Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1492: swept away

  Chapter 1492 wiped out

   Sure enough, after Zhu Houzhao gave the order, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

   The clattering boots are quite rhythmic.

   It's clear... a team of imperial guards came from outside.

   There was an uproar in this courtyard.

  Zhang Mao and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

  Although Shenggong Nayan pretended to be calm, the smile on his face disappeared.

  Shouning Marquis Zhang Heling couldn't help but said: "Ah, didn't we agree that we came here just to talk about the Jingchao, is there still food to eat? Why can't we go?"

  Unfortunately, no one answered him.

Seeing that no one said anything, Zhang Heling became angry. After all, he is an uncle of the country, and he also wants to save face: "Whether there is food or not, let's be honest. You have to be trustworthy in life. I, Zhang Heling, are not easy to bully, so I will leave the words on the table today." Here, no food is given, no matter who it is, no matter how high the position is, no one can stop me, I will leave now, this beam will be considered settled, and from now on, it will be completely broken!"

  His words are resounding, and they linger in this hall for a long time.

  Zhu Houzhao thought he was troublesome, so he couldn't help but glared at him.

  But Zhang Heling also has his own pride, and stares at his nephew with the same stubborn eyes.

  Looking at each other for a short time, Zhu Houzhao actually admitted that he was intimidated. The business is important, and it is better not to make extra troubles for the time being: "The three meals are taken care of, and they are extremely rich. You can rest assured here. It is important to finish the official business first."

   Zhang Heling withdrew his stubborn eyes and suppressed the excitement deep in his heart. Hearing that the food was still plentiful, he thought: "Can I call my younger brother? He has been hungry for many days."

  Since losing 800,000 taels of silver, the Zhang family has not opened a business for many days, and all they eat is raw and cold food.

  Zhu Houzhao shook his head decisively: "No."

  This uncle, he is too clear that if he concedes one step, he must not concede the second step, otherwise he will increase the size layer by layer and make more progress.

  Zhang Heling showed regret, so he fell silent.

  Zhu Houzhao then said coldly: "Get the case file."

   Stacks of case files were brought in by the scribes.

   Not only that, hundreds of Jingcha are waiting outside.

Zhu Houzhao took out the first copy first, and read: "Qian Zhi, the deputy commander of the Five Cities Army and Horse Division, concealed the robbery case. Where is Liu Jianwen?"

  The scribes shouted loudly: "Where is Liu Jianwen?"

  Liu Jianwen came in to salute.

  The Jingcha envoys are a little confused...

But Zhu Houzhao turned over the file, nodded and nodded: "The above evidence is quite detailed. There are three merchants' statements in it, and they sued this person for covering up thieves, and... After verification, one of his brothers did blackmailing merchants. He used to have a brother-in-law who worked in his mansion, but now he has referred witnesses, saying that he stole a lot of money in the mansion, most of which were obtained by stealing, come, you all have a look."

   After finishing speaking, pass the dossier on.

  The envoys of the Jingchao took turns to read it one by one, and when it reached Chen Tianjin, Chen Tianjin's heart was already a little messy.

What's the meaning…


  He has some impression of Qian Zhi, he is an honest and honest person...

  He was thinking in a mess in his heart, and his eyes were on the case file for a long time.

  This case file is written in a very beautiful cursive script, which is very comfortable to read, and the writing is also very smooth, which makes people understand at a glance. There are many confessions in it, not only that, but also an investigation about Qian Zhi's financial situation. For example, it was found out that he had spent 80,000 to 90,000 taels of silver in buying the mansion and buying slaves in the past few years. There are so many funds from unknown sources, which is really shocking.

  Chen Tianjin can hardly find any faults, but...

  More than 300 cases, what we see now is just the tip of the iceberg.


  Chen Tianjin took a deep breath, and finally couldn't help saying: "His Royal Highness, there are some things that are rare to be confused, otherwise, it will inevitably lead to fear..."

   This is the truth, he has his concerns.

  If more than 300 cases are like this, then it’s okay, isn’t this going to kill people? Isn't it time for Emperor Taizu Gao to make everyone feel in danger?

   This is poking a hornet's nest.

  Zhu Houzhao only glanced at Chen Tianjin, with a hint of mockery in his eyes, and sneered, "What do you mean by that? Are you a Beijing police envoy or a corrupt official? Why are you turning your elbows out?"

  Fang Jifan turned around and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, this is our responsibility..."

  Chen Tianjin couldn't help being a little angry, and didn't dare to offend the prince, but he said stubbornly: "I am speaking for the country, Duke Qi...don't make mistakes."

So far, everything is ready, Fang Jifan seems to have exhausted his patience, he suddenly changed his face: "The dog-like thing usually gives you three points of color, and you have opened a dyeing workshop. What are you, dare to be right If I say this, you want to be Jiao Fang, don't you?"

  Chen Tianjin was so angry that he stared wide-eyed, suddenly got up, and wanted to leave immediately.

  But just two steps away, two guards with open flames came in from outside, with a clang, they drew their knives.

  Chen Tianjin: "..."

  The edge of the knife raised by the forbidden army showed a sharp edge...

