Private Technology

: 201 VR headset

There is a mother who calls someone's mother, a son whose son calls someone's son, and a boss who calls someone else's boss.

On January 20, the Great Cold, the last solar term of the year, means that the coldest weather has arrived.

However, the cold can't stop the hot people.

The last time, when I received the invitation in hand, it was a dynamic projection, and this time, the reporters were looking forward to what Guan Ming could bring.

The invitation states that this is a new breakthrough in the visual field.

Clearer dynamic projection? This was the reporter's first reaction, but then I thought of the press conference hosted by Guan Ming, and the answer was quickly eliminated.

Guan Ming is mysterious, but not mysterious at the same time.

The mystery is that he rarely appears in front of the public and rarely touches the media. The mystery is that people know him, people know his name, young, graduated college, etc., and even know that he only visits when there are important things. Conference site.

Lu Ning's craftsmanship is very good, looking in the mirror, simple but not simple, without a blazer, the overall looks much cooler, but this does not mean less wearing, less tossing.

The outdoor temperature in Shanghai has been reduced to about 8 °. Guan Ming is not the kind of person who wants to be polite but not temperature. At least in the lecture hall, the temperature can still be controlled by him.

"Did Xiaoxiao go in?" I wore a Bluetooth headset with average quality. I bought it on the market mainly to communicate with Double Star, specifically to receive the sound of Double Star.

"It's here, boss." In the headphones, the sound volume of the double star's voice is well controlled, and it will not feel harsh.

"Where are my parents?" Guan Ming asked immediately.

"It's already here, but it hasn't moved forward."

The words of Double Star made Guan Ming relieved.

Guan Dao is okay, a big man, the character itself is there, but Guan Ma is really dying.

As soon as I heard that a product launch was about to be held, and when I heard that Mu Xiaoxiao was invited to see the world, the management mother had to come and see what Mu Xiaoxiao looked like.

Guan Ming said that he only promised the old couple to make a guarantee, that is, to look at it from a distance, it was done. Don't get up, Mu Xiaoxiao was timid. In case of being frightened this time, how can he give Huyou home in the future, Of course, the last sentence was muttered in Guan Ming's heart.

The management mother probably thought her son was very reasonable and agreed to the treaty.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the new product launch conference of Future Technology Co., Ltd. My name is Guan Ming." After taking office, Guan Ming management introduced himself.

The applause below did not unexpectedly sound, but whether or not someone took the rhythm, Guan Ming couldn't control it.

"I'm glad to see you again and come to this product launch." When applause subsided, Guan Ming reopened.

"There are many ways for people to receive outside information, vision, smell, touch, hearing, etc. However, the most impactful is vision. This time, the product is a visual breakthrough!"

With that said, a glass display table is raised in the center of the semi-circular table. At the same time, under the control of the double star, the light is partially adjusted to make people's eyes fall involuntarily on the display table.

Although it is glass, it is not ordinary glass, and it is not afraid of breaking things. There are not many things on the table, a headset, a notebook, and a pair of metal gloves.

"Everyone may think that I will work **** the holographic projection, but I don't know if you have found that although the holographic projection is good, it is still visually flawed. To be precise, you can only use the third angle of view, but there is no The first perspective, and this device is a product developed based on the first perspective, I call it a VR headset. "

"VR is a concept proposed in the 1960s ..."

By the way, Guan Ming popularized science for what is called vr. Today ’s press conference will last a long time, so reporters do n’t mind how much time was wasted by Guan Ming. After all, the more things he talks about, the more detailed the final materials will be.

"Originally, I wanted to arrange for people to test, but I feel that this is nothing new. I ’d rather choose one of you as a tester to test the VR headset. Then, I do n’t know which one is willing to come and try Guan Ming stood in the center of the semicircular platform and looked at the meeting place ahead.

Although there were many seats at the venue, there were no seats. Although it was dark when seen below, it was so dark that it could only be identified as a human head somewhere, and flashing flashes from time to time, but Guan Ming knew where Mu Xiaoxiao was. I also know where my father and mother are.

The reporters all raised their hands in hopes and hoped to be involved. After all, this would be of great benefit to them.

"Then I will just order one, seat 27 in the third row. I asked this friend to come on stage." Guan Ming said this, but he didn't order it at least, at least, in terms of skin color and nationality, Guan Ming Still can choose.

"Hello, what media do you belong to?" Guan Ming asked, ignoring the sighs.

The man who came up was a man, not too young, but it was only relative to Guan Ming. A staff member came up in the background and quickly wore a lavalier microphone to this person.

"Hello President Guan, I'm a reporter for" XX Weekly "." Standing side by side to Guan Ming with some restraint, of course, there are some excitement.

Think about it for a while while writing a manuscript, it says ‘Our Journalist and Guan Ming’ or something, it ’s very exciting to think about it.

"Very good, bring this VR headset and metal gloves. At the same time, in this computer and the display behind it, the images we see will be synchronized with you, no problem." Guan Mingduo asked.

"No problem, no problem." He then put on his headset and gloves.

Off the stage, Liu Mengmeng was a little red, and at the same time, she felt a little green on her head.

Oh your sister! Can this thing be synchronized?

Suddenly, she seemed to understand why Guan Ming's expression was so subtle when the experimental headset was displayed!

When the concept becomes a reality and is really displayed in one's own eyes, the impact is the greatest. As Guan Ming said, vision is the most impactful.

The people who usually take care of him at this moment are incarnations of science and technology, and in the eyes of two thousand people, they talk about nothing at all. Mu Xiaoxiao has a different taste in his heart.

"Domineering President Don't Make Me Fall In Love With Me"?

Recalling the intersection of Guan Ming and himself, recalling the meticulous teaching of the supplementary class that year, recalling the first collision of the night in the garden, recalling the warmth of the street lights and snow, every scene flashed like a slide.

I used to laugh at the other person with the same name but different lives, but at the moment Guan Ming on the stage was the light, it was the gloom, but the bright galaxy.

The people who chased him and chased him were not one or two, not ten or eight, but countless. Mu Xiaoxiao could even keep in mind how many people in the future want to kill Guan Ming and fly to the branches. Become a Phoenix.

Once upon a time, however, this man was spinning around himself, like the peacock opened its screen.

A little embarrassed, embarrassed about his future, Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't know if he will be beaten now if he goes out and says 'I am forced to contact Guan Ming'. the result of.

A telescope hung on his neck, Mu Xiaoxiao's elbows rested on the armrest, his palms supported his side face, his eyes were a little straight, and he was obviously dazed.

She sat on the side of the penultimate row with Ma Qingyun next to her.

Without Mu Xiaoxiao's so much thought, Ma Qingyun is now a little speechless, mainly because some people are too brazen ~ ~ For example, tube mom.

As one of Guan Ming's bodyguards, Ma Qingyun could not fail to know Guan Ma. On the contrary, she was very familiar with Guan Dao and Guan Ma. After all, she was a direct family member of Guan Ming and had lived in the villa for so long.

However, when the management lady took a position here and a position here, Ma Qingyun sometimes made the truth lower her professional level, otherwise if Mu Xiaoxiao found something, she would n’t know if How to explain.

The father and mother are in the last row. At the same time, the last row is the company security staff. The mother knows that this is a subordinate of her son, so he is not polite to command.

vr headset? What a joke, va headsets are useless!

Today, the biggest goal of Guanma is Mu Xiaoxiao, but the angle is relatively poor, only the back of the head can be seen ...

The daddy in the distance looked helpless. He could move from a dozen seats to the back of the house a little bit, except that the daddy could do it, basically no one else.

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