In the end, his arm did not twist his thigh. Although Ji Yunkai was unwilling, she still resigned to her fate and took a bath again.

What do I do if I don't wash?

Afterwards, she went to her adoptive father's house. The adoptive father had a younger sister, and when she came to his house, she had already gone to school, so she could be considered a big child. The adoptive father never wanted to hug her, and the adoptive mother never even held her hand because she was sensible and wouldn't lose it.

She would walk slowly at the back, by herself, watching her sister being carried by her foster father with one arm, watching her sister laughing with her foster father and foster mother, just like an outsider.

Outsider, these three words had accompanied her for most of her life.

In her foster father's house, she was an outsider who had broken into their little house.

In school, she was an outsider who had broken into the normal world.

On the ship, she was an outsider who had broken into the world of men.

Her adoptive father treated her very carefully. Her classmates would do their best to take care of her, and they would always let her take care of her. In truth, they were all very nice to her, but that kind of kindness made her completely out of place with the people around her.

With a bitter smile, Ji Yunkai patted her head and stopped thinking random thoughts. Her hands unconsciously splashed water on the water, using the excuse of bathing to play.

After soaking in the water for half an hour, the skin began to wrinkle. Only then did a maid bring her clean clothes and a brand-new mask.

Under the care of Warm Winter and Baoqin, Ji Yunkai changed into clean clothes and walked out of the bathing pool.

Although soaking in a hot spring was good, soaking in it for too long was really unbearable. She was already feeling dizzy.

He sat in front of the dressing table and allowed Dong Ri to help her with her hair. When her hair was half dry, he raised his hand to stop Dong Ri from being busy.

She was really going to starve to death right now, Xiao Jiu'an really wanted her to die.

"Yes, Princess." Warm Winter stopped and took a step back, allowing Ji Yunkai to stand up.

He still returned to the Flower Hall alone. Thankfully, Xiao Jiu'an was not present this time and allowed Ji Yunkai to eat a peaceful meal.

After the meal, Ji Yunkai did not go for a walk to eat, but found a book to read.

After living like a pig in the cabin for most of the month, she could do nothing but wander around the house every day. She didn't want to wander around anymore.

About half an hour later, Warm Winter brought over a large bowl of medicine. "Princess, this is the medicine that the Prince brought back. He said that he has to drink it after dinner every night for three months."

Xiao Jiu'an was not at the Duke Palaces because he had gone to get the medicine for Ji Yunkai.

It wasn't that he had to, but he was the fastest, he could guarantee that he would be able to get the medicine after Ji Yunkai ate her meal. Furthermore, he also had to go to the mines to have a look and rearrange his defenses.

The Emperor is already suspicious, and he must not let the Emperor know of the existence of the gold mine.

Ji Yunkai could guess, that this was the medicine that Feng Qi had prescribed for her. Without hesitation, she picked up the bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

Only the smell of medicine, no bitter taste, finished the medicine, just need to rinse mouth with water.

"Esteemed wangfei, this servant will take my leave first." After sending the medicine, Warm Winter did not dare to stay for even a moment longer and immediately left.

This was no other place. This was the Frigid Water Hall, a place where maidservants like them could not easily enter. If they were to meet the prince in the Frigid Water Hall, it would be troublesome.

Ji Yunkai was also aware of this point, although it was inconvenient, but she didn't have the intention of leaving Warm Winter behind.

After reading for another hour, Ji Yunkai fell asleep on her own.

Although moving to the Frigid Water Hall had its own inconvenience, Ji Yunkai was not too used to it when it came to sleeping. In any case, Xiao Jiu'an would not appear before she fell asleep, and when she woke up, Xiao Jiu'an had already left. She didn't need to face him at all.

Perhaps it was because he was really tired, Ji Yunkai practically slept straight away, and not long after, he let out a long sigh. When Xiao Jiu'an entered, he saw Ji Yunkai, who was sleeping soundly.

As usual, Xiao Jiu'an did not disturb Ji Yunkai. She took off her outer robes and laid down beside Ji Yunkai, before embracing him.

The softness of Ji Yunkai's body was an extremely good pillow, and the scent from her body made him feel at ease. Only by leaning closer would she be able to smell her better, however …

Today was different.

The instant he hugged Ji Yunkai, Xiao Jiu'an's hands froze. Holding his breath, he leaned back in disdain, and increased the distance between him and Ji Yunkai.

This made Xiao Jiu'an extremely dissatisfied, and without any hesitation, she released his hand. She got off the bed and at the same time, pushed Ji Yunkai awake: "Wake up!"

"What for?" Ji Yunkai was quite vigilant, even if there was a slight disturbance, she would have definitely woken up. But today, being pushed by Xiao Jiu'an, she was still in a daze and couldn't open his eyes, his voice was also mute.

However, Xiao Jiu'an didn't have the mind to appreciate her lazy sleep. She only wanted to wash off the smell of the medicine on Ji Yunkai's body as soon as possible.

"Get up and go take a bath." Xiao Jiu'an did not know how to care for a lady at all, and directly lifted the blanket.

Suddenly touching the cold air, Ji Yunkai shivered. She was completely awake and sat up.

It was too dark in the room. Ji Yunkai could not see anything clearly, and only the outline of Xiao Jiu'an could be vaguely seen. Why didn't she know?

Xiao Jiu'an did not reply her, and coldly said: "Go take a bath."

"You're crazy." What's a bath in the middle of the night?

She had already taken two baths today. If she continued, her skin would break.

"Do you want This King to carry you, or do you want to go alone?" Xiao Jiu'an took a step forward, and a black shadow pressed over …

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