Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1630: big victory

  Chapter 1630 Victory

  Xu Pengju burst into tears from laughing.

  Although his laughter was almost drowned by this huge explosion.

  And... even if someone could hear him laughing, at this moment, no one paid attention to him.

Everyone, whether it is Alfonso or the guards around Alfonso, at this moment, are staring at the fireworks that rise everywhere, which seems to be the fireworks with destructive power, making people They were... just shivering at this moment.

   After a moment of explosion...then fell into silence the next moment.

   But this silence chilled everyone to the core.

  Because... the city wall in front of me is gone, and only ruins remain.

  Everywhere is scorched black.

  They could even see a huge crater from a distance. Flames were still burning in the crater, as well as countless broken arms and limbs.

nothing left…

  The former building is now on fire, and the former warehouse has collapsed more than half of it at this moment, and the still in flames.

  The strong wind, with heat waves blowing towards the face, made people's faces hurt.

  Some people even started to lose their eyesight.

  Many people... have lost their voices.

  In this piece of scorched earth, the scattered people either became cold, or wriggled with difficulty.

  The original vitality turned into lifelessness.

   Alfonso opened his mouth.

  He looked at all this dumbly.

  He couldn't understand what could have such a huge power.

  All of this has overturned his common sense.

  There were only a dozen explosions, and everything that used to be changed beyond recognition. As a result, the direct loss of death was probably more than a thousand people, and the number of injured was even countless.

  It was originally an ambush outside the city, but at this moment, there was only panic left.

The fort was also attacked, but the big copper ball didn't seem to hit the target, but it still caused half of the high platform under the fort to collapse. Seven or eight of the hundreds of artillerymen died, and the rest... have no intention of caring about the artillery. .

  All the courage of human beings comes from the self-confidence deep in their hearts. Likewise, when self-confidence collapses, then...courage disappears.

   On the sea, ships began to appear one by one.

  On the huge canvas, the font size of little Zhu Xiucai, the villain, is particularly eye-catching.

   With a huge sail, the bow of the ship broke through the water waves, and the waves rolled and glowed with silver light.

  Countless sailors are already ready to go. They are facing the land, ready to go.

  Hu Kaishan, who stands with a knife, is not a qualified commander.

  His burly body was covered with iron armor, and when he moved, there was a rattling sound, and there were two broad axes on the left and right.

  He roared loudly: "Put down the sampan and prepare to land, everyone obeys orders!"

  A few soldiers were frightened, and grabbed his arms left and right: "General, general... don't get excited, don't get excited."

   But the sailors were already screaming.

   Their eyes were red, and as usual, they roared through the sky.

  At this moment, firearms are meaningless when they land on the beach.

   They used their usual swords and spears.

  Countless people skillfully got off the big boat along the cable, and then boarded the sampan.

   The sampan quickly moved towards the land along with the waves.

  In the furious sea, the sailors wheezing in the waves sharpen their knives.

   Immediately afterwards... someone shouted angrily.


   Alfonso's eyes were lost.

  After he was sure that what happened in front of him, everything had come true.

  It was only then that he realized that... countless Ming troops had come along the waves.

  His pupils shrank, but at this moment, a hand pulled out the hilt of the rapier at his waist.

   With a clang, the rapier representing Alfonso's honor was pulled out.


  Alfonso saw Xu Pengju's stern face.

   Those murderous eyes stared fixedly at Alfonso.

   Alfonso was shocked.

  Instinctively, he wants to back away.

  Xu Pengju shouted: "One hundred and thirty-nine."

   "What?" Alfonso turned from anxiety to panic.

  Xu Pengju said: "You gave me one hundred and thirty-nine lashes."

   "I..." Alfonso wanted to call the guards.

  But the guards, looking at the scorched earth behind them, saw the countless sailors who rushed towards them.

  They were full of shock, and at this time, something even more surprising happened before their eyes.

  They were at a loss, and someone exclaimed, wanting to save someone.

  It was too late.

  Xu Pengju had already grabbed Alfonso's skirt, and Alfonso's three-cornered hat fell off.

  Xu Peng raised the rapier in his hand and stabbed it fiercely.

  The sharp rapier hit Alfonso's abdomen.

  Alfonso snorted, showing pain.

  Xu Pengju was puzzled, and said sharply: "Every time someone bullies me, my mentor will say why they don't bully others, why they always bully you. These words..."

   Speaking of this, the sword was drawn out and stabbed in again.

   Alfonso's painful face was distorted.

"It's not unreasonable, yes, why do you always bully me, this must be my own problem, but I am happy to let them bully, this is because...the more they bully me, the more Mistress loves me, and I know that , they still treat me as a brother after all, they beat me on the head, but when they have food, they will share with me, they push me to the ground, kick my PIGU, but if someone bullies me, they will always help I am in the early stage. But... what are you, you deserve to whip me, do you know who I am?"

  The rapier was drawn out again and again, and again and again it stabbed fiercely.

   All of this happened very quickly, very quickly... The rapier got stuck in Alfonso's bone, and he couldn't pull it out again.

  Alfonso's abdomen has more than a dozen holes, and blood is profuse.

  He was in so much pain that he wanted to hold his stomach and roll over, but...his body was like a chicken, and was carried by Xu Pengju.

  Xu Pengju smiled at him: "I am the successor of the Duke of Wei, and a disciple of the Duke of Qi. Even a mere barbarian dares to bully me!"

   After finishing speaking, he grabbed Alfonso's neck with his hands.

   Twist hard.

   Alfonso, who was in great pain, seemed to be relieved at this moment. He only heard a creak from his neck, and then... his eyes became dull, and then his head was tilted to one side.

  Xu Pengju left Alfonso behind, and there were still Spanish guards around him who were afraid of accidentally injuring Alfonso and wanted to charge forward with their weapons.

   And Xu Pengju gave them a disdainful look, puffed out his chest, and yelled at them: "Come and hit me, come and hit me if you have the ability."

  He actually grinned.

  The sudden roar made the guards startled, and subconsciously took a step back.

  Xu Pengju pursed his lips, wiped his messy sideburns, and walked straight towards the beach.

  While walking, he was spitting, cursing and saying: "I'm telling you the truth, but you just don't listen. You have to blow you up to the sky to know how powerful it is, a bunch of dogs!"

   Under the watchful eyes of everyone.

   It seemed that Xu Pengju was not surrounded by a group of guards with open flames, but a hundred Xu Pengju surrounded a Spanish soldier.

  The group of Spanish soldiers looked back at the approaching Ming army from time to time in fear, rushing all over the mountains and plains, and pointed their weapons at Xu Pengju vigilantly.

  But Xu Pengju walked through the gap between the guards under the watchful eyes of everyone, swaggered... and left.

   "Come and kill me, idiot!" Xu Pengju laughed again, full of mockery!


Chapter two.

  (end of this chapter)

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