Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1476: bliss

  Chapter 1476 The Blessing of the Common People

   Wine making is a waste of food.

   At one time, in many dynasties, wine making was banned. On the one hand, it was to put an end to luxury, and on the other hand, it was also for fear of food being wasted.

  That's why Emperor Hongzhi mentioned this issue.

  Wen Yansheng said in surprise: "Your Majesty, don't you know that Xishan is trying every means to increase food production?"

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at Fang Jifan and Zhu Houzhao suspiciously.

   I really don’t know!

Zhu Houzhao and Fang Jifan looked at each other, and Fang Jifan said calmly: "Your Majesty, there is such a thing. It is not rich without work, and unstable without agriculture. Now the Xishan Research Institute, together with the Tuntian Institute, are doing their best to do this work. It's just that there is no clue yet, so I dare not report it and ask for credit."

  This explanation satisfied Emperor Hongzhi. In his opinion, Fang Jifan was still very safe in some major matters.

  Emperor Hongzhi smiled expectantly and said: "This is a good thing. If the grain production can reach six hundred or seven hundred catties per mu, then I will have no worries."

  Six hundred, seven hundred, is not a small number.

   Especially for rice fields and wheat fields.

  Zhu Houzhao is winking, his goal is obviously more than that.

  Besides, Wen Yansheng had poured a glass of wine for Emperor Hongzhi.

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at the small cup and couldn't help frowning: "Why is this cup so small?"

   "This is distilled liquor..."

  Emperor Hongzhi was in a bad mood, and today he was sincerely drinking to relieve his boredom. He sighed and said, "Change to a bigger cup, do you really think I don't have the capacity for alcohol? I'm just worried that drinking will cause trouble."

  Wen Yansheng was speechless, and looked at Zhu Houzhao inquiringly.

  Zhu Houzhao raised his thumbs up: "Zhuang, come, my son will exchange a big cup for my father."

   After finishing speaking, Zhu Houzhao personally went to fetch the big cup for Emperor Hongzhi.

  In this era, rice wine is still the mainstay. Therefore, the small cups for drinking baijiu like those of later generations are indeed too stingy.

  Zhu Houzhao took an ox horn cup and filled it up himself, with several meaningful smiles on his face.

  Emperor Hongzhi looked around: "This wine is crystal clear, but..."

   As he spoke, he picked up the horn cup and poured the wine directly into his mouth.


  The wine enters the throat, and a fire, the throat is so hot that it seems to lose consciousness.

  Like a ball of fire.

   Immediately afterwards... the wine entered the esophagus, and Emperor Hongzhi felt his whole body was burning. His face turned blood red in an instant, and bean big sweat oozes out all at once.

  Drinking into the stomach, I felt that my abdomen was burning, and the flame seemed to return to my throat again.

  Emperor Hongzhi yelled twice, but was unable to speak for a while.

  With a sense of success, Zhu Houzhao raised his small cup, took a sip of the distilled wine, and then raised his thumb and said, "My father has a lot, and my son can't match it."

  Emperor Hongzhi subconsciously grabbed his throat.


  Xiao Jing watched from the side, startled.

   After a while, Emperor Hongzhi spit out two words: "Good wine!"

   "Come again, fill up!"

  This time it's Zhu Houzhao's turn to be speechless, **** it...

  The expressions of Wen Yansheng and Fang Jifan beside them also changed.

  Emperor Hongzhi laughed boldly and said: "Come on, you come too, and put on a big cup, fill it up, fill it up, I've done it first as a respect, and I'll drink it all up."

   "This... this..." Fang Jifan said with a sad face: "Your Majesty, I will hold the child when I go back later."

  Emperor Hongzhi stared: "What does this mean? There are so many reasons to drink with me. If you don't drink, you are deceiving the emperor."


  The wine is full.

  The three of them were like prisoners who were about to beheaded, and they drank a mouthful, and suddenly...Fang Jifan felt that he was going to die, and coughed desperately, he couldn't stand it...the taste of burning throat...

Emperor Hongzhi ordered people to fill up all the cups, but he was the first to take a sip of the wine from the horn cup. The first time he drank it, he still felt that it was extremely spicy, but the second cup, he began to enjoy this feeling. At this time, my whole body was hot and sweaty, and my whole body was hot, and my blood seemed to be boiling, hurts, but it's so happy.

  Emperor Hongzhi said proudly: "Come on, continue."

   "Father, don't drink." Zhu Houzhao tugged on Emperor Hongzhi's sleeve: "Drink again, you will be drunk."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at his empty cup: "I've already drank it, now it's your turn."

  Zhu Houzhao looked devastated: "..."

   "I am not afraid of getting drunk, but you are still afraid of getting drunk? Drink all of them."


   Three glasses of wine.

  Emperor Hongzhi barely felt that he couldn't stand it anymore.

  He looked at Zhu Houzhao and Fang Jifan who were stumbling around with a smile.

  Zhu Houzhao grabbed Fang Jifan's arm, breathed out the smell of alcohol, and said in his mouth: "Ah, this big pig's trotter is a bit thin, who raised it, kill him."

