Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1514: Great joy

  Chapter 1514 Great joy

  Minglun Hall was completely silent.

  Everyone looked at Emperor Hongzhi in astonishment.

   Their brains are still a bit overwhelmed.

  We are just using the past to satirize the present, no, no, we are using Ottoman to satirize Ming Dynasty.

  As a Confucian, a man of character, isn’t this a matter of course?

   But what does His Majesty mean by this, do you take it seriously?

Emperor Hongzhi looked at these speechless scholars and said excitedly: "I also want to know what a state of etiquette should look like, and I want to know more about the virtues of the former Ottoman monarchs. Don't be in a hurry to come back, so that you can study there. This time, I will thank you all. This is related to the important national affairs of Ming Dynasty. In order to facilitate this matter, I must spare no effort at all costs. All the ministers also admire you if you want to come Osman has been around for a long time, and he will definitely be able to feel like a fish in water when he goes here."

"As for those who say that they are inconvenient, it is not a problem. My Daming's carriage and horses can avoid bumps. Oh, if you have relatives who want to go there, that would be even better. I have always heard Zhu Qing said, there are many immoral places in my Ming Dynasty, but I have no idea where the immorality is and how to solve it. I just need Zhu Qing to be my eyes and ears to listen and see. As for your care along the way I know that Prince Suleiman is the most virtuous and virtuous corporal, and he regards all the ministers as the standard, so he must take good care of him along the way. Well, I have to go to pay my respects to the Empress Dowager, she has been ill recently Not feeling well, that’s all for today.”

  The reason for saying hello to the Empress Dowager is simply impeccable, I don’t bother to tell you, it’s been decided anyway, and you don’t even want to see me in the future, just get ready to go on the road.

  Fang Jifan was on the sidelines, already in full bloom, and he almost cheered Emperor Hongzhi. After finally suppressing his joy, he said: "Your Majesty... I don't know if the Hanlin Academy has recorded the roster here."

At this time, Wang Bushi, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, stepped forward, holding a notebook and said: "The scholars who have entered the Hanlin Temple this time, before being admitted to the hospital, their names, places of origin, age, family conditions, and merits , Everything is recorded in the record, Your Majesty, Qi Guogong, everyone is in this book, there is no omission, Your Majesty is here, how dare the ministers slip through the net."

  Emperor Hongzhi nodded in satisfaction, you see... this is the precise strike that his son-in-law said, and it really caught them all.

  It’s really not an ordinary pleasure...

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "Very well, I'm sorry, I will leave the next matter to the Duke of Qi."

   As he spoke, he left in a hurry under the crowd without hesitation.

  The Confucian scholars staying inside and outside Minglun Hall are still unable to recover.

  The whole person of Chen Jingye seemed to be completely petrified.

  He checked what he said just now in his mind, thinking, why does His Majesty think this means that he wants to go to Ottoman?

   That's thousands of miles away.

   To go through countless yellow sand and Gobi.

   Not to mention, what kind of savages the people there are, only God knows.

  As for that Prince Suleiman, although I talk about him all the time, I just want to prove to others that, you see, the princes of the Ottoman Kingdom have come here especially to visit this old man...

   But that's all.

  He is still kneeling on the ground, although His Majesty has left, he seems unable to get up.

Fang Jifan stayed behind, and many guards rushed in from outside. When there were seven or eight guards slashing swords in front of Fang Jifan, Fang Jifan said: "What are you doing in a daze, so as not to have long dreams at night... No, it's not easy, Picking a day is worse than hitting the day. Send them back to the west as soon as possible, so you don’t have to pack up. Don’t worry, I have prepared everything for basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation, as well as the carriages and horses. Send them to Yumen Pass first, and then wait for Suleiman The prince will make peace, and return to the West with Prince Suleiman."

"There are still relatives at home, you go first, you can repair books on the way, this is an extremely important mission, the relationship is very important, before leaving, in order to prevent the leakage of secrets, and cause unnecessary trouble, so you go first, If you need it in the future, you will send all of your family, young and old. What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and don’t dawdle, this is a happy thing. It’s like NIANG.”

  With the guards in front, Fang Jifan was full of confidence, showing a face that the scholars hated.

  When Chen Jingye heard that he was going to leave immediately, he was about to faint immediately, and said indiscriminately; "The one surnamed Fang, the one surnamed Fang, must have planned it long ago."

"What kind of plot, no!" Fang Jifan said confidently: "Ottoman is a state of etiquette. He sent you there, and he was ordered to provide you with delicious food and drink. You still talk about plotting. Why, look at me, Fang Jifan. I'm sorry, seeing that I have a brain disease and easy to bully, you want to blackmail me?"

"you you…"

  Before finishing this sentence, a large number of guards appeared on the other side.

   All the carriages and horses entered the stables of the Hanlin Academy.

  Here, the Confucian scholars were strictly guarded by the imperial guards and got into the car.

