Private Technology

: 535 State of the Union Address

Even if Guan Ming doesn't say anything, he can go up in history textbooks, but if nothing unexpected happens, he can't go up now.

It is not difficult, difficult, and at the same time difficult to take history textbooks.

Leaders, participants of major events, or people with outstanding contributions worthy of admiration by anyone.

But looking back at Guan Ming, he has not written a book, and cannot be a person like Lu Xun or Ba Jin. At the same time, neither the human brain chip nor the controlled nuclear fusion is suitable for release now, so he cannot be like Einstein or Edison. On history books.

Maybe his name is in some specialized history textbooks, or Guan Ming will be introduced in some holographic projection-like textbooks, just like Grothendieck, but who would know Grothen if it is not a professional or a searcher Who is Dick?

The giant does not know when the history textbooks will be changed, but he also said in front of Guan Ming that the next time the history textbooks are changed, he will definitely write them up.


"Dad, giggles ~" Grinning, Guan Meng Xi was lying on Guan Ming's legs, his face was full of smiles, and his fleshy face looked very cute!

Mu Xiaoxiao likes to watch Guan Ming's interaction with her daughter the most.

Holding the tube in the rain, Mu Xiaoxiao was lying on the sofa with nourishment.

"Well, why didn't Xiao Xi spit out? When did she stop spitting?" Someone said stunnedly, and didn't know when it started. Guan Mengxi didn't spit.

To tell you the truth, Guan Ming doesn't spit, Guan Ming is really not used to it. After all, he has been sprayed for more than a year, and he does n’t spray at once. Guan Ming is really uncomfortable.

Like rhubarb, at first it resisted shaving, but now, it's not like going to the double star to shave every day. It has never been considered whether to keep hair, even if it is hairless, it represents a kind of extreme ugliness.

"You're addicted, aren't you? This is a good habit?" Guan Ma fought with a sweater while complaining about her broken mouth. There is no shortage of money at home, but people always have something to do. It might be nice to knit a sweater for your granddaughter .

"Hey, where is this? I just don't get used to it." He waved his hand, Guan Ming didn't want to compete with the elderly women, after all, he couldn't make it.

"The child is old, always correct bad habits, right." Picking up, Mu Xiaoxiao said while scratching Guan Mengxi's fleshy chin.

With clear eyes, Guan Mengxi grinned, and saliva flowed down the corner of his mouth. It may be the reason that the teeth are not full, or it may be the child's poor ability to control the body.

"The whole family is not accustomed to you. It ’s weird. The little guy sprays you every day, your dad is not sprayed, and Xiaoxiao and I are not sprayed. You said that this is not a problem." , Guan Ma prefers chatting with family.

"Hey, this isn't guaranteed, neither of the girls will kiss his dad, then it can only be a matter of appearance." Guan Dad fell aside.

"Speaking of these words, do you feel guilty, I am your only child, Xiaoxiao, as for you, my husband is handsome or not ~" Guan Ming did not like to listen to these words, he was obviously better than Pan An. No. 'Guan Yanzu', absolutely no one can blame for his looks, neither his parents nor his mother, they must be handsome!

If others say that Guan Ming is defective in technology, Guan Ming really can't refute it. After all, he is not a superman, but if anyone dares to say that his appearance is not enough, everyone ca n’t even do it with friends! !!

What look!

"You are handsome, good-looking ~" He touched Guan Ming's back and said in a coaxing tone.

Mu Xiaoxiao could kill Guan Ming with a mouth, and the father and mother laughed out of kindness.


"What is this ...?" Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao's dress, Guan Ming was a little hesitant.

Mu Xiaoxiao's tailoring talents are full, but his creative talents are not full, so he often plays according to the characters in the anime.

White stockings, pink skirt, upper body is ... I'm sorry, Guan Ming is not sure how to describe this thing, let's use a camisole to describe it, the black one, and black silk gloves on the hands.

Guan Ming asked what role it was because it had a wine-red wig.

For COS, she worked too ...

Guan Ming recalled what anime had appeared this year, after all, Mu Xiaoxiao liked to pull him to watch anime together.

"Three Sisters of the South Family"? No, there are no sisters in this suit.

"Genius Mahjong Girl"? Not right, after all, Tong Yan and height are issues.

"Bakemonogatari"? It doesn't look like the characters in it seem to be dressed up without this suit.

"Anime Haruhi Suzumiya", "Hanchan", "Electromagnetic Cannon", "Lianji Wushuang", "Ghost Father" and other animations passed in Guan Ming's mind, but it seems that there is something strange.

"Hey, good-looking, this is a reward for you ~" Mu Xiaoxiao gave a stupid smirk.

Swipe it, pull out a piece of printing paper from behind, and bend over to Guan Ming.

"Wow, so-good ~" Guan Ming is famous for his colorful heart but no courage. In addition to showing his wife-in-law, he really didn't dare to act outside.

Looking at the ditch of Bihuo, Guan Ming always felt that his cosmic universe was at an eruptive stage at any time.

"Hey, first place ~ The answer you gave is really correct, mua ~" One kiss, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled.

She was really uncomfortable with the exam. Although the instructor had hinted her before the exam, even if she passed the blank paper, she could have a good score, but also said vaguely that the score was well controlled, but the name was not so conspicuous and too exaggerated.

But how can that guide understand the power of technology!

He knows nothing about the power of technology!

Double Star had already hacked the school's computer, then stole the test questions, and Guan Ming and Double Star made an answer to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao's final review is very simple, just recite the answer ...

There is always a good place for sweating on the arena. This is a men's and women's endurance arena where both players try their best.

"... Ha?" White Album "?" Panting, Guan Ming asked back.

The wig fell on the bed, thick long hair scattered on the sheets, Mu Xiaoxiao's face turned red, and her body swayed.


"This is the State of the Union message you rearranged for me?" Okui asked incredulously, after reading the document rearranged by the secretary ~ ~.

"Uh ... yes Mr. President, based on your original documents, we think ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Okui.

"China's highest national science and technology award this year was given to Guan Ming, but it didn't say what he won because of it. At the same time, he himself was not present. The most important thing is that Guan Ming hasn't launched any technology products for a long time. Can you tell me Why? "Folded his hands together, his jaw stuck in his jaw, Okui asked.

"We thought it would be better to use public opinion to create contradictions and let them crack inside, and then we won Guanming over." The secretary spoke quickly, for fear that the other party would interrupt himself again.

"Do you want to cross that wall? Do you think it's the United States? What I need is strength, remember, we represent the United States!"

"Strong!" Okui repeated the word.

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