Fei Xiao Chai's misfortune was naturally Xiao Jiu'an's doing. As for the reason?

Black Stone Mountain only had one town, and it was only a small one. If Xiao Jiu'an didn't know that Fei Xiao Chai didn't intentionally lower his voice when he spoke, then Mo Qi Xi and the others would have all changed.

Xiao Jiu'an only told the people below that she wanted them to take good care of Fei Xiaozui. No matter what, as long as it did not harm their lives.

Xiao Jiu'an was not in a hurry to find the whereabouts of the devil sect, and Xu Zicheng was even less anxious. It was already winter, Beichen's people had already frozen to death. At this time, he only wanted to transport some more black stones and mud back, he had no time to bother with the people from the Devil Sect.

Seeing that Xiao Jiu'an and Xu Zicheng did not make a move, the people from the Demon Sect calmed down a little. The longer they waited, the better it would be for them.

For a time, everyone was at peace, and with the three parties having quieted down, the black rock mountain returned to its former tranquility. However, everyone knew that this peace was only temporary and would be broken very soon.

Then, what Xu Zicheng did not expect was, the one who broke this peace was not the Prince Yanbei or the Devil Sect, but them, Beichen.

Without any warning, without any news, Liu Yuan brought a few of his trusted aides and came here easily. Not to mention others, even Xu Zicheng was scared silly when he saw Liu Yuan.

"General, general, why are you here?" Xu Zicheng was extremely frightened.

He admitted that the things inside the Black Stone Mountain were extremely beneficial to Beichen, but he was not able to get the grand general to come personally.

"What is it? Can't I come? " Liu Yuan said. His voice was low and had a trace of mute, as if there was something in it. It was not hard to hear, but it gave off an indescribable feeling.

Of course, Liu Yuan wasn't born with such a voice. It was said that his throat was smothered when he was young, and would become like this.

Although Liu Yuan was Beichen's Great General King, he was still young, and was only in his early forties this year. Furthermore, he stayed in the army all year round, and normally trained with the soldiers and soldiers. Although he did not take care of himself, his figure was lean and powerful, and also brimming with vitality.

"No, no, I just didn't expect you to come." Xu Zicheng shook her head, afraid that Liu Yuan would misunderstand.

"The black stone is life and death for Beichen's citizens, how can I not come?" Liu Yuan talked while walking forward. Although she looked casual, she was actually looking for someone, Ji Yunkai, or perhaps, the Prince Yanbei's Wife.

However, perhaps Liu Yuan's luck was not good, or something was wrong, it was not until Liu Yuan stepped into the tent that he did not see Ji Yunkai. After thinking for a moment, in the end, he still opened his mouth and said: "Bring her to see me."

"Him?" Xu Zicheng was stunned, who was he?

Liu Yuan's face sank, feigning dissatisfaction as he said, "In this army, other than you, who else needs to be met by this general?"

In reality, he did not know how to address Ji Yunkai, which was why he used her as such.

He had originally come here from far away because he wanted to meet Xiao Jiu'an. On the way, he heard that the one who was taking care of the five thousand people for Xiao Jiu'an was his wife, so he changed his mind and decided to come see his wife first.

He wanted to see what the girl who could make that child fall for looked like. What sort of temperament?

"General is saying that Miss Yun, please wait for a moment. I will go and invite her over right now." Xu Zicheng was not stupid. Although Liu Yuan's words were vague, he still understood.

He couldn't help but think to himself, "General, you could hand over five thousand men to a girl and then rush to see her as soon as you arrived. Could that girl be the daughter of the General?"

Although their family's general had yet to take a wife, there were quite a few girls who adored him. According to his character and looks, it was normal for him to have one or two bosom friends when he was young.

Xu Zixian had originally only made wild guesses, but upon thinking about Ji Yunkai's capabilities, he became even more certain of them.

In this world, other than his family's generals, which other family's girls could be proficient in martial arts?

That Miss Yun must be the general's daughter.

Thinking about it this way, Xu Zicheng became even more respectful to Ji Yunkai, and within his respect was even a hint of intimacy, as well as the care and concern of an elder.

As his own people, he naturally had to pay more attention to him.

He personally went to find Ji Yunkai and said with a smile, "Miss Yun, the Great General King has come. He wants to see you.

"King of Generals?" Ji Yunkai was stupefied, and stood there foolishly.

Beichen's Great General Wang is here, you still want to see her?

What kind of cooperation did Xiao Jiu'an have with Beichen? Why was Beichen's Great General Wang here?

Not only did he come, he even wanted to see her. She didn't know anything, what if she said something wrong and gave Xiao Jiu'an more trouble?

Xiao Jiu'an had scammed her to death. He had initially said that she would temporarily help him keep an eye on Xu Zicheng's men, and it would only take a few days. In the end, half a month had already passed and she couldn't get away.

Forget about it. Now that Beichen some great general had come, this matter … It was too big.

Seeing that Ji Yunkai was just as he had thought, she was shocked and could not believe it, and her heart became even more certain. Looking at Ji Yunkai's eyes, she could not help but feel a little pity: "My poor child, I'm afraid that I have not seen father since the moment I was born and am about to see father."

Xu Zicheng could not help but comfort her, "Lady Yun need not worry, our King General is the most merciful, and he has always been pleased with capable people. With her abilities, she will definitely win the King General's favor."

Ji Yunkai was extremely shocked, she did not hear what Xu Zicheng had said and just nodded his head randomly, then followed Xu Zicheng to see the great General Beichen, Liu Yuan. He secretly prayed in his heart, that nothing bad would happen to him …

Lord Nine said: Friday is a busy Friday!

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