Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1493: decree to

  Chapter 1493 Imperial Decree Arrives

  Emperor Hongzhi's face was pale, and he almost didn't have the courage to continue reading the dossier at the back. only verified, what about those who have not been verified?

   It’s okay if you don’t check it, but if you check it, it’s already scary.

  Emperor Hongzhi closed his eyes, with a tired look on his face, and said, "So many people are involved?"

"Yes." Xiao Jing said: "Among them, there are thirty-two people who are guilty of the most heinous crimes; there are more than twenty people who are more serious. Besides, there are not a few stupid people, there are more than a hundred people. Qi Guogong... Duke Qi..."

  Emperor Hongzhi finally opened his eyes again, looked up at Xiao Jing and said, "What did he say?"

Under the gaze of Emperor Hongzhi, Xiao Jing didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and immediately said: "Qi Guogong said, Your Majesty must be worried when you see him, but, after all the dynasties, after the glory, there must be stinky ditches with sewage flowing across them, but the light is not enough." Just go in. Nowadays, His Majesty is different from others, His Majesty is wise..."

  Emperor Hongzhi's face was ashen, and he pressed his hands: "Skip these, and pick up the important ones."

"Qi Guogong said that the light coming in is not a bad thing. There are many sensational things. Instead of ignoring him, it is better to see him clearly. Your Majesty is a holy king who has done something. I am afraid that I will be shocked at first when I see this, but soon , will be very happy."

  Emperor Hongzhi murmured, "How can I be happy, terrible, terrible."

  Xiao Jing looked up at Emperor Hongzhi and fell silent.

   Now, I have to wait for His Majesty's holy order, and I absolutely dare not make a sound.

   After three days of busy work, Xiao Jing was extremely exhausted. When he went, he didn't expect to stay behind closed doors for so many days, so he seemed hasty. He just wanted to find a place to fall asleep.

  Emperor Hongzhi anxiously paced back and forth with his hands behind his back.

  He didn't even know whether the backlog under the file involved some people he was familiar with. Perhaps that person had gained his favor and his trust not long ago.

   But he dare not look at it.

  The lid of the pot was lifted, and it was he who was so angry that he ordered Fang Jifan to lift it.

   But now... what should I do?

  He thought of Cao Cao.

Cao Cao fought Yuan Shao. At that time, Yuan Shao was very powerful. Many people in the court secretly communicated with Yuan Shao and exchanged letters with Yuan Shao. After defeating Yuan Shao, these letters fell into the hands of Cao Cao. , Burn these letters cleanly, to show that the past is not to blame.

  This... is recorded in Zi Zhi Tong Jian, and also mentioned a sentence of Cao Cao: "When Shao is strong, he can't protect himself alone, let alone everyone."

  This story has also been recorded elsewhere.

  However, such a story is emphatically mentioned in Zi Zhi Tong Jian, but the deep meaning behind it is completely different.

  This book was edited by Sima Guang in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the purpose of its compilation was "In view of the past, it can be used to govern the Tao." To put it more bluntly, this is the book of emperors, and it is for emperors to read.

  Almost in the East Palace, Zi Zhi Tong Jian is the most important study textbook just like the Four Books and Five Classics.

  But now...Emperor Hongzhi also found that he encountered the same problem as Cao Cao.

  Cao Cao already has a role model.

  What about yourself?

Emperor Hongzhi took a deep breath, opened his eyes suddenly, and finally there was determination in his eyes: "Although I live in a deep palace, I haven't gone deep into the people. The people are already miserable, and now I see you again If things like corruption and harm to the people are ignored, I will feel uneasy, and the future will collapse. Seeing the spirit of Emperor Taizu Gao, I am afraid that I will not be able to explain it. What I am surprised is that some people are rampant to such a degree. I will accept all the envoys' petitions and deal with them strictly!"

   Xiao worshiped and kowtowed.

   "Your Majesty is wise!"

  Emperor Hongzhi's face was livid, and he said with a flick of his sleeves, "Are you mocking me?"

  Xiao Jing: "..."

   "Slaves will die!"

   "Go and rest."

  A copy of the approved will was sent to the shack in Shuntian Mansion as soon as possible.

  The Jingcha envoys and the Jingcha people here are anxiously waiting for the news.

  The food here is very good, chicken, duck, fish, everything is enough, Zhang Heling is very satisfied, this makes him miss the good old days when he was rich, although that time is gone forever, it is inevitable to miss.

  So... This reminded him of "Pipa Xing", that long poem, didn't it describe himself? The pipa girl still holds the pipa and half-hides her face, telling about the beauty of the past, but now, she is old and pale, and the beauty is not there... This is a portrayal of myself.

   Zhang Heling, who was chewing on the leg of lamb, couldn't help but get wet eyes, and was about to cry. He decided to put away the nearly gnawed leg of lamb, wrap it in lotus leaves, and take it back to his brother to eat.

  Zhu Houzhao and Fang Jifan hid aside to catch chess.

Both of them are stinky chess baskets, half a catty is right, and with surprisingly poor chess skills, they are so indistinguishable that Zhang Maoren, who was watching the game with great interest, was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. I can't wait to kick Fang Jifan or Zhu Houzhao away and let the old man come.

