588. See you at first, I don't like you

On the way here, Liu Yuan had thought about many different types of Ji Yunkai's appearance and personality. He thought that there were only a few types of people that the child would like, Beautiful Beauty, Gentle and Beautiful, Gentle and kind, dignified and generous no matter what, but who would have thought that it would actually be this kind of woman.

[What should I say to this woman in front of me?]

She had thought that Liu Yuan had something to discuss with her and had thought of countless plans along the way. In the end, Liu Yuan looked at her for a long time and just said that one sentence, which almost made her laugh to death.

What do you need to like about a political intersection? As long as both of them could win.

"You can't even take half a loss. Girl, you really don't like others." Liu Yuan was even less fond of Ji Yunkai.

Such a woman was as competitive as a man in her bones. She was not a docile woman.

"You are mean without a trace of being a gentleman. You, the great general, are only mediocre." Ji Yunkai admitted, that she did not please others, so what?

The other party is the Great General Wang, she is the Prince Yanbei's Wife, as a person of the Revelation, what does she need the General Wang for?

She's not sick.

"You … "How dare you." Seeing Ji Yunkai's sharp words, Xu Zicheng was not afraid of the Great General at all, and was secretly beating her drum in her heart, afraid that Liu Yuan would get angry.

At the same time, he was also more certain of his guess that this Lady Yun was definitely the daughter of the general. Otherwise, how could she be so daring to go against their great general?

This must be because he was dissatisfied and wanted to use these sharp words to vent his anger.

Thinking of this, Xu Zicheng immediately felt a twinge of pity. He thought to himself that as a young lady, it must have been difficult for her to be angry with the general.

Besides, if he was angry, it meant that he cared about his father, the General. If he didn't care, that would be bad.

"Just tell the truth. Would the King care about a little girl like me?" Ji Yunkai was not afraid of Liu Yuan, even though she was currently in Beichen's military camp.

For Xiao Jiu'an to be able to borrow troops from Liu Yuan, it could be seen that Xiao Jiu'an's relationship with him was not ordinary.

As a Revelation, she definitely would not lower her status to curry favor with an enemy general. This was due to her status and had nothing to do with being well-mannered or courteous.

A scholar could be killed but not humiliated. In front of the country's honor and interests, everything else had to stand aside.

Liu Yuan's face sank. "How could he fall for a girl like you? Ignorant and vulgar, sharp tongued. Other than having a face, there's nothing else he can do."

"Even if there is only one face, I still have people who like it. The Great General King seems to care too much." When Ji Yunkai heard Liu Yuan's words, she was even more sure that Xiao Jiu'an had a deep relationship with him. It's just that she didn't understand why Liu Yuan, a great general of Beichen, would be so picky of her.

At first, she thought that Liu Yuan was only targeting her, Revelation, for her identity, but now she realized that something was wrong. The way Liu Yuan looked at her was that he was picky about his words. No matter how you looked at it, it seemed like his mother-in-law was picking out a wife.

The moment this idea popped into her head, she immediately sent him flying with a slap.

Although Liu Yuan's temperament was a bit reserved, looking at his figure and height, he didn't seem like a woman at all.

Ji Yunkai really couldn't imagine how Liu Yuan, who wore female clothes, would be so terrifying.

"Hmph …" This general doesn't like you, so you won't have a good life for the rest of your life. " Liu Yuan's words were definitely not a threat. From the words that Mo Qixi had given him, he could infer that Xiao Jiu'an definitely had plans to go back to Beichen.

Xiao Jiu'an was already in her position, it was fine that his identity was not revealed, but if his identity was exposed, Xiao Jiu'an would definitely retreat and defend Beichen.

It was only because of Xiao Jiu'an's identity as the prince. With this identity and his help, Xiao Jiu'an's position in the Revelation would not be lower than her, or maybe even higher. After all, a different surname king was forever a different name king, yet a prince could soar to the sky in one step.

Once he reached Beichen, he would be in his territory. If Ji Yunkai displeased him, then in Beichen, would Ji Yunkai still want to live a good life?

However, Ji Yunkai was completely unaware of all this. Hearing Liu Yuan's threatening words, Ji Yunkai laughed: "General thinks too highly of himself, I have never relied on anyone to enjoy life. "Before marriage, one must live without the love of one's parents, after marriage, one must live without the love of his husband, and in the future, one must not live from the love of a general."

Like it?

How long can someone else's liking last?

One moment likes you, can protect you, the next moment does not like you, can abandon you like a pair of shoes.

What's the point of living by relying on the likes of others, worrying that people don't like you, sacrificing themselves to please them?

"What did your parents teach you?" Liu Yuan had never been rebutted by a woman in his life and couldn't help but feel a bit angry in his heart.

"Sorry, my parents really didn't teach me much." Whether it was in her previous life or this life, she had grown up stumbling on her own. Her character was flawed and flawed, but so what?

If she were to find out her flaws and fix them, then she would no longer be Ji Yunkai but a saint.

Man is unique because he has one thing or another deficiency, and if he is perfect, then there is no uniqueness.

"You, you … "You don't know what it means." Liu Yuan pointed at Ji Yunkai, so angry that her face turned green.

How did that child find such a wangfei?

How could this woman have any of the gentleness and virtue a woman should have?

That's right, this woman wasn't one that Jiu An took a fancy to. She was given to him by the Emperor, and in the end, they were all forcefully tied together.

Thinking up to this point, Liu Yuan's mood improved a bit.

Since it wasn't Jiu An who was willing to look for it, then he might as well find a better one for Jiu An in the future …

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