   Four or five people per car. Once people enter, the door is closed and locked directly from the outside.

   No matter how the people inside slapped the carriage, no one cared.

   Once the crowd is full, the car will leave without stopping.

   Immediately, new cars were added immediately.

  These guards had undergone professional training before.

  Fang Jifan is a very cautious person in some respects. This is a matter that His Majesty has instructed, so we can't mess things up and make His Majesty mess up.

  So before, Fang Jifan simulated the environment of an Imperial Academy in Xishan, and then performed.

  How cars and horses get in and out, how to control people to board the car without hurting others, and how to deal with it after locking it.

   Without professional coordination, this chaotic scene would be uncontrollable.

  Of course, on the other hand, the formalities still need to be complete.

   This is not a tooth shop, it is an imperial order, and procedures still need to be done.

  Here, Ouyang Zhi has appeared.

  He is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. According to the imperial order, he personally brought the civil servants to work here.

  Inscription, appointment, everything is ready.

   Get on the bus alone, fill in the name, place of origin, and stamp directly.

   One click, and one appointment is considered complete.

  This time it was in the name of the mission, and the officials of the mission did not have time to screen to determine the position.

   There is no other way but to appoint officials in the names of ambassadors and deputy envoys of the Ministry of Rites.

  Ouyang Zhi is very serious about his work. He leans on the desk and concentrates on picking up his pen. He can't hear all the noises and wailing around him.

   Soon, a long line of chariots and horses set off towards the Hanlin Academy and went straight out of the city. They were guarded by imperial guards, a few full-time medical students and cooks who were in charge of meals.

  Food is also ready... After all, this is the order of the imperial court. Although the ambassadors and deputy envoys of the Ministry of Rites are only ninth-rank and subordinate nine-rank, they are almost not in the ranks, but they are imperial envoys after all. Although there are many people, they should not be underestimated.


  Fang Jifan sent people away at lightning speed, and the Hanlins in the Imperial Academy witnessed all this with their own eyes.

  They watched all this dumbfounded, and the howling sound was still echoing in their ears. When they thought of this, they couldn't help shivering, their whole body felt chilly, and their necks felt cold.

They didn't even dare to discuss in private anymore, and hid in their respective public houses. Although they knew that Fang Jifan would definitely not come in this public house, they still felt that Fang Jifan's eyes followed him like a shadow, as if he was about to break in at any moment. .

   They were trembling, leaning over the koan to pick up their pens, but their hands were trembling so badly that the ink dripped like an awning.

  Fang Jifan seemed to have settled down on his mind.

  Ouyang Zhi has completed all the formalities, and Wang Bushi also sent it to the roster.

Fang Jifan carefully compared the procedures with the roster, and after confirming that they were correct, he put it down, stretched his waist, and said in a comfortable mood: "Finally, we have done another thing that benefits the country and the people. These people's investigations in Ottoman, I think, will definitely allow me, Ming, to learn a lot of experience and lessons, but it is hard work for you."

  Wang Bushi couldn't help but feel terrified. He glanced at Fang Jifan and said immediately: "The Duke of Qi has an order, so how dare the subordinate officials claim to be laborious? This is doing according to the order, and it's a matter of loyalty to the emperor. It's just a job."

  Fang Jifan smiled: "Not bad, not bad, Xiao Wang, you have a bright future, and I appreciate you more and more."

  Wang Bushi immediately said in awe and fear: "How dare, how dare."

Fang Jifan continued: "Now there are only more than 2,000 Confucian scholars, and there are still 600 to 700 short. I have already promised Prince Suleiman, and I must promise a thousand gold. You guys, if you have time, go and find out if you want to do it." Official scholars, or those who want to go to Ottoman, this Ottoman is a good place, the monarch is wise, and the corporals are courteous and virtuous. In their place, nine times out of ten, they don’t pick up lost things on the road, and they don’t close their doors at night. Such a good place, I have thousands of scholars in Ming Dynasty. Ten thousand, endless, inexhaustible, inexhaustible, there will always be people who are interested.”

  Wang Bushi was ashamed, and silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

   Ouyang Zhi, on the other hand, had no expression on his face, and he didn't express anything about it.


   An hour later, Suleiman was ordered into the palace.

  Suleiman had heard about this a little bit, and seemed extremely excited.

   At once, more than 2,000 people were prepared, and some of them were some great Confucians whom he admired, which made him even more excited and unable to restrain himself.

This time it was a private rumor. When Suleiman saw Emperor Hongzhi and Fang Jifan who had just arrived at the palace and stood next to Emperor Hongzhi, he saw that both of them were wearing casual clothes. Suleiman hurriedly saluted and said: "Little The king has seen His Majesty the Emperor."

   As he spoke, he nodded kindly to Fang Jifan, with gratitude in his eyes.


   I got on the plane, and I was catching up at the airport. I have been running around for the past few days, and I will guarantee a stable update.

  (end of this chapter)

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