Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1513: I might not believe it

  Chapter 1513 I may not believe it

  Chen Jingye listened, and sighed: "This old man is just a reckless man, what is the matter in the temple, what is it to me, now that you have come to ask for advice, this old man is in a dilemma, it is difficult, it is difficult..."

   After he sighed a few times, he said to a group of disciples with a straight face.

"It's just that today's morality is degraded, people's hearts are not old, and extravagance is everywhere. The so-called country is about to perish, and there must be evildoers. If the old man can't use this to speak to His Majesty at this time, how can he be worthy of the saint's teachings. You will prepare tomorrow Chariots and horses, the old man will go with you."

   All the disciples were overjoyed, their benefactor came out, and there must be a high opinion at that time, and in front of the imperial court, they will become famous all over the world, and even their own social value can also increase accordingly.

  Therefore, all the disciples kowtowed one after another: "Mr. is concerned about the common people, and the disciples are amazed."

  The next day, countless Confucian scholars began to arrive at the Imperial Academy.

  The Hanlin Academy has been quite cold in the past two years, but today it is extraordinarily lively.

   All scholars with fame and reputation were compiled into books. In order to identify their identities and check whether they were carrying sharp weapons, it took a lot of time.

  After this, there are as many as 2,000 Confucian scholars who came here, and quite a few scholars from the vicinity of the capital.

   They bow to each other and greet each other. Most of them have heard each other's name for a long time.

  Of course, there was also a meeting, with nostrils upturned, and a cold snort.

  Probably because a certain person wrote a poem and was despised by a certain person. When this word reached someone’s ears, it became a sworn enemy.

   It took a whole morning of effort. These scholars, hungry and hungry, just had the opportunity to enter the Imperial Academy.

  At this point they feel that they are going to collapse, after all, there are too many people and the time spent is too long.

   Immediately afterwards, he was led into Minglun Hall.

   This Minglun Hall is a place for teaching. It is the largest building in the Hanlin Academy and can accommodate many people.

   But even so, so many scholars are still here, with almost nowhere to set foot.

  People flocked to enter Minglun Hall, those who fell behind could only go outside Minglun Hall.

   Just when everyone's hungry chest was stuck to their backs, an **** said: "Your Majesty is here."

  But I saw Emperor Hongzhi leading Zhu Houzhao, Fang Jifan and others, coming out of the ear room. Surrounded by the crowd, Emperor Hongzhi, who only wore a Confucian shirt, sat at the head.

  Emperor Hongzhi ascended the throne, and Confucian scholars all bowed down one after another: "Long live my emperor."

  Learning literary and martial arts well and selling them to the emperor's family is almost the highest ideal of all scholars.

  Being able to see His Majesty at this time, many people have spent the whole night thinking about how they can stand out from the crowd. How to make the emperor look at him with admiration and reuse him.

  Even the self-proclaimed Chen Jingye didn't sleep all night.

  Emperor Hongzhi fell behind, scanned the crowd with his eyes, and then said with a smile on his face.

   "Everyone, live in peace."

He paused: "I haven't listened to the scriptures for a long time recently. I originally wanted the Hanlin to enter the Chongwen Palace to give lectures, but thinking about it, I have heard a lot of what the Hanlin said, so I simply opened up and listened to the thoughts of the ministers." .”

   As he spoke, Emperor Hongzhi looked at Xiao Jing, Xiao Jing nodded and coughed: "Let's talk."

  This is the beginning of the lecture, where to start.

   All of a sudden, the scholars became excited.

  Everyone wants to talk.

   And there is no limit to what to say.

  Therefore, someone said: "Your Majesty, why don't you talk about benevolent government today..."

   There are all kinds of noisy words: "Your Majesty, when I read Zhou Li, I sometimes feel emotional, and I don't know if I should say it or not."

   All these people are chattering, and there is no order at all.

  There was chaos in Minglun Hall.

   Who wouldn't want to take this opportunity to show their face.

  Fang Jifan stood beside Emperor Hongzhi and smiled.

  Based on his years of experience.

  In this situation, it is often the most radical person who can stand out.

   Sure enough... At this moment, someone beat their chest and fell down, crying loudly.

   All of a sudden... the volume of everyone was suppressed.

  So, the scholars had to shut up and looked towards the crying man.

   This person is Chen Jingye.

  Seeing Chen Jingye crying so sadly and hurting her lungs, she burst into tears, and fell to the ground with a slap: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty... Since the Five Emperors, have you ever heard that if you don't practice moral government, the country's fortune will last forever?"

  The first sentence is shocking.

  The other scholars were suddenly overshadowed.

  Chen Jingye's disciples were all beaming.

   Today is the time for the mentor to show his strength.

  Thinking about the teacher's speech today, he won the applause of Shilin, and as his disciple, he went out and reported the name of the teacher, which immediately made people awe-inspiring, and they couldn't control their excitement.

  Seeing that the opportunity came, Chen Jingye would naturally not miss it, so he said with a righteous face.

