Do you believe me?

After working until dawn, the severely injured soldiers had been properly treated, leaving only the slightly injured medicine boys to take care of them. Ji Yunkai was finally able to take a breather, but..

He had only taken a sip of water when the deputy general, who had brought Ji Yunkai here earlier, found Ji Yunkai with an honorable appearance as if she had just crawled out from the ground. Another wounded person has been dug out, and is severely injured, so they cannot be lifted. Your Highness asked if you can go over? "

Last night, Young Master Xiao supported Princess Hua-Yang, and when she turned his head back, he secretly warned everyone who saw this scene to keep their mouths shut so that the Duke would not know about this matter.

Young Master Xiao repeatedly emphasized that if the Duke knew about this matter, regardless if it was what they said or not, in the end, all of the blame would be placed on them.

No one dared to bring this matter up after being threatened by Young Master Xiao. Naturally, no one would dare to lightly touch the wangfei either.

Young Master Xiao had the closest relationship with the Prince, and was the person who understood the Prince the most. Even Young Master Xiao was afraid of this matter, so how could these people not be afraid?

But he did not dare help Ji Yunkai, as he could help her lighten the burden. The assistant general silently walked back and extended his hand to take the white bandage, then he continued to walk forward.

Without a burden, Ji Yunkai heaved a long sigh of relief, and finally caught up with the Lieutenant General. When the Lieutenant General saw this, he no longer hesitated and continued to walk forward. At the same time, he was secretly glad that his wife wasn't some delicate girl. Otherwise, he really wouldn't be able to finish his journey.

"Princess, Vice General Chen." As soon as the two of them stepped forward, one of the soldiers took the items from the Lieutenant General's hands and followed behind them, guiding them further in.

Walking from the place where the guards were stationed to the place of the accident would still take half an hour, Ji Yunkai could not help but sigh: This was really a layer of defense. Normal people could not enter, and naturally would not be able to leave.

After walking for half an hour, Ji Yunkai finally saw the scene of the accident, as well as Xiao Jiu'an, who was directing the soldiers to rescue him.

Although it was only the back of his figure, Ji Yunkai could still tell at a glance. The first person he saw was Xiao Jiu'an's back, and it was not the ruins.

Even if there was only a single back, it would still be unique. It would also be the center of attention of the crowd. Even if there were thousands of people, they would be able to recognize him with a single glance and even see him with a single glance.

After seeing Xiao Jiu'an's location, Ji Yunkai finally had time to check out the situation on the spot.

The situation at the scene was terrible. There were piles of rubble, sand, and unknown ores forming a mountain. One could not see where the entrance was, nor could one tell that this was a mine.

Ji Yunkai saw a group of soldiers digging there with hoes and shovels, cutting stones with machetes and hammers, then carrying away the soil and rocks with baskets. It looked like they were digging a new path, which made their efficiency extremely low.

To be honest, Ji Yunkai had never seen such an original rescue scene. He was stunned for a moment, only when Xiao Jiu'an walked in front of her and smacked her forehead did she suddenly react and called out in shock, "Your Highness!"

"What are you daydreaming for?" Xiao Jiu'an said with a stern and stern face.

Ji Yunkai patted her chest, then said: "I'm looking at this mine, does it just collapse again?" The only explanation was that the mine had collapsed again, and the rescue workers might have been buried inside.

"Yes." Xiao Jiu'an nodded, and did not hide anything.

Since he brought Ji Yunkai here, he definitely did not have any intention of hiding anything from her.

"Do you have any plans for the mine?" In other words, when they were mining, had anyone ever guessed where the people under the mines were buried? Where should he dig the fastest and most labor-saving method? Do you have any basis for digging from here? " Ji Yunkai pointed to the direction of where the soldiers were digging and could not help but frown.

She didn't study surveying and engineering, but she had seen the blueprints at the mine when she was at the rescue site, and had heard some experts say so.

After the collapse of the mine, the first rule was to save people, and to save people, one had to struggle for every second. The best way was to open up the original tunnel, digging while simultaneously strengthening it, but...

These people seemed to have excavated a new path, the mine was filled with rocks and rocks, how long would it take to excavate another path?

Waiting for them to dig a new path. Was the person inside still alive?

"No, this spot is the closest to where they were buried." According to the principle of proximity, digging here was the easiest.

"Who gave the suggestion?" This position had already collapsed once, if they were to dig again, would they really be able to guarantee that they wouldn't collapse again?

"A general in the army who understands the concept of a lord." Xiao Jiu'an did not hide her ignorance.

"Did he say it would take me ten days to half a month to find a new road?" The distance between this point and the buried person was not bad, but this road was clearly not easy to dig.

Putting everything else aside, the huge boulders in the middle of the room couldn't be cleaned up in such a short period of time.

"You mean, dig from the original address? That position has already been reversed once. " Earlier, they had dug the entire mine from the original intersection, but when they were halfway there, the entire mine collapsed again.

This time, the casualties were even worse.

"Excavating from the original location will save time and is also the fastest and most efficient way. As long as the rocks and soil are removed, the road will be clear. And these stones and dirt were just stuck in there because they were dislocated, so they're not solid and don't need to use too much effort. " There was already a way out. He didn't need to carve a new path out for a whole day. Was there anything faster than this?

"Another landslide?" Just thinking about it, Xiao Jiu'an knew that Ji Yunkai had a point, but he could not take the risk.

"Dig while strengthening, you can't just be careless." This was the most basic common sense, okay? The bottom of the mine had been hollowed out, and if there was not enough gravity to support it, the mine would definitely collapse.

"You will?" Xiao Jiu'an squinted as she looked at Ji Yunkai.

Ji Yunkai wanted to shake his head, but when she saw Xiao Jiu'an's serious expression, she could not shake his head. She could only reject it and change it to: "I do not, but I can give it a try, do you believe in me?"

This was life, she couldn't just ignore life in the end …

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