Look up at the stars hanging on the sky, especially dazzling, really as brilliant as diamonds. It's hard to see in the city.

The surrounding Black Mountains, under the night, can not distinguish the shape, just look at the rolling piece, are the mountains.

Li Chengxin took another deep breath and said to Tang Chen standing in front of the car door, "the air here is sweet. Your employee benefits are good."

"Ha ha, yes, welcome governor Li to Yulin reservoir. We are a pure natural oxygen bar here," said Tang Chen, holding Li Chengxin's hand excitedly. He had long been looking forward to director Guan bringing governor Li here to experience life!

This is looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, finally looking forward to the sun in the East!

Governor Li is here at last!

This is a golden opportunity for Yulin reservoir and Tang Chen!

Tang Chen has already thought about it. He wants governor Li to come this time, and he wants to come again! As long as you think of vacation and relaxation, the first thing you think of is Yulin reservoir.

Well, his luck is coming!

This place is a good place, but how many people would like to stay here? It's isolated from the world! It's nice to stay here for a few days now and then. But if you stay here all the year round, it's not much different from imprisonment!

No young people are willing to come here to work. Even if they come, they can't stay. They leave in a few months, and they leave in a year or two. The rest of them can't leave, waiting for retirement.

What do you think he's doing here? I want to go out for a long time!

But there is always no chance!

"The outside world is a big stove, but it's cool here!" Li Chengxin and Tang Chen shake hands and walk up.

"Yes, the summer temperature here has been kept at about 28 to 30 degrees for a long time. It's very cool and suitable for summer vacation," Tang Chen said.

"So your employee benefits are good - working here can cultivate your self-cultivation and live a long life," Li said with a smile.

Not far from his eyes is the huge reservoir. Occasionally, there comes a gust of cool wind from the reservoir. It's very pleasant. It's just at night. I can't see clearly. I can only see the water near me. It's as smooth as a mirror under the curtain of night.

This red brick house is the only high-rise building here. There are two low houses nearby, and the street lights are dim yellow. In this silent mountain, it seems very lonely. Compared with the hustle and bustle of the outside world, they are two different worlds.

The people who came out to meet them are estimated to be the permanent leaders of the reservoir.

Li Chengxin shook hands with them one by one.

Then, accompanied by Tang Chen, he began to walk along the path illuminated by the street lamp.

Simplicity and small clearance, and the driver also followed.

Tang Chen was surprised when he shook hands with succinct!

I didn't expect that governor Li actually brought director Jian of the Beijing office with him. It turns out that the relationship between the two people is so unusual? No wonder this young looking woman can get to the position of the provincial office in Beijing!

This is what Tang Chen didn't expect!

However, the fact that Li Chengxin was able to bring such a close woman here shows that he trusted him! He must live up to this trust! Of course, we should also make full use of this trust!

Tang Chen led the way in front of him. As he walked, Tang Chen introduced the large reservoir to Li Chengxin: "the construction of Yulin reservoir started at the end of 1967 and was basically completed in 1973. The dam is 127.5 meters high, 507 meters long and 60 meters wide, with a rainfall bearing area of 441 square kilometers, a total storage capacity of 448 million cubic meters, an average annual inflow of 372 million cubic meters and an average water surface of 18 square kilometers. It has comprehensive effects of flood control, power generation, irrigation, shipping and breeding. There are many scenic spots in the reservoir area, such as Coffin Rock Mountain, Dayun cave and guzhan cave. Yulin reservoir is a large-scale water conservancy project in China and a large-scale backbone water conservancy and power project in Liulin city. In the daytime tomorrow, you can visit several scenic spots in the reservoir area. We also have water boats to enjoy the water scenery

Li Chengxin nodded, stopped and looked into the distance: "can you swim in the reservoir area?"

"Well, of course," Tang Chen said, "it's a rainy season. The water level in the reservoir area is very high, and the gate is continuously opened every day. Most people don't dare to go swimming

"Ha ha, then I'm a different person --" Li Chengxin said with a smile.

"Yes, of course --" Tang Chen said busily. "I heard that the governor used to be a good swimmer."

"Ha ha, Chairman Mao's winter swimming in the Yangtze River was really extraordinary -" Li Chengxin said with a smile. "There is no challenge in swimming in this large reservoir, which is just a huge swimming pool. It's not comparable to the surging Yangtze River."

"Yes," Tang Chen said immediately, "but we can't swim near the gate. The undercurrent is turbulent there. If you want to swim upstream, the water will be gentle there."

Li Chengxin nodded, then raised his hand to look at the time, said: "it's late, let's arrange accommodation first?"

Tang Chen immediately took a look at the small pass behind Li Chengxin. He had been preparing for supper. It was a bumpy and tiring journey. How could he not eat?

"Governor, we have been working hard all the way. We have prepared a little supper. Would you like to have a rest after supper?" Tang Chen said.

