The State of the Union address is available in many countries. In simple terms, it is the annual report of the country ’s boss. Taking the United States as an example, the State of the Union address was launched at the beginning of the year and faces the public.

This is not the first State of the Union address given by Austria and Hei, and the content of this State of the Union address was originally focused on economic recovery, Asia-Pacific security and medical reform legislation. Okui's gaze was unnaturally focused on Guan Ming.

Because only by deep understanding of science and technology can we know how dark Guan Ming's technology is!

Guan Ming's previous products appeared to be civilian, but in fact, when the technological content of civilian products is too high, even far higher than in the current era, then this is already entering the military industry.

For example, today's cars and airliners are really just civilian products, but during World War II and World War II, they are definitely weapons of war!

With different times, people's vision is different, and judgments on the same thing are different. This cannot be said that people are weak chickens, but Guan Ming is too good.

It's as if many people think, `` If I go back 20 years ago, I must be awesome, '' this is not true at all, even if I really go back to 20 years with memory, it is still not true.

The background of the times can be very poor, but it cannot be said that people's IQ will also decline, nor can people's emotional intelligence also decline.

In the case of little difference between EQ and IQ, products beyond the times are the focus of people's attention, especially when Guan Ming did not attend the award ceremony this time and did not say the winning technology, he actually won the award. !!

Guan Ming's behavior is a kind of contempt for the country and the giants, but from another point of view, he can win even if he does not come, how terrible what he researched!

"But how strong is it? It was strong enough before, and we're not so sure." The secretary's face was embarrassed.

Austrian Hei ’s attitude towards China has changed since he took office. In the early days, he really attached great importance to China. During the financial crisis, even Guan Ming ’s driverless car entered the US market. Although the financial crisis has not passed, it is already mitigating. At this stage, without mentioning this point, Austrian Hei has been very tough against China this year, and it can even be described as 'draconian accusations'.

To what extent is the so-called 'strong' going to fight?

After thinking about it, Okui decided to tell the other party what he thought.


"I didn't expect you to go so fast. I thought it would be a few more years." Sitting in Qian Junhao's office, Guan Ming said with emotion.

Looking at the familiar layout, Guan Ming expressed regret that perhaps these layouts will change again, after all, a new owner will be welcomed in this room.

"I didn't expect it, but it doesn't matter if I'm here or not. At least it has no effect on you, and it's going to start a lot of work here." After touching the sofa armrest, Qian Junhao also booed.

This time the semi-high rise is considered a breakthrough internally, but in terms of his position in parallel, it may be a kind of derogation, not as good as he thought before.

Although he could have real power in the next unit, this real power came too early.

The successor will be coming after the year, but there are already rumors that the school will be expanded, including all aspects of dormitory and leadership.

It can be clearly seen that the status of the school will be improved internally, and the reasons for the improvement are all well-known, and nothing more than control.

If Qian Junhao can relocate until the extension is completed, the position will definitely be much higher than the current position, whether it is real power or not.

To put it plainly, it is still a derogation from Qian Junhao.

"It's okay to come back and stroll around, everyone is an old acquaintance." Guan Ming didn't know the doorway inside, but he could feel the nostalgia of the other party.

"I have a chance, and I will come back to see if I have a chance." With a smile, Qian Junhao said nothing.

The room was quiet for a while.

Guan Ming's visit this time is purely old, because he also heard the wind.


"Trouble you, Professor Wang, you know, I can't rest assured that this kind of thing." Emperor, the giant in charge of science and technology took the printing paper and nodded with a smile.

"There is no trouble, and I understand this. To be honest, if I give this thing to someone else, it will be uneasy." With a bright smile on his face, Professor Wang nodded.

This time, Professor Wang, Wu Political Commissar, and Liu Xi all followed the giant to return to the emperor to report, including the giants watching the 'achievement' of Liu Xi collectively. As for those who were brought by Professor Wang, they were also brought back, but it is a pity Everyone can't go back to the New Year, and even communication is restricted, but everyone understands that this thing is a bomb, or it is the kind of world war.

Judging from Liu Xi's performance, the human brain chip is more dangerous than controlled nuclear fusion!

"If there are more people, more people can see the general effect." After a closer look at the information, the giant thought about it and gave an instruction.

The greater the number of human experiments with the human brain chip for the second time, the more representative the results will be. However, it is also necessary to refer to the development and shrinkage of the human brain. For example, a child who is too small will not work, and an elderly who is too old. It doesn't work either.

"This ... I'm not sure about the inventory and production process of the human brain chip, and if I live there, it doesn't seem to be enough at the school ~ ~ Professor Wang hesitated and said.

The human brain chip in Liu Xi's head was provided by Guan Ming, but this kind of thing is hard to manufacture with your knees, just like Helium 3 with controlled nuclear fusion, the raw material is really important.

"This is not a big problem. The school will be expanded after the year. Firstly, the experimental space and dormitory will be expanded. We can't always occupy the place of the small tube. And the small tube ... oh, I will say over there. The giant laughed suddenly and nodded.

Regarding Guan Ming's requirements, in addition to the temporarily uncertain 'flying aircraft carrier', the above have definitely met Guan Ming's requirements. Even before the giants have arrived in the capital, the junior high school and the modern history of the university The textbook has already issued a replacement order. All other contents follow the guidelines of the Ministry of Education, but the contents of Guanming must be added.

The giant heard some gossip from his family, some interesting gossip.

"This time the team is still Xiao Wu, but it is important to keep up with the ideological work." There was no harsh tone, but Wu political commissar was really upset.

"Yes, to guarantee the completion of the task." Standing upright, Wu's political commissar's voice was crisp and clear.

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