Private Technology

: 202 Steak and Icefield

The reflection of the vr projection is very enthusiastic. These are not unexpected. Because every new thing comes out, it will be very sought after, but the imitator will easily catch up later. If it is not handled properly, it will be a tragedy.

"You are really Guan Ming." Sitting in a chair, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the person in front of him and asked carefully.

"Which Guan Ming can it be?" Guan Ming shrugged and put the plate in front of Mu Xiaoxiao.

It is so-called having a daughter-in-law who forgot his mother, no, it should be said to be doing a full set of things.

At noon, he managed to go home for dinner. Guan Ming naturally did not invite Mu Xiaoxiao to go home so early, but the Guanming office has a suite with luxurious decoration, which can itself be used as a place to sleep and eat.

"That's it." Scratching his head, Mu Xiaoxiao was embarrassed to say adjectives like "very powerful". I don't know why, just subconsciously taboo.

"I think so." He reached out and motioned for a moment. Mu Xiaoxiao picked up the knife and fork and started eating steak.

Carnivore Mu Xiaoxiao is best to deal with, as long as the meat tube is full, especially the company's chef skills are great, Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth is full of meat, cheeks swollen, even the lips corners overflow with a little soup.

It is probably a matter of habit. Guan Ming is always hungry before eating, so his appetite is now average.

The table was not large. Picking up a napkin, Guan Ming got up and wiped the corners of Mu Xiaoxiao across the table.

Shrinking her head, her big eyes turned slowly, and she noticed Guan Ming's intentions. She also had a rare blush. She slightly stretched her head and tilted her head slightly. Her chewing speed slowed down a lot.

The soup is dark brown, and the chef's workmanship is very good. The moisture in the steak is locked, and the tube is carefully wiped a little bit, in a quiet place, between two people.

Probably a psychological illusion. At this moment, time seems to lose the meaning that people have given it. Only the touch through the tissue seems to be the most real feeling.

The palm was gently evacuated, and the paper towel fell according to Newton's end-of-life requirements, shaking his body with his four fingers, and then pressing lightly on the back of the jawbone.

The thumb and belly touch the ruddy apple machine, which is soft and smooth, and it is as silk as people love it, but ...

But before Guan Ming's mouth showed a smile and proceeded to the next step, Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head fiercely, shook Guan Ming's hand, blushed, threatened him with his teeth, and then quickly dropped it on the plate. Remove the napkins from here.

Guan Mingyuan thought that Mu Xiaoxiao's attention would be completely on himself and he would condone it, but it turned out that he thought too much.

I have 10,000 words of mmp.

Looking at the half-steak on Mu Xiaoxiao's plate, Guan Ming said that the Husky is in the sun. Specially, he is not as important as half-steak.

Seeing Guan Ming sit back with a smile, Mu Xiaoxiao was relieved. She almost wanted to take Guan Ming's palm with her face just now, but fortunately, she finally controlled it, and saw that the plate actually dropped. Go in the napkin ...

The following time, it was quiet and even awkward, only the knife and fork hit the plate and made a crisp sound.

Mu Xiaoxiao ignores this kind of embarrassment. She is a person who likes to play with herself. This kind of embarrassment has little effect on her.

Eating the steak a bit more elegantly, Mu Xiaoxiao remembered the movements and eyes of Guan Ming just now, as if they had been refined, as if it were clear and moving, but for some reason, she always felt that the movements and eyes seemed to be made for her, as if It's the behavior that most impressed her.


After lunch, Mu Xiaoxiao said that he wanted to go home to find his mother. When Guan Ming heard it, he didn't do it. He was not a black society, let alone increase his favorability. If Guan Ming dared to disagree, Mu Xiaoxiao turned You can call Mu's head.

"Hello, President Guan, I am a reporter for the" **** "newspaper. I would like to ask, as early as the 15th of this month, your country suspected to have recovered a launched rocket in the South China Sea. Is this true? What? According to sources, the rocket launch was mainly aimed at launching a man-made satellite. Is the news true? "The afternoon was the time for reporters to ask questions. When Guan Ming participated in the whole process, he was naturally the subject of the question.

"Sorry, today's question, I only answer the content of the VR headset, the next one." Sitting on the high stool, Guan Ming waved his hand, the working people confiscated the white man's microphone, and then passed it to the next one.

"Eh ... Hello, general manager, I am ..." The press conference was normal except for a few waves at the beginning, but this was normal, but it seemed like the ice sheet of Greenland. It is rough, driving the entire ice field to the sea. With the fermentation of time, it raises the sea level a little and devours the coastline a little.

"Well, I know."

"Okay, I understand."


The telephones rang and various orders came in, making the Shanghai market even more cold.

Looking out the window, Qian Junhao pondered and thought carefully.


Regarding the discovery of the rocket recovery, Guan Ming said that it is normal ~ ~ First of all, the South China Sea itself is close to the first island chain, and the disputes in the territory have not been broken, even if there is no reconnaissance aircraft. What ’s more, other people ’s satellites are not vegetarian. They are launched by bright rockets, and they are also high-orbit artificial satellites. As long as they are not eye-catching, they can be found basically.

What surprised Guan Ming, however, was that the reporter knew that the satellite was part of Guan Ming, especially in such a short period of time.

Even if he knew that the reporter had some official background, Guan Ming still admired these people. Every day he didn't do business, every day he knew he was stealing chickens and dogs.

The VR headset, which should have been a hit, was weakened in the news by a little, and a large part of the layout was attracted by the rocket recovery. However, the two were combined, and Guan Ming once again dominated the media at the end of January. Layout.

Newspapers have speculated to what extent Guan Ming's strength can reach. From vision to rocket, the middle span is not a fraction of a star, and a small number of media are concerned about the future changes of VR headsets.

Although the potential of holographic projection is not fully developed at present, even so, holographic projection has already become an industry.

Hardware vendors provide hardware, let software vendors see business opportunities, and make a lot of money, and whether VR headsets can become the next holographic projection, the media expressed great expectations, because it was developed by Guan Ming.

"Shit! What the **** is this? What the **** is this!" Pushing forward, the computer screen flew out of the desk, and ran to the ground with nostalgia. In front of the black screen, it was a holographic projection interface that converted VR.

"... Call me Google, I need to develop a VR product, now, immediately!" One person out of the crowd standing in the room, walked out of the room, and called.


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