Son of Prince Duan's tone was calm, there was even a smile on his face, without a single trace of anger or dissatisfaction, as though he was talking about someone else. However, anyone with eyes would be able to see the tears in his eyes … …

Everyone was silent, even Beichen Tianque did not make a sound, only Prince Duan, like a mouse whose tail had been stepped on, pointed at Son of Prince Duan in fear: "You, you actually know about it? You actually know everything? "

"Yeah, I know everything. I know that you killed my mother for a slut, and then I even called that slut 'mother' every day for more than ten years. Do you think I'm very scary?" To be able to live in the Prince Duan's Mansion until now, how could the Son of Prince Duan not understand his father?

How old was he then? When he saw his own mother being pushed out by his father as a gift to a group of beasts, he had to pretend as if nothing had happened. God knows how he did it.

"Don't bite off more than you can chew, Father, you … "Are you really our father?" Son of Prince Duan could not hold on any longer, and started crying uncontrollably.

He was resentful, he was resentful, but he was too young. His father had a high position of authority, and his uncle had no real power. If he angered his father, then he and his sister would die a miserable death, and his uncle and his family wouldn't have a good ending.

In order for his loved ones to live, he could only endure, even if it meant dripping blood.

"No, no, at that time, at that time …" Prince Duan wanted to explain, but when he opened his mouth, he did not know what to say.

At that time, he was completely mesmerized by his cousin. Not to mention sacrificing his son, even if he sacrificed his own mother, he probably wouldn't even blink. But now, he knew he was wrong. He really knew that he was wrong.

"Chen He, Royal Father knows his wrongs. Royal Father really knows his wrongs." In retrospect, the happiest time of his life was with his wife and children, not with his cousin.

His cousin, no, no, that woman was not his cousin. She was the evil woman who had ruined his life!

"Wrong?" Can you bring my mother back to life? One word is wrong. Can you let my childhood go by without fear? One word is wrong. Can you make me close my eyes every night and not see the scene of my mother being sent back by you? "

"Wrong?" What's the use of making a mistake? The damage has already been done. The dead will not be able to survive and the lost will forever be lost. "

Son of Prince Duan cried bitterly. The current him no longer had the grace and grace of a gentleman in front of others. At this moment, he was like a cub that had lost its protection.

Everyone kept quiet, letting Son of Prince Duan cry, even Beichen Tianque did not utter a sound.

After all he was an adult. Son of Prince Duan cried for a while before calming down, but just as he stopped crying, another low sob came from inside the house: "Is this true? Is this true? Brother Prince, is what you said really true? "

The one who spoke was Infanta Tao'an, she curled up in a corner, and her entire body was in a sorry state. Her face was covered in tears, and it was unknown how long she listened for.

Of course Xiao Jiu'an knew when she had arrived, but why did he say so?

If Ji Yunkai did not meddle in this matter, he would not have cared about the life and death of the Prince Duan's Mansion.

Bearing the grudge of living a life of hatred was too painful. It was fine for him to bear all these alone.

"Brother Prince, is what you said true? Was our mother really killed by our father? Brother Prince, answer me? " Tao'an was not as weak as Son of Prince Duan thought she was. She staggered to her feet and walked to Son of Prince Duan's side, stubbornly wanting an answer.

Son of Prince Duan really wanted to lie to Tao'an so that his sister could live a happy life. However, facing Tao'an's determined and sorrowful eyes, he couldn't lie.

"Yes, that was the year we went to Jiangnan …" Son of Prince Duan nodded and closed his eyes, allowing his tears to fall.

He thought that he had already forgotten about it, and thought that he had let it go. However, when he saw Tao'an, he knew that he did not forget about it, nor could he let it go.

"Hahaha... "It turns out that in all these years, I have always accepted thieves as my mother. I am truly ridiculous. I am truly ridiculous." Tao'an laughed out loud, his laughter was filled with sorrow and sorrow.

"So it turned out that the reason I was able to live today was all because my elder brother endured humiliation in exchange for this." Thinking about how Brother Prince said it, did not want to laugh, but was forced to laugh instead, Tao'an felt as if his heart was being pierced.

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