Ji Yunkai's legs went soft, her hands trembled, and her vision became dizzy. Ji Yunkai knew that he could no longer continue onwards. She had to rest, but …

As soon as he stood up, his vision went dark and his legs went limp. His body fell backward uncontrollably. He didn't even have the chance to call for help.

However, the moment she fell down, a powerful arm appeared behind her and firmly hugged her, supporting her weak body.

"Yes." How are the wounded? " His stomach was very hungry, but out of professional habit, Ji Yunkai immediately asked about the patient's condition.

"The condition of the wounded soldiers treated by you and the Little Doctor Zhuge has stabilized, but after a few more severely injured soldiers were sent over, three of them are already dead." At the end, the empress couldn't help but cry out.

Ji Yunkai was silent for a moment, then said: "I am very sorry." Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't save you in time, I'm sorry I didn't last a while.

"No, no, it has nothing to do with you, Princess. You've already done your best." No matter how inhumane they were, they couldn't tell lies with their eyes, and they couldn't blame their wangfei for doing so.

They didn't blame the wangfei, they only regretted their comrade's sudden death, and had just happened to meet the wangfei's faint at the wrong time. The Little Doctor Zhuge alone couldn't save everyone.

As he thought about it, he couldn't hold back his tears. "Princess, we've lost too many people this time." The body of the person who was previously buried in the cave was crushed when he was dug out. If he didn't have the military tag on him, he wouldn't have been able to recognize this person.

"It will be fine." Ji Yunkai did not find out what happened, and could only sigh.

She could guess what had happened. In the mountains, there was no earthquake or landslide. This was probably caused by the collapse of a cave or mine.

Seeing the broken rocks on the injured soldiers and Xiao Jiu'an's caution, Ji Yunkai guessed that it was a mine, and a gold mine at that.

They ran into a gold mine in the mountains to train. The righteous and powerful men of the Yanbei Army were brave enough to go mining without any investigation, causing the mine to collapse and the soldiers who dug the mine to be buried.

Of course, this was only her deductions from the clues she had. She did not know the truth, and she did not want to ask.

"Is there anything to eat?" She cared more about this than trying to deduce the truth.

She was so hungry that she could eat herself. If she didn't eat something, she would fall down.

"Yes, yes, yes …" The little soldier nodded again and again. Halfway through his words, he said embarrassedly, "Princess, is only wild vegetable soup and steamed buns okay?"

"Sure, but only if it's edible." She was so hungry that she could even chew on rocks, much less steamed buns.

"I'll go now." The little soldier immediately ran over to get food for Ji Yunkai. As soon as he was far away, he heard someone ask, "Is the wangfei awake?"

"Is the wangfei alright?"

"Is the princess well?"

… ….

Hearing the simple greetings and concern of the group of Big Head Soldiers, she would be lying if she said that her heart wasn't warm, but Ji Yunkai had never been an emotional person, much less someone who wouldn't use emotions.

She thanked them for their concern, but at the same time, she could not forget the accusations they had made against her, and their persecution of her Little Doctor Zhuge.

She knew that these were not their fault. The lower classes were the ones who were easily incited and easily changed their positions. They knew very little, and the information they received was limited. Naturally, they believed what others said, so …

She did not mind these people's evil words, nor did she expect them to protect her unconditionally, so long as they kept a safe distance between each other. After all, if there was no hope, then he wouldn't be disappointed. If he had no desire, then he would be strong. If he had nothing to ask of her, then there was no need to feel wronged. He just had to be himself.

The night was too dark, Ji Yunkai did not walk far. While the small soldier was carrying the food, he walked back and forth a few times, which could be considered as stretching his body.

"Princess, the steamed buns and soup are here." The little soldier's speed was very fast, but in a moment he had already brought a big bowl of soup and a basket of steamed buns. Looking at the quantity, it was enough for Ji Yunkai to eat for three days.

"I can't eat that much." Ji Yunkai was speechless. Did these people take her for a pig?

"Wangfei, no matter how much you eat, it's not worth much. If you don't take it now, you won't be able to eat it in a few days." With the presence of their prince, they didn't have many chances to eat wild vegetables.

Ji Yunkai held up the bowl of soup. As expected, these wild vegetables were not that fresh, and there was not even a single bit of oil flower in the soup. It was definitely boiled vegetables mixed with salt.

Even if Ji Yunkai was not picky, she almost vomited.

It was bitter, astringent, and carried a fishy smell. It was not bad, but rather the unique smell of wild vegetables.

The little soldier saw Ji Yunkai frowning and immediately explained: "Royal Concubine, don't think that the taste isn't good. Doctor Zhuge said that this kind of wild vegetable is loved to lick, and there are snake saliva on the wild vegetables, so it has the effect of detoxifying and detoxifying the plants. This is what we need right now."

With that said, Ji Yunkai felt like vomiting even more.

Ji Yunkai had only eaten one, she guaranteed that she would be 80% full.

After finishing his meal, Ji Yunkai felt that he was truly alive. He asked once and after knowing that the Little Doctor Zhuge had collapsed two hours ago, Ji Yunkai did not speak anymore.

"Who sent these wounded soldiers?" Originally, he did not want to ask, but when he thought about his powerful arm before fainting, Ji Yunkai could not help but ask again.

Even though she didn't know why she had asked that question.

When Ji Yunkai found out that it was Xiao Shaorong who delivered the wounded soldier, Ji Yunkai sighed softly. Althoughhee didn't know why he sighed, she still felt a little regretful in his heart.

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