
Li Chengxin scolded in his heart, really want to be so direct?

"Director Jane, why are you so old today?" Li Chengxin asked.

"Old age?" She opened her eyes wide in amazement. She combed her hair and then touched her face.

She thought she was getting old in a flash! Li Chengxin said that she is old-fashioned! That's great, isn't it? This is her most fatal blow! She doesn't want to get old so soon!

"Am I old?" She asked, somewhat aggrieved.

"Yes, I doze off when I get on the bus. Isn't that old? Only old people do that! " Li Chengxin said with a smile.

"I hate it Concise immediately said, also swung his fist on Li Chengxin's shoulder, that coquettish look, really let Li Chengxin a little can't stand it!

This 40 year old woman wants to act cute for you again. I think she's going to get goose bumps all over her body!

However, when Li Chengxin said this, brevity would no longer doze off.

Li Chengxin put aside this burden and finally felt more relaxed.

Concise this appearance, he is really a little afraid, this woman, he really want to keep a distance with her, can't be in her plan.

Last time in Beijing, because Li Chengxin was in a bad mood, he met brevity and drank a few more cups. He was almost succeeded by brevity.

Now I think of it, Li Chengxin still feels a little scared.

He can see the woman's mind very clearly.

The atmosphere in the car was a little stuffy when everyone didn't talk.

Xiaoguan wanted to adjust the atmosphere. He turned his head and said with a smile: "recently, I heard a joke about mobile phones. Several people were in the golf dressing room. A mobile phone rang for a long time, and a man pressed the hands-free button. Woman: honey, are you in the club? Man: Yes. Woman: I only saw a BMW for less than two million. Man: Yes. Woman: and the real estate has been put on sale again. It will be even at 6:00. Man: Yes. Woman: I love you so much. Man: I love you, too. The man next to him was stunned with admiration. The man hung up and asked, "whose cell phone is this?"

When Guan finished, the driver and Chien chuckled.

"It means that you have to take your mobile phone with you, otherwise it's easy to go wrong," he said.

Li Chengxin did not smile at all.

He has also heard this story. Now how many rich and corrupt officials are playing such a game! In order to win a smile, corrupt officials use their power to obtain huge wealth, most of which are also to please women.

The rich use their own money, not within the scope of government control.

However, such an atmosphere has made the whole society degenerate!

Of course, many young women want to live a luxurious life in one step, so there are all kinds of beauty pageants.

Li Chengxin didn't smile at all. He said, "it's not far from the mark. I heard a joke recently. It said that an old lady took her wife's hand to repent before she died:" old man, let me tell you the truth. Our three sons are not yours. " After hearing this, the old man comforted his wife and said, "it's OK. Although the three sons are not mine, the three grandchildren must be mine..."

Concise finish saying, oneself first laughed.

But Xiaoguan spat out his tongue. He thought the cold joke was too evil. He is afraid to tell such a joke in front of his boss.

However, Li Chengxin did not show anything unusual, the corners of his mouth are not smiling.

If such a joke is told from other people's mouths, it may be a little funny. But if it is told from a simple mouth, Li Chengxin thinks it's not funny at all. It's not only not funny, but also a little disgusting and disgusting.

Concise rolled his eyelids, a little embarrassed.

However, she did not give up. She wanted to tell another joke to amuse Li Chengxin.

Before she spoke, the mobile phone in her pocket rang. In this narrow car space, the bell sounded harsh.

Xiaoguan quickly turned off the bell and took it out. It was Du Ruiqi.

Since Du Ruiqi went to represent the mayor of Liulin City, he called several times and all of them reported to the boss.

Xiaoguan doesn't know what important work Du Ruiqi has to report at this time?

"Boss, mayor Du is on the phone," he said.

Li Chengxin nods and looks at Xiaoguan. He doesn't mean to answer the phone in person, but signals him to answer.

Xiaoguan pressed the answer button——

"Hello, mayor Du," said Guan.

"Director Guan, Hello! Sorry to disturb you -- "Du Ruiqi said," I want to go to the provincial capital tomorrow and report to governor Li. I wonder if the governor can arrange the time? "

"Xiaoguan didn't answer right away, but looked at Li Chengxin and said softly," boss, mayor Du wants to see you tomorrow. "

Li Chengxin frowned. This is the first time that Du Ruiqi came to see him at the weekend. Is there really something difficult?

Generally speaking, Du Ruiqi doesn't report to him on weekends.

"Let her come directly to Yulin reservoir -" Li Chengxin thought about it and said.

Xiaoguan nodded, turned to his mobile phone and said, "Mayor Du, you can go directly to Yulin reservoir tomorrow."

Du Ruiqi was so happy when she heard that!

It turns out that governor Li will come to her site tomorrow, right at Yulin Reservoir!

