Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1475: the foundation of the country

  Chapter 1475 The foundation of the country

  This discovery was really shocking to Emperor Hongzhi.

  If this is the case, then... all this could not be clearer.

  Among the civil and military officials, many are smart people.

  How could it be possible to indulge a Ruyi bank, which has been absorbing reserves in Beijing with great fanfare for a year.

  Before, there was no report on this matter.

  Some people just don’t know.

  For example, Fang Jifan, who only knew about it after the fact.

   There are also some people who don't care about these things, perhaps because of the deviation of the information.

  Of course, there are also some dignitaries who have paid attention to it a long time ago, and have become interested in it. it true that no one sees something?

  It's not that they didn't see it, but they saw it a long time ago, but found that it was profitable, so they took the plan.

   Unfortunately, Fang Jifan detonated the Ruyi Bank in advance, completely destroying their plan.

  Because of this, a group of people were dissatisfied with Fang Jifan. Presumably it wasn't as simple as Fang Jifan only handing out 60% of their silver.

   What's more, Fang Jifan ruined their profit-seeking plan. Their loss is not only the 40% of the principal, but the huge profit they thought was bound to be gained.

  They are Ruyi Bank, the biggest accomplices.

  However... after the incident broke out, they could still openly impeach and criticize Ruyi Bank and the other party's successor.

  Emperor Hongzhi had a sullen face, his face was sallow, and his whole body was filled with coldness.

  This discovery was a huge shock to him.

   This is betrayal.

  I have a lot of preference for scholars, even if the implementation of the New Deal in recent years has deviated from their original intentions.

   But now...

  The steward of Jiangfu saw that Emperor Hongzhi was silent.

  Fang Jifan and others seemed to have sensed the seriousness of the problem, so they kept silent.

  The steward rolled his eyes slightly, and then continued: "This is all childish talk...haha...haha..."

   "Yes." Emperor Hongzhi said suddenly.

  He actually forced himself to suppress this anger.

   Being angry now doesn't help.

Emperor Hongzhi smiled slowly: "I am here to verify the return of the stolen money under the order of Xishan Bank. Of course, Jiang Yushi's family did not invest any money, but I heard that many dignitaries and dignitaries did it secretly. Money, so come to ask, so as not to make any omissions."

  The steward immediately shook his head and said: "No, no, no, the Jiang family has never had anything to do with the Ruyi Bank, children are talking nonsense."

   "No?" Emperor Hongzhi smiled and looked at the steward: "If that's the case, then don't bother me."

  He stood up: "I'm just here to verify, if you say no, then of course there is no, sorry for the trouble."

   As he spoke, he walked away.

  The steward finally breathed a sigh of relief, and was a little worried, but thinking about it carefully, after all, they were just some errands in the bank, and it seemed that they didn't need to take these things to heart.


  Emperor Hongzhi led the people out of Jiangfu.

  He kept silent, and Zhu Houzhao and Fang Jifan behind him didn't dare to touch his bad luck.

  Zhu Houzhao only tugged on Fang Jifan's sleeve, and turned Fang Jifan's sleeve over and over again.

  Fang Jifan was annoyed, and scolded in a low voice: "What are you looking for, I have no money."

  Zhu Houzhao pouted and muttered: "I saw a lot just now."

   "I'm a man of conscience, I gave it all to that old soldier." Fang Jifan said frankly, "It's gone now."

  Zhu Houzhao looked resentful: "I am worse than the old soldier, and I am still in debt."

   "Hou Zhao, Ji Fan."

  Emperor Hongzhi suddenly spoke.

  As soon as he heard His Majesty's call, Zhu Houzhao hurriedly stopped, and he cheered up like Fang Jifan, and hurried forward and said: "Your Majesty..."

  Emperor Hongzhi frowned and said in a deep voice: "Judging from the voice of the manager of the Jiang Mansion, this person... presumably knows the inside story. It will be useful to write down this person."

  Fang Jifan understood the meaning of Emperor Hongzhi's words, he just said: "When will we do it?"

  Zhu Houzhao also seemed very excited: "Why don't you go now..."

   "No rush." ​​Emperor Hongzhi remained expressionless.

   What he tasted was betrayal.

  You can be incompetent, pedantic, or even talk nonsense, but you can't betray, and you can't treat the emperor as a fool.

  Emperor Hongzhi looked ahead with long-distance eyes, and said slowly: "This matter is not just one person, so there is no need to startle the snake."

  Fang Jifan said casually, very accustomed to it: "Your Majesty is really perceptive..."

   "Shut up." Emperor Hongzhi withdrew his gaze, landed on Fang Jifan, and scolded: "From the beginning to the end, I was the stupidest one... Fortunately, you still said such words."

