Violence was the law of kings!

Strength determines everything!

, who was yawning non-stop, walked back and saw Xiao Jiu'an sitting at the side with a small lamp lit, reading a book. She glared at him and said, "My prince, can I sleep now?"

It was unscientific that she could fall asleep so quickly with a living person in her room!

Not long after Ji Yunkai fell asleep, Xiao Jiu'an also put down the book, blew out the light, and went to bed.

Xiao Jiu'an hugged Ji Yunkai and smelt the fresh scent of her bath. She nodded in satisfaction, but she was also satisfied with the speed at which Ji Yunkai fell asleep.

After a good night of sleep, when Ji Yunkai woke up, there was no longer any trace of Xiao Jiu'an left. There was only a faint aura on the blanket, silently telling her that last night, Xiao Jiu'an had still been sleeping by her side and she did not know anything.

Every time it was like this, Ji Yunkai would give up struggling. In any case, aside from Xiao Jiu'an, she still had his guard up towards others, and it could be seen that she did not retreat.

Ji Yunkai woke up a little late today, and when she passed by the drill grounds, she had already ended her daily morning practice and had breakfast.

After Ji Yunkai cooked breakfast alone, she started to think about how to arrange a place to stay.

The truth was, she didn't like the cold and empty Hanshui Hall. Previously, she had ignored it because she had never treated Hanshui Hall as a place to live.

Since he couldn't resist, he might as well enjoy it.

Since Xiao Jiu'an wanted her to stay in the Frigid Water Hall, she naturally had to make it look like he liked it. As for Xiao Jiu'an's preferences, she didn't care about them.

"This …" The steward was dumbfounded. He stood rooted to the spot, unable to find an answer to his question.

It was too dark!

The pitch-black window covered the room tightly, and only the corner of his eyes could be seen peeking in. Sleeping inside was really depressing, especially when, like last night, Xiao Jiu'an stood in front of the door, blocking all the light.

"This servant will go ask the king." Seeing that Ji Yunkai was not determined to immediately set it up, the manager heaved a sigh of relief.

He wasn't sure if it was his imagination, but he had the nagging feeling that there was something different about the wangfei's return this time. There seemed to be an unswerving domineering air around her, giving him a great deal of pressure.

The sky was unchanging, and there was no other master in the house. If the prince and the wangfei competed, then they, the servants, would definitely suffer a miserable fate.

The manager hastily asked Xiao Jiu'an, but before Xiao Jiu'an could reply, Ji Yunkai had drawn many pictures of the glass windows, adding dimensions, she got Warm Winter to send over to the Son of Prince Duan, allowing him to arrange for a workman to create the windows.

After he finished drawing, Ji Yunkai remembered that the Son of Prince Duan had mentioned that he would give Feng Qi a set of glass objects so that she could draw it herself. After thinking for a while, Ji Yunkai started to draw.

However, Ji Yunkai was not satisfied with all the paintings, it was not because he was unsatisfied with his own painting, but because she felt that the vulgar Liu Li was not worthy to be his senior brother.

"A person like Senior Brother, even if he lived in a glass-enclosed room, he would still feel that he had been tainted. What other arrangements could possibly be worthy of him?" Ji Yunkai looked at the blueprint in her hand, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt that it was tacky.

However, if she had to draw an elegant and refined style, it would be impossible for her to do it as a normal person. Ji Yunkai thought about it and could not help but think boldly: "How about we build a glass room for Senior Brother?"

The coloured glaze treasure carriage of the Sky Martial Princess was actually quite nice to look at, and it was not vulgar. In addition, in such a large room, no matter where it was built, it would fit the promotion effects that the Son of Prince Duan required.

"That's it." The more Ji Yunkai thought about it, the more she felt that this method was feasible.

The entire building style was the same as the Revelation, they only changed the building materials to glass.

Of course, the entire house was not made entirely out of glass, even Ji Yunkai himself did not know how to reinforce the house if she used all of the glass, so there was only the roof and the walls were made of glass, it was just like a sunny room.

In this way, the sun could completely shine through during a sunny day, and on a rainy day, he could sit inside and admire the rain. In a snowy day, he would enjoy the snow. If he wanted to keep his privacy, he could just pull up the curtain.

The more Ji Yunkai looked at the drawing, the more beautiful it felt, and even what this room was used for, she had already thought about it for Feng Qi.

Feng Qi was the descendant of the Feng Family. In the future, all of their friends would be either noble young masters or famous scholars from aristocratic families. This room could definitely be used as a place for him to entertain her friends.

Ji Yunkai divided the room into two floors. The first floor was made up of bookshelves filled with glass, which were used to place desks and of course, one could also read. On the second floor, there were also tables and chairs, making it easier for Feng Qi to entertain her friends and drink tea, chat and read books …

Not only did Ji Yunkai think about the usage of the Glazed Inn, she also thought about how to set up the outside of the house and the corridor.

Scholars, flowers and plants can not be small, especially the symbol of the gentleman's style of orchids.

Yes, she could start collecting the orchids and orchids now, and nurture them properly. Once the Glass Room was built, she could transplant them over.

Of course, there couldn't be a lack of bamboo and plum blossoms. She had to ensure that Senior Brother Feng Qi would have flowers to look at during the four seasons and have scenery to enjoy.

The more Ji Yunkai thought about it, the more excited he became. The pen in his hand continued to draw non-stop, this painting lasted for four hours, and by the time she finished, it was already noon.

When he saw the initial scale of the blueprint, Ji Yunkai was elated. He didn't even eat his lunch, and embellished the drawing a few more times before stopping, satisfied with the result. He let Winterpeak take it to the Prince Duan's Mansion to see if he could build a room with glazed glass according to the blueprints on it.

As for where this glass house was to be built?

Ji Yunkai expressed that he wasn't in a rush, she could slowly search for a place. In short, he had to find a peaceful and elegant place, only then would it fit his eldest senior brother's taste …

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