"OK, thank you, director Guan!" Du Ruiqi said happily, "I'll be there tomorrow morning, OK?"

"Good --" Xiaoguan nodded.

After he hung up the phone, Xiaoguan turned around and reported to Li chengxinhui: "Mayor Du will come to Yulin reservoir tomorrow morning --"

Li Chengxin nodded.

He thought that something must have happened to Du Ruiqi, otherwise he would not be so anxious to find him.

Du Ruiqi was cultivated by him. He hoped that she could get rid of the word "Dai" and become the mayor of Liulin city next year. The test for Du Ruiqi in the past six months is also very big.

We should not only make achievements, but also do a good job in all aspects. Otherwise, it is not so easy to get rid of the word "Dai".

Sitting next to the concise heard the news, the heart immediately a little unhappy!

She met that Du Ruiqi. She looks like a very powerful woman. Last time when Li Chengxin was in hospital, she learned the power of Du Ruiqi. She really didn't want to meet this woman when accompanying Li Chengxin on holiday.

But Li Chengxin seems to like this Du Ruiqi!

This makes brevity uncomfortable.

She thinks that Li Chengxin must have an extraordinary relationship with this woman named Du Ruiqi. Otherwise, how could she be so cultivated, from a secretary of the county Party committee to the mayor of such a big city as Liulin? This is a position that many people dream of.

It seems that Du Ruiqi got it without any effort.

If there is no special relationship, can Li Chengxin treat her so well?

I don't think it's possible.

How she got to the position of director of Jiangnan provincial office in Beijing was very clear to her.

Women in officialdom are not promoted by work. Let alone women, men are not promoted by achievements!

If there are still people who think that as long as they work hard and make achievements, they will be promoted, that would be too mentally retarded!

In this era, we should not only make achievements, but also understand the hidden rules.

Women, in particular, can't compete with men in their work, so they have to take a shortcut: raise money, improve or promote in the future.

She is the shortcut. Of course, she feels that she is also a good hand at work, no more cowardly than any man, and even better than many men.

But this is not her advantage, her advantage is that she is a woman, and a beautiful woman. No man can match that.

However, that Du Ruiqi is not very beautiful, where is not as concise as her? Why is Li Chengxin so kind to her and so indifferent to her?

I really don't understand why she doesn't have the charm of a woman in Li Chengxin's eyes? Can't win his favor?

Along the way, succinct thought about this problem, neither sleepy nor in the mood to tell jokes.

As soon as the car arrived at the entrance of the mountain road into the reservoir, it saw two cars waiting there with their headlights on.

Tang Chen came to meet him with a group of people.

When they saw Li Chengxin's car coming, they got off immediately. There were four or five people in the party.

Li Chengxin doesn't like to do this. When he goes to the local government, he clearly points out that he can't meet him at the intersection of the expressway, but only in the government compound. It's impossible for him to stir up the army and stir up the public without disturbing the people.

He doesn't like such formalism most. It has bad influence and delays time.

I didn't expect to go on holiday.

As the car slowly stopped, Li Chengxin said to Xiaoguan, "go down and let them lead the way. It's too late."

"Well, they're here to lead the way. It's not easy to open this mountain road --" Xiaoguan said. "I didn't allow them to come to the intersection, but Tang Chen said that there were several forks in this section of the road, for fear that we might get lost --"

"OK, let them lead the way ahead -" Li Chengxin nodded.

Come down for a holiday, and you can't be quiet. I have to listen to Du Ruiqi's work report tomorrow.

Li Chengxin couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Once you enter a certain track, you can't stop, because everything is not decided by you, it's not a matter of whether you want to or not, but you must follow the track, otherwise you will be easily thrown out.

The car twists and turns on the winding mountain road. After about an hour's walking, it finally arrives at the site of Yulin reservoir.

As soon as the car entered the quiet valley, it heard a few barks, which broke the darkness of the silence.

Li Chengxin knows that the destination has arrived. Sure enough, I saw a red two-story building and two bungalows not far away.

Two giant wolfhounds, one black and one yellow, met the light immediately and wagged their tails in front of Tang Chen's car.

Tang Chen immediately got out of the car, walked to the wolf dog, bent down and stroked it for a few times. He said something else. The wolf dog was obedient and didn't bark any more. Instead, he kept rubbing Tang Chen and wagging his tail. He looked very intimate.

Tang Chen comes to Li Chengxin's car and waits to shake hands with him.

After such a long ride, Li Chengxin really felt a little tired, especially the mountain road behind him, which made him a little dizzy. There are eighteen bends in this mountain road. It's hard to drive such a mountain road at night.

Slowly get out of the car, Li Chengxin feel the air in the mountain, so good! It's clear and moist, and it's sweet. Li Chengxin couldn't help taking a few deep breaths.

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