Fang Jifan kicked the iron plate, he was a little embarrassed, and he smiled: "The emperors in ancient times thought they were smart, so they were headstrong, but your majesty also regarded himself as a fool, and from time to time, he had to reflect on himself, which made my son admire him very much. The son thought to himself, in terms of intelligence, who can compare with Zhuge Kongming? Zhuge Kongming can be said to be very wise and close to a monster in dramas. But all people have their flaws, and there will always be mistakes. Without knowing it. A wise monarch will be complacent when he has achieved some achievements. Only His Majesty, who has become a martial artist, can still reflect on himself. This is the most admirable thing about His Majesty. My son must Learn a lot from His Majesty."

   Xiao Jing, who had been quietly following, twitched his face.

   He was quite happy when he heard Emperor Hongzhi reprimand Fang Jifan, but you see, it’s unlucky.

   But now listening to Fang Jifan's words again, although he is not interested in competing for favor, he still can't help but feel a little bit in his heart. Fuck, this Fang Jifan is not only better than quick wit, but also better than thick skin, we are really inferior.

  Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help smiling wryly when he heard this.

   What else can I say?

  Emperor Hongzhi sighed bitterly: "I want to know how many people like Jiang Yan are there. So..."

Emperor Hongzhi took a deep look at Fang Jifan, and then continued: "Xishan Bank, you must check the accounts carefully. Among the dignitaries, how many people have secretly invested money. This is the bank's business, and there must be evidence. There must be no omissions."

  Fang Jifan quickly nodded and said, "I understand."

  Emperor Hongzhi sighed: "In the palace, I don't want to go back. In that palace, I was blinded by people everywhere, like a blind and deaf person. I... suddenly want to drink."

  Zhu Houzhao's eyes lit up immediately, and he said with great interest: "Have a drink, father, there are..."'

  Fang Jifan immediately interrupted: "Your Majesty, don't listen to the prince's nonsense. Neither the minister nor the prince likes to drink, but if the emperor wants to drink, the minister should think of a way."


  There is plenty of wine in Xishan.

   After all, this is where the Tuntian Institute is located. There are countless grains piled up in the experimental fields, and a considerable part of them is used to make wine.

  Wen Yansheng has nothing to do every day, and occasionally thinks about making wine.

  Thus, when he brought a jug of wine from the cellar, Emperor Hongzhi saw that his face was familiar, thought for a while, and couldn't help saying: "But the former prefect of Ningbo, Wen Yansheng."

   After saluting, Wen Yansheng said with a smile, "It's the grassroots."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at Wen Yansheng strangely: "Qing is an official of the imperial court, why are you here, willing to live in a mere cook?"

  Wen Yansheng took a deep look at Emperor Hongzhi.

  He behaved calmly.

  After all... If a person is not interested in fame and fortune, he will naturally have no desires, and no desires will make him strong. Therefore, even if he meets the emperor, he will not be too excited and panicked.

  Wen Yansheng said: "Because... you are at ease."

   "Freedom..." Emperor Hongzhi read these two words, showing confusion.

Wen Yansheng smiled and said: "In this world, everyone wants to seek fame and fortune. It can be said that thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge. In order to have a place in the temple, they racked their brains. Every day is like a burning fire. Days like this ... What's the benefit? But the grassroots are different. People in the world don't want to be cooks. They can be said to be far away from the work of cooking. All the talents in the world are going to be officials. Officer, why not be a cook comfortably?"

  Emperor Hongzhi was taken aback for a moment, as if... felt that there was some truth.

  At least, Wen Yansheng in front of him has a rich face, and his whole body is very nourished.

  Although I am the son of heaven, my hair is gray early...

Emperor Hongzhi sighed, and said: "Qing's words are also reasonable, but it's a pity... I inherited the foundation of my ancestors, but I just want to be a cook and do something I like, but I'm afraid I can't do it. Come... sit down at Qing's house too, you Come for a drink."

   Immediately, Emperor Hongzhi glared at Zhu Houzhao who was sitting aside: "Sit back."

  Zhu Houzhao was originally flattered.

  He likes Wen Yansheng, because Wen Yansheng can do what he likes. If I want to be a general, or a top spinner, or a doctor, no matter how bad it is, I can also be a scientist who doesn't listen to the outside world, but it's a pity...he can't do it.

   It would be good to let my father listen to Mr. Wen more.

  Maybe he will be willing to let him do what he likes.

  Who would have expected...

  Under the gaze of Emperor Hongzhi, he had no choice but to sit down obediently and give up his seat to Wen Yansheng.

Wen Yansheng was not afraid of these red tapes, and looked very comfortable, sitting beside Emperor Hongzhi, and said with a gentle smile: "Your Majesty, this is the wine brewed by grass-roots people, it is distilled, and the grains used are all from farms. Produced in the experimental field... this wine is extraordinary, very spicy, I'm afraid His Majesty won't be used to it after drinking it."

  Emperor Hongzhi smiled slightly: "Isn't it too wasteful to use such good grain to make wine?"

After all... he still hasn't broken away from his duties as the emperor. In his opinion, a good emperor cannot condone drinking and brewing. After all... at this time, wine is a luxury and is made of grain. Food... is the foundation of a country.

  (end of this chapter)

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