Private Technology

: 521 another 1 girl

This meeting was very high-level. In addition to Guan Ming, only a few giants participated, and even the secretary who took the minutes of the meeting did not have it, or the meeting could not have been recorded.

It's just that Guan Ming didn't know that after he left, the meeting lasted until late at night. The giants gave up the work at hand and started a long discussion on the human brain chip.

"Xiao Xi, don't you want dad ~" Slap slaps, managing to try to attract the little guy with his voice.

Sitting on the rug, Guan Mengxi looked up at Guan Ming, and then lowered his head to play with the duckling toy. The hairless Corgi did not even look at him, and lay his tongue next to Guan Mengxi, always ready to return to the possibility. Toys that will be thrown out.

Came over, bending over with her arms raised high, Guan Ming's smile was very bright, at least compared to the second daughter, this eldest daughter really liked Guan Ming, even if she was sprayed again Drool is not angry.

After all, watching the little guy grow up a little, there is always a sense of accomplishment and pride in being a parent, but Guan Ming is a bit vain. It may be because the little guy is struggling. He has a feeling of holding a half bag of rice.

"I'll be back so soon. I thought it would be a few more days." Mu Xiaoxiao hugged Guan Mengxi skillfully and handed her a toilet paper by the way.

It was as if the husband who had left home was raining, and then the wife at home handed in a towel that had already been prepared.

"I didn't go out to play, and I came back to do things well, and, what did Xiao Xi eat, how did it feel a little ... sour?" I felt a sour vinegar smell on my face, and subconsciously smelled the wet Toilet paper, there is, uh ... fermented sour taste.

The acid caused Guan Ming to frown subconsciously.

"Huh? Sour? It seemed to eat oranges just now, she seemed to play with oranges just now." Mu Xiaoxiao was much more powerful than Guan Ming, and lifted her up super easily, her big face to her small face.

"Oh, open your mouth, ah ~" Mu Xiaoxiao opened her blood basin and made a big mouth demonstration, like the cockroach monster in "Man in Black 1".

"Giggle ~" Holding the duckling toy, Guan Mengxi laughed out of the dimples, and his little cheeky face was red like an apple.

"His ~ It's sour, you look at a little rain, I'll take Xiaoxi to rinse my mouth ~" Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but turn his head again, just blamed that the taste was too sour.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, and hugged the little guy to the toilet quickly.

"Xiaoyu, can you eat oranges now? Long teeth?" Sitting on the sofa with one butt, watching Guan Mengyu lying on the sofa playing with his fingers, Guan Ming asked.

Real teeth should be regarded as a different name, which refers to molars. At least Guan Ming called molars real teeth from an early age.

Pull out a wipe on the coffee table, Guan Ming rubbed his face hard.

"She took a bite, then vomited, and was eaten by rhubarb." Looking up at Guan Ming, Guan Mengyu pointed at Rhubarb on the ground.

Looking down at the orange-eating rhubarb, I saw that the goods were lying on the floor like a coquettish girl, and constantly used a hairless back to pinch the instep, as if a black bear gnawed a tree.

"Eh ... it's very good ~" Guan Ming hesitated a moment and kicked Rhubarb in praise, after all, it also has IQ. In this matter, Guan Ming can't always say something weird.

Guan Ming, the father, rarely eats the rest of the two children. He probably only had the remaining milk for him. After all, the place of origin is safe enough. Unlike Mu Xiaoxiao, since the child can eat liquid food, she Don't miss the child's leftovers.

Hmm ... this can be seen as love, mother love!

Rhubarb looked up at Guan Ming, and the dog's face saw a very human smile.

Guan Mengyu didn't say anything, but he didn't say anything. For a while, the living room was much quieter.

"By the way, you didn't go to school today? My parents and our moms went out to play?" Guan Mingshun asked when Mu Xiaoxiao returned.

"Saturday today, my stupid husband ~" Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, putting Guan Mengxi on his legs, the TV shows anime, which may be suitable for infants and young children.

"It seems to be something wrong with my family. My father and mother passed. I wanted to take the two babies to see it, but my mother wouldn't let it." Mu Xiaoxiao looked confused and said that she didn't have anything know.

"Forget it, I'll be back at night anyway." Shaking his head, Guan Ming didn't bother to pay any attention. If there was any need for help, Guan Ming said that he could settle the crime of beheading. After all, he is now more valuable than before.

"By the way, I met with Li Feifei and Liu Chunmei a few days ago, and I saw Li Minghui." Speaking of Li Minghui, Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head subconsciously and wanted to see what Guan Ming reflected.

"Oh, then?" Relying on the sofa armrest, Guan Ming chatted every sentence, watching the SpongeBob on the TV interacting funnyly with Piestar.

"Oh, nothing just suddenly feels that Li Minghui has become pretty, and she has a good figure, but unfortunately she has a boyfriend." Seeing that Guan Ming had no special performance, she was a little happy inside.

Sit up straight, Guan Ming looked up and down Mu Xiaoxiao, burgundy jersey vest, tight stretch pants, even if sitting on the sofa is difficult to hide the exquisite curve, although there is no H ~ I's amazing chest, but what do you say? Well, at least you ca n’t see the swimming ring or the eight pack abs. She may not be able to walk without a glance without makeup, but this relatively simple performance is even more Can reflect her natural beauty.

Weak water three thousand Guanming only has one chicken, oh no, just one scoop.

Perhaps there are many beautiful women who can get to Guan Ming's point, but Mu Xiaoxiao is undoubtedly the one that gets the most and the deepest, the only one.

"It should be described as luck, after all, your husband and I are also handsome guys, eh ~ handsome and handsome is also a burden for me, so tired, such a life is too tired ~" Sweeping Liu Hai by hand, Guan Ming The operation of Sao will always make people think of "slap him".

"The handsome guy is handsome, is n’t the handsome guy cut off? Hmm ... One of the lyrics in" Yi Xiu "is very vivid ~ ~ With an evil smile on his face, Mu Xiaoxiao sang while gesturing with his hands.

"Hey! Speak carefully, our girl is still here." Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming didn't know how to evaluate himself as a stupid wife.

Damn it, I'm a child-giving angel, do you want a son?

We have no neighbors, let alone a neighbor named Wang!

Yu Guang noticed Guan Mengyu. Although her eyes were still on her fingers, she could see the corners of her mouth slipped, probably dismissive.

呦 ~ I was despised by your daughter, 啧啧 啧 ~

Guan Ming would like to know if this scene was seen by Mu Xiaoxiao, but found that the goods were looking down at her big girl.

"It's okay, you see, she doesn't understand anything ~" Mei Zizi said, the fork held Guan Mengxi's armpit high, his face was big and his face was small, and the little boy was holding the toy in his hand. .

Rubbing his temples, Guan Ming wanted to tell her that she was another girl, but this kind of words ...

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