"You come here, and you still want to leave?" Fang Jifan had completely put away his smiling face, and suddenly became fierce: "Also, I want to tell you the truth, what **** is wrong, and I, Fang Jifan, will be wrong , I know what you are thinking, you are just afraid, but I, Fang Jifan, are not afraid. I have received favors in my life, and now there are corrupt officials who harm the people. It is the duty of a minister to cut off the evil. Even if I die, I have nothing to hate. Sit down for me, otherwise, today's elimination of evil will start with you!"

  Fang Jifan shouted sharply.

  Ouyang Zhiren and others, their eyes sank, murderous intent flashed across their eyes.

  Several imperial guards stood with swords horizontally, even more murderous.

  Chen Tianjin was taken aback for a moment, after all he was a person who could see the situation clearly, and finally sat back in his seat silently.

  Fang Jifan's face softened a little, and he looked sideways at the official recorder and said: "What you just said, record it as it is."

   Today's Jingchao envoys have a closed-door meeting, and everything needs to be reported to the palace. After all, this is a big matter.

  The recording officer nodded hurriedly, picked up his pen in a hurry, and recorded it intact.

  Zhu Houzhao then looked at Najingcha Liu Jianwen and said, "You handled this case, what do you think about it?"

  Liu Jianwen saluted and said: "The evidence is convincing. Now that there are clues, I implore the police envoys in Beijing to issue a search decree. I will search his mansion and temporarily detain this person."

  Zhu Houzhao glanced around: "What do you think?"

  Fang Jifan was the first to say: "I have no objection."

  Xiao Jing then nodded with a smile: "Your Highness, slaves have no objection."

  Zhang Mao and others nodded one after another.

  Ouyang Zhiren and the others also nodded.

  Liang Chu thought deeply, but finally nodded.

   On the contrary, the people from Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment were quite worried, and they subconsciously looked at Chen Tianjin.

  Chen Tianjin gritted his teeth and said, " should be done..."

   Before he could continue, Zhu Houzhao interrupted her: "It's a pity that most people have already agreed, and you are a minority. In this way, it is approved."

  Chen Tianjin: "..."

   "Which Beijing police envoy will issue the search decree and the driver's sticker for detention?"

  Fang Jifan smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, come."

   "Yes, Mr. Chen."

  Chen Tianjin sullenly, frowned and said: "Your Highness, the lower officials did not agree."

"The charter is like this." Zhu Houzhao said: "Since it has been decided by the majority, it must be signed. If you don't agree, it won't work. You are the Beijing Procuratorate, so you must sign it. This is a rule, and no one can break it. , You also agreed to this charter back then."

  Liu Jin stood up grinning and said, "Everyone must abide by the rules. If you don't, don't blame us for being rude."

  The others watched coldly, looking at Chen Tianjin indifferently.

  Chen Tianjin still felt something was wrong, still stubbornly shook his head and said: "This..."

   "It's okay, anyway... I have already engraved your seal for you, and I will keep it for you temporarily, so I can sign and issue it for you." Zhu Houzhao said with a smile.

  Chen Tianjin: "..."

   "Okay, time waits for no one, hurry up and decide on the next case file."

  Chen Tianjin: "..."


   Three days later.

  Xiao Jing personally brought a stack of files and memorials into the palace.

  Emperor Hongzhi never imagined that Xiao Jing, the envoy of Beijing, had been away for three full days.

  Xiao Jing bowed down: "This servant has seen His Majesty."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at Xiao Jing who looked slightly tired, and said, "Why did you delay for so many days?"

  Xiao Jing said truthfully: "There are too many files."

Too much…

  Emperor Hongzhi was interested: "Take it and show it to me."

   So the more than 300 cases were quickly moved in, and they were piled high on Emperor Hongzhi's desk.

  Emperor Hongzhi still had a flash of surprise in his eyes. He just took a copy at random. It was the Taipu Sicheng who secretly replaced the inferior horse with the good horse in the temple.

  Taipu Temple manages royal chariots and also raises horses. The minister of this temple is quite courageous. He secretly stole and sold the good horses and colluded with a horse dealer...

   This is a secret report by a scribe of the Taipu Temple, and the records are very detailed.

  Emperor Hongzhi saw it and was shocked.

  My horse...does he dare to replace it secretly?

Xiao Jing saw that Emperor Hongzhi's face was pulled down, and he said: "Every piece of this has been carefully searched and verified. After discussion by the Jingcha envoys, there are more than 180 of them, all of which are certified. There is no doubt about the physical evidence, and the rest of the evidence is not sufficient, so it will be sent back to search for evidence again. Now...waiting for His Majesty to make a decision, the Jingcha envoy is going to issue the arrest warrant and search warrant, as long as His Majesty Enzhun, the Beijing police immediately dispatched factory guards to wait for action."

  Emperor Hongzhi didn't say a word, he picked up the files and looked at them very carefully.

  This look...It's really shocking...

  There are people stealing, selling, misappropriating, bullying, extorting, and even robbing women.

  Emperor Hongzhi's complexion became more and more sallow... As for Bing Jing and Tan Jing, in front of these, it is simply not worth mentioning.

  (end of this chapter)

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