Private Technology

: 520 The Limit of the Human Brain Chip

Guan Ming was silent. He was thinking about what the chief giant wanted to express and what his purpose was.

Where is the limit of the human brain chip? In fact, Guan Ming does not know, but this is normal. It was as if cucumber had only one function of food before, and then other functions were developed. Perhaps this is not the original intention of cucumber, or This is not the original intention of the creator, but ...

"Can you be specific about the scope, you also know that the function of the human brain chip is huge, so large that it seems to be perfectly embedded in all current occupations, and in my vision, with the help of a brain chip, maybe everyone can reach themselves Limit. "Guan Ming said.

The extraordinary memory and the extraordinary amount of calculation. In Guan Ming ’s view, the human brain chip can be said to be a copy of Guan Ming ’s “seeing technology”. Not one or two people, but everyone, universal.

"I consulted on the side and heard that this thing can increase the length of human life to some extent, is this true?" The total giant asked directly without sloppy eyes.

The giants who originally looked at the data also looked up at Guan Ming.

For young people, time may not be the most precious, but when you get older, you will know the preciousness of time. When people can calculate life with their fingers, perhaps time is more important than money and power, not to mention death. Not afraid of death, there are at least too many people worth living.

For example, Hawking's wheelchair allows him to continue to work in scientific research, but the human brain chip must be much stronger than this wheelchair.

Perhaps it is out of selfishness, or maybe out of public will. The giants need to know if this thing can 'live'.

"Well ... to a certain extent, more accurately, pseudo-eternal life." Guan Ming thought for a moment.

Hearing Guan Ming's words, the giants were relieved, and the other giants nodded with satisfaction and smiled.

Guan Ming said or not is an attitude. Perhaps before the invention of the human brain chip, this attitude can be appropriately relaxed and has time to cultivate, but when the human brain chip was invented, this attitude was very important.

Immortal life is a very powerful force, far more than nuclear weapons, money, etc., so powerful that the emperor can also look at it, powerful enough to Xu Fu go to sea and create Japan.

The giant does not understand technology, but he can find someone to understand. In a chat, talk about the future technology expectations, and talk about what energy can be displayed if the human brain chip appears.

The ultimate energy of eternal life is naturally realized by the human brain chip, or it is an expectation of the human brain chip.

"Pseudo-eternal life? Isn't it possible to transfer human memory to a computer and then use the computer as a carrier to survive?" The chief giant must not be too inclined when chatting with experts. In his view, as long as the computer is constantly powered on If the data is not lost, it should be eternal life, just as if people keep eating and breathing, they are naturally alive.

Even if the computer is upgraded in the future, but under the premise of no loss of data, it is just a change of carrier, eternal life is not illusory!

"This explanation is a bit complicated. In simple terms, it is to convert human memory into data and store it on the human brain chip. Then the human brain chip uploads these memories to the supercomputing, and then the supercomputing analyzes the memory, mainly analyzing the memory. Thinking logic, behavior habits, selection habits, etc., when encountering things later, the supercomputing can use this memory as a model to make simulation judgments and choices, but in reality, only the memory data exists in the supercomputing, um ... It can be said that our living people's subjective sense of this data allows us to feel this data, or that this 'person' is thoughtful and immortal, but in fact it still relies on supercomputing to simulate people. "Guan There is no way to explain how the human brain's memory is converted into data, nor can it specifically explain the mechanism of biological enzymes and DNA. If these things are fully explained, it is really a lot of content.

"In other words, is there only a virtual person in the supercomputing?" Asked the giant in charge of technology.

"All the data in supercomputing is actually virtual, but ... still look at our senses. In terms of eternal life, I personally think that it is nostalgic for someone. As long as we believe, even supercomputing simulation The people who come out are also living people, but it is worth noting that simulating a person's immediate response is very computationally expensive. "Guan Ming never believed that human life can be infinitely long, so affection, love, hatred, etc. In fact, it only makes sense if people are alive and people have memories. Thinking determines thought.

Even stars have their own length of life. Guan Ming thinks that the current human brain chip is probably the best choice. For human emotion, at least people can feel something through the human brain chip.

"But at present, if you want to achieve this goal, you must first look at the results of human experiments to see if the human body will produce any undesirable physiological conditions. Another is the requirement for supercomputing. An analysis of a person's memory from childhood to old age is It ’s very resource-intensive. ”Guan Ming said hello in advance, lest a bunch of“ national heroes ”come to retrieve memory and then simulate it at any time ~ ~ This kind of pressure is very strong, both for Guan Ming and for In terms of double stars.

"Let the human experiment go aside, I want to know what you think of the supercomputing part." The giant asked.

"Well, I said before that I wanted to launch more than a hundred satellites. In fact, in my mind, each of these satellites is a separate supercomputing, which allows people to connect wirelessly to the Internet and provide huge data storage. Service, the most important thing is that the human brain chip can be wirelessly connected to these satellites, otherwise I need to consider using IFI and Bluetooth to connect to the personal computer, but everyone knows that personal computer data processing is very slow compared to supercomputer . "Shrugging, Guan Ming wanted to say something playful, but unfortunately when he saw the old faces with wrinkles, Guan Ming said he was a little bit stubborn.

"So, there is a problem with the satellite now?" Although it was not stated, the general giant could hear it and heard that Guan Ming did not launch the satellite he needed.

"I want to do more research on supercomputing. After all, for satellites, I still hope to prepare for launching, which can make the performance better."

There are four types of supercomputing: electron, quantum, photon, and biological supercomputing. Except for electrons, the other three are suitable. As for which one is more suitable, this requires Guan Ming to think carefully. Perhaps quantum supercomputing is more than biological supercomputing Suitable, who knows.

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