Li Chengxin doesn't have the habit of eating supper. The doctor has long told him not to eat supper at night. It's bad for the stomach and intestines, and it's easy to accumulate fat, which is not conducive to health.

So for so many years, he insisted on not eating supper.

"I don't eat supper. Xiao Guan, director Jian, if you are hungry, go and have some," Li Chengxin said.

Xiaoguan shakes his head. If the boss doesn't eat it, how dare he eat it? No matter how hungry you are, you dare not eat.

Simple nature is not to eat, women eat supper at night, that is, and their own body. Simple so love beauty, generally do not eat supper.

Tang Chen was a little disappointed to see that several leaders were not interested in supper. He had a lot of trouble for the supper.

"We didn't make a big meal, so we made some porridge. It's good for our health to drink some porridge in the evening." Tang Chen still hoped that the governor could taste it. Even if he went to have a look, he didn't waste his time.

"No, thank you for your kindness. Save it for breakfast tomorrow morning --" Li Chengxin said with a smile. "Where shall we stay tonight?"

"I've arranged it for a long time. It's still a few hundred meters away from here, so I have to drive there --" Tang Chen said. He arranged to get off at this place to have supper, and then play mahjong and poker with his boss. There is no luxury entertainment in the reservoir area.

I didn't expect that Li Chengxin didn't appreciate it at all. He was going to have a rest.

It's no wonder that director Jane, with such an outstanding demeanor, goes to bed earlier than anything else. Tang Chen thought.

"Let's go over there," said Li Chengxin, continuing on.

He thought this place was just a few buildings, but he didn't expect that the place hundreds of meters away was their accommodation.

After walking for more than ten minutes, I saw a totally different scene

On the flat land covered by green trees, there are many single villas! The villa is not very big, but it looks exquisite. The antique wooden door, the red tile roof with floating eaves, the low wooden fence around, the colorful flowers and the stone path are really unique.

In front of each villa stands a unique small street lamp. In this empty valley, it is like a small fishing fire, which is very emotional.

Li Chengxin did not expect that there would be such a villa in the reservoir. It's obviously dedicated to the reception of leaders like him on vacation. It is estimated that there must be a lot of leaders at all levels who come here for vacation every year!

No wonder Xiaoguan said the environment here is good, the original hardware is also so tall!

Tang Chen took out the key from his bag and opened the wooden door of the largest villa in the middle: "governor Li, this is where you live."

Then he pointed to the two buildings on the left and right sides and said, "director Jian and director Guan are on these two sides."

Pushing open the door, Li Chengxin was surprised again: the supporting facilities are definitely more than five-star!

The outer room is the living room, with a large European style sofa, crystal chandelier and oil painting hanging on the wall. Inside is a large bedroom, with yellow Satin bedspread on a bed more than two meters long, which is extremely luxurious. Inside is also equipped with a large transparent glass bathroom, next to a small study, placed a desk, above the four treasures of the study.

It seems that this study is specially prepared for him. Li Chengxin thought that everywhere he went, there would be such a place to write. Among the leading cadres at different levels in Jiangnan Province, many like to write, but few can.

In order to please the leaders, the people below have made great efforts. Only you can't think of it. They can't do it without it.

Is such a luxury holiday villa illegal in such a reservoir area? Li Chengxin doesn't want to delve into this issue. He's here for a holiday, not for a case. If he really can't stand it, he won't go anywhere in the future.

"Well, the conditions are surprisingly good --" Li Chengxin said with a smile, then looked at Xiaoguan and said, "it seems that you can write tonight, ha ha --"

"Boss, you haven't taken traditional Chinese medicine yet!" Concise immediately said, and then turned to Tang Chen, "Mr. Tang, can you boil Chinese medicine here?"

"Boil Chinese medicine?" Tang Chen did not seem to understand the simple words, how suddenly mentioned boiling Chinese medicine?

"Forget it tonight, it's so late --" Li Chengxin looked at the time and said, "drinking Chinese medicine over 9:30 will do great harm to the stomach --"

"No, you can't hurt your stomach if you drink some porridge first, and then take some Chinese medicine --" he said concisely, "Mr. Tang, please send the porridge here. The boss should drink some before drinking Chinese medicine --"

"Oh, yes, I'll send it right away." Tang Chen said happily. The porridge is not boiled in vain, otherwise the porridge made from natural game is really blind.

Don't underestimate the porridge. It's extraordinary.

It's boiled with wild partridge in the mountain. It's just killed at night. Now it's boiled. It's nutritious and delicious.

This is the best food in Yulin reservoir. It's also made by the best chef.

Tang Chen immediately drove back to the restaurant to get it, and boiled the traditional Chinese medicine for him.

It takes a lot of time to boil traditional Chinese medicine. I didn't expect that governor Li would take this with him when he went out. It's really wonderful! And director Jane, I really care about everything! Everyone can see that their relationship is extraordinary!

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