   After finishing speaking, Zhu Houzhao bared his teeth and gnawed frantically.

  Fang Jifan withdrew his hand and cursed: "Dog-like thing, who, who bit my foot, this foot is used for walking."


  Wen Yansheng can still hold on, after all, he has practiced. He is surprised by Emperor Hongzhi's drinking capacity, but he is sitting upright.

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at Wen Yansheng with a smile and said, "Mr. Wen is really huge."

  Wen Yansheng said: "Cao Min will accompany His Majesty to drink two more cups?"

Emperor Hongzhi waved his hand and kept a little sober: "No, no, you have to drink in moderation. If you drink any more, you will be really drunk. Seeing that Mr. Wen is so happy here, I envy you. It seems that even if you are a A cook is not necessarily a bad thing, everything is low-grade, but if you are good at studying, it is a bit wrong."

  Wen Yansheng looked at Emperor Hongzhi with a smile: "Your Majesty's words are wrong."

  Emperor Hongzhi raised his eyes in surprise, and said in surprise, "Oh, where is my mission?"

Wen Yansheng said: "Your Majesty sees that the grassroots people are happy and don't think about Sichuan. This is because the minister is an official. Even if he resigns, he is respected in this Western Mountain, and he is under the care of the crown prince and Duke of Qi. Life is worry-free. You only need to be intoxicated by cooking. But what do real cooks look like? Most of them live in poverty and must have wives and children at home. In the midst of killing chickens and cooking sheep, what I usually eat is just rough tea and light rice. In that hot kitchen, no matter how hot the weather is, I still have to be loyal to my duties. Looking at the big stove, the hot oil splashed on my body. , there are wounds burned by the hot oil all over the body. The so-called people covered in silk are not silkworm farmers. This is what a cook should look like. Besides, they are not only hardworking, but also mostly poor, and even have a low status. Being underestimated by others, Your Majesty, would Your Majesty still be envious of the cook that Cao Min said?"

  Emperor Hongzhi: "..."

   After a long time, he sighed faintly, and then said: "I understand, I took it for granted, thank you Mr. Wen for your enlightenment."

Wen Yansheng said: "This is also the reason why everything is inferior. The only reason is that if you study well, you will have fame and fame. Only with fame can you be superior to others. For example, grassroots people, because of their fame, even if they like cooking, From people's point of view, they are also elegant, just like the seven sages in the bamboo forest, just like Ruan Xian who loves to play the pipa; Liu Ling is addicted to alcohol; Ji Kang is good at forging iron; Playing the qin, forging iron, playing the pipa, and drinking wine have become elegant things, but how many people can become Ji Kang and Liu Ling who play the pipa on the street, who love drinking, and who work in the blacksmith shop? All the monarchs in the world seek great rule, but in my opinion, the great rule they seek is nothing more than the great rule that people like Ji Kang and Ruan Ji hope for. The world is inherently unfair, and scholars are still scholars, blacksmiths Still a blacksmith."

  Emperor Hongzhi listened, silent.

  He thought for a long time: "So Mr. thinks that everything is inferior, and only reading is high. Is this sentence wrong?"

"That's right, it's not right." Wen Yansheng took a deep look at Emperor Hongzhi, breathing out alcohol: "For scholars, isn't this the most correct sentence? But for ordinary people, it may not be That's it, it's just that the scholars told them that this sentence is correct, and they naturally felt, maybe... this is right. Of course...reading is good, reading makes sense, reading shows ambition, and the imperial court should promote reading. Distinguish between high and low, um... Caomin is also a scholar, this matter... shouldn't be discussed too much."

  Emperor Hongzhi smiled wryly and said: "Among scholars, there are also wolves. I have seen a lot in the past, and I have learned a lot today."

In front of Emperor Hongzhi, Wen Yansheng did not have the slightest fear, but said with a smile: "Caomin met blacksmiths in Xishan, good and bad. Studying the art of training with a meticulous mind, the abrasive tools made are not the slightest difference."

  Emperor Hongzhi suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, Emperor Hongzhi stood up and said, "What Mr. Wen said mentioned something to me. Hey... what kind of injustice is there? Heaven has no emotion, and it doesn't distinguish between good and bad. People put all the mistakes in the world It is an injustice to the heavens to blame it on the heavens. When you get to the bottom of it, the injustices in this world are still caused by people, and they are born by the person who masters the magic weapon. This person... is me, I just thought about it For a long time, can I change this injustice? Thinking about it...I can't do it. This is not a ten-generation virtuous monarch, and I may not be able to do it. Of course, this crime is my fault. The world is more peaceful, even if it is impossible to achieve real great governance, at least tomorrow will be better than today, even if it is a little bit better, this life is not in vain."

  Wen Yansheng got up quickly, and bowed deeply to Emperor Hongzhi: "Your Majesty has such a heart, and it is a blessing for the common people."


  The third chapter is delivered, please ask for a monthly ticket, thank you.

  (end of this chapter)

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