"I heard that Osman was originally a barbarian, and he lived as a nomad. After that, he conquered from east to west and occupied thousands of miles of land. The country is barren. However, for more than ten generations, the kings of his country have practiced moral government, banned extravagance, and valued talents. Therefore, the world is at peace, and the princes of this country come to the pilgrimage to see me, and hear about the three emperors and five emperors of the Ming Dynasty. According to the standard, the scholars from all over the world, no one is not surprised, no one is not sighed. Why? The barbarians are still like this, why did I disobey the learning of the sages, and discard them like weeds? There is no limit, and the common people lose their sense of shame for petty gains. No one talks about benevolence, righteousness, and morality, and even scholars put their minds on those strange skills and prostitution. If things go on like this, where will the world go?"

   As he spoke, tears rolled down his eyes, with a look of despair, a look of complete disappointment with Daming's current situation.

"Your Majesty." He shouted excitedly, "Prince Osman, once visited his ministers, held the ceremony of disciples, talked at night with candles, talked about the excitement, his eyebrows were beaming, and he couldn't hold back his excitement. Bang, governing the world with virtue and filial piety, why is it that today, it has fallen to this point, although the Ottoman country is the land of the Four Wars, but it also knows how to cultivate virtue and courtesy, Your Majesty... If this continues, I am very clear, my luck is going to be exhausted, I see all kinds of things, weep today Blood testimonials are originally a crime of ten thousand deaths, ten thousand deaths..."

   His words.

  In fact, it was already expected by Emperor Hongzhi and Fang Jifan.

  In order to criticize the present, especially Xishan Academy, and regain the dominance of Shilin, it is natural to find an analogy.

  The Ottoman prince Suleiman has been in the limelight recently, and it is reasonable to compare it with Ottoman. It doesn’t matter what kind of person Suleiman is, and it doesn’t matter whether Ottoman is a state of etiquette. The important thing is that this can be used as an argument.

   can be used for comparison.

  For example... It doesn't matter what other people's children are like. The important thing is that your own children have to become the person you want to shape according to your own wishes. As for whether it is true or not, it doesn't matter, what matters is the effect.

  Emperor Hongzhi smiled, but his heart sank.

  He can't wait to say, I heard that not long ago, Osman had brothers killing each other, and the father killed his son.

  Of course, Emperor Hongzhi held back, and did not refute Chen Jingye, but looked at him quietly.

  Just for a moment, Emperor Hongzhi no longer looked at him, but looked around and asked, "Where are you?"

  After hearing this, all the scholars regretted that they had been robbed of the limelight by Chen Jingye, but also felt that what Chen Jingye said was really a relief. He really spoke out what he said from the bottom of his heart.

  People looked at Chen Jingye with red eyes, and they thought in their hearts that tomorrow, this Mr. Chen's reputation will be spread across the country, and even if it is a history of thousands of years, this generous speech must be added.

  Chen Jingye immediately said: "What I said may be absurd. If this minister's shallow opinion offends Sheng Yan, I ask your Majesty to deal with it."

  He is ready for the imperial staff.

  If the emperor was annoyed and caught and beat him up, maybe the effect would be even more pronounced.

  His disciples said one after another: "Mr. Chen is the word of a certain country..."

  The rest of the scholars also said: "Of course, Your Majesty... the way to govern the country lies in cultivating morality. If you don't cultivate moral government, there will be no shame..."

  Countless scholars bowed down, and some people burst into tears with excitement, fearing that their voices were not loud enough.

  Emperor Hongzhi frowned: "Is there no other Qing family with other suggestions?"

   "Chen Gong has spoken out all the words from the heart of the ministers."

  Emperor Hongzhi sighed, and looked at them sympathetically: "Ottoman country, is this really the case?"

   "It's more than that, the prince is respectful and corporal, and people admire him."

  Emperor Hongzhi asked the case, was silent for a moment, and then took a deep look at them: "Does anyone have any objections?"


   No answer.

  Emperor Hongzhi stood up and nodded approvingly at Chen Jingye and the others.

   "I am quite moved after listening to the remonstrance of the ministers. are right..."

  Chen Jingye and the others were suddenly overjoyed when they heard this.

  Could it be... Your Majesty is finally going to repent?

  Very good. The next step is to kill that **** Fang Jifan.

  But I heard Emperor Hongzhi say indifferently: "If this Ottoman country is really a state of etiquette, then it should not be taken lightly. I should send a mission to Ottoman to seek the knowledge of benevolence and righteousness."


  Chen Jingye couldn't help but beam with joy.

   "You are worried about the country. If you only appoint one or two people, it will be difficult to show the effect. You might as well go all of you. You are my Xuanzang. He will go west with Prince Ottoman to obtain the scriptures."


Both go?

where to?


  The place where it is said that there are deserts and Gobi everywhere, where there are no people and no birds for thousands of miles?

  There is the Western Region of the Western Regions...

  Chen Jingye felt dizzy, his eyes darkened, and his throat was a little sweet.

   "Your Majesty..." Someone beside him said, "Your Majesty, I have bad legs and feet..."

   "Your Majesty..."

  Emperor Hongzhi sighed: "Qing and others are concerned about the country and the people, and they are all well-educated people. Such important events are related to the society, and they must be done by you."

  (end of this chapter)

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