Ouyang Zhi and Liu Jin, one stood silently behind Fang Jifan, the other smiled and kept praising: "His Royal Highness, this step is really good, wonderful, wonderful. Ah, this step of the godfather is really impressive. Unexpected."

   No one knows which side Liu Jin is on, and I'm afraid he doesn't even know himself.

  Chen Tianjin, several people from Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment sat on the other side stupidly, without saying a word.

  In fact, they were terrified, terrified in their hearts. The three-day review was shocking, terrifying, and terrific. Only then did they realize that they seemed to have come to the wrong place and assumed the wrong official position.

  So my mind went blank, and my mind was full of ideas about how to get out, how to draw a clear line, but now I'm stuck here again, and there's nothing I can do.

  Mu Bin folded his hands and leaned against a corner. There was no light here, and half of his face was hidden in the darkness. With the help of the darkness, all the sharp edges of his eyes were completely hidden.

   Hasty footsteps finally came: "Your Majesty has orders."

  Fang Jifan, who was about to lose, was overjoyed when he heard it, and wiped the chessboard with his hand, saying, "Okay, get down to business, get down to business."

  Zhu Houzhao got angry, chirping and humming: "Old Fang, you're cheating again."

  He pointed at Fang Jifan, and said to Ouyang Zhi: "You see everything, your mentor is playing tricks, he is obviously going to lose, right?"

  Ouyang Zhi stood there dumbfounded, without any reaction on his face, as if he had lost his mind, and remained silent for a long time without answering.

  Zhu Houzhao gritted his teeth, this is a group, and said: "Liu Banban, tell me."

  Liu Jin has been tested for a long time. Before being beaten, he decided to take out a broad bean from his sleeve, throw it into his mouth very quickly, and after chewing desperately, he said: "That's right or wrong."

   "What?" Zhu Houzhao bared his teeth.

   Liu Jin said: "It's nothing but nothing."

  Zhu Houzhao glared at him angrily: "Say it again."

  Liu Jin quickly swallowed the broad beans, then knelt down on the ground: "Your Highness, you should just beat the servants directly."

  Fang Jifan said calmly: "His Royal Highness, what time has it been? You are still here to care about winning or losing. It is important to be serious. If His Royal Highness refuses to accept, then it will be regarded as a loss."

  Zhu Houzhao said angrily: "Whatever it is, you are going to lose."

  At this time, an **** hurried in and said seriously: "Your Majesty has an order, and all the envoys in Beijing have asked you to do so!"

  Zhu Houzhao finally turned his attention to these words, couldn't help clenching his fists, and said excitedly: "Father finally got enlightened."

  Fang Jifan was also very excited, and said: "Issuing arrest driving stickers and search warrants, do it immediately, and make sure to catch everything in one go, and no one will slip through the net!"

  Zhu Houzhao had already prepared, and he gave Liu Jin a wink, and Liu Jin immediately brought a box.

  The box was opened, and there were driver stickers and decrees that had been prepared and were waiting to be issued.

  Zhu Houzhao took out a string of seals.

   These are all small seals.

  He rummaged through and found the seal of Chen Tianjin, the envoy of the Jingchao.

  Chen Tianjin saw his eyes straight, and quickly stepped forward: "Your Highness, why are you only covering the officials?"

   "This saves trouble, and such good things are not prioritized. They are all the same as the Jingcha envoy."

  Chen Tianjin opened his mouth to say something, but his mind went blank.

   He was in shock.

  It’s okay for the Crown Prince and the Duke of Qi to mess around, but His Majesty is so unscrupulous?

  This... This is really not afraid of the sky falling.

   A copy of the driver's sticker and the document stamped, and then directly threw it to Liu Jin: "Distribute."


  Zhu Houzhao sat down, then looked around: "British Duke Zhang Mao."

   "The minister is here." Zhang Mao stepped forward to salute.

  Zhu Houzhao said: "Immediately sit in the capital camp, and within twelve hours, be ready for orders at any time."

   "The minister got the order." Zhang Mao's face was flushed, and he looked energetic. He missed the time when he got the golden belt when he was young.

  Zhu Houzhao said: "The Commander of Jinyi Guards, Mu Bin."

  Mou Bin came out from the darkness, stood upright, and saluted silently.

   "Beizhen Fusi assists the Jingcha in the arrest. In addition, the prison of the Nanzhen Fusi is vacated, and the arrested officials are temporarily put in prison here."

  Mu Bin uttered only one word: "Yes."

Zhu Houzhao went on to say: "Jingcha, you have worked so hard for so long, and we, I am afraid that we have suffered a lot in the past few days. Now the emperor has issued an order, hoping to use our hands to remove some stupid bugs that harm the people. For our trust, I will not fail the grace of the Holy Spirit, well, let’s do our own thing, let’s do it!”

  All Beijing inspections got their own orders and driving stickers, and set off immediately without stopping, and then directly transferred people to Shuntianfu or Factory Guard. On that day...the capital was shocked...

  No one expected... This time, the Jingchao came with such a big momentum and came so fiercely.

  These newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and they seem to have infinite energy and fearlessness.


  Chapter 2 is delivered, ask for a monthly pass.

  (end of this chapter)

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