scoffed, not at the Prince Duan, but at Beichen Tianque with a smile. "Beichen Tianque, do you know how my Royal Father bartered everything for her after his lover was captured all those years ago?"

Without waiting for Beichen Tianque to ask, Son of Prince Duan said, "It's my mufei!"

Yes, what he told Ji Yunkai back then wasn't a lie, it was real and he had personally witnessed it …

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