Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1631: complete victory

  Chapter 1631 Complete victory

  Xu Pengju just left in such a bold manner, without any trace of fear on his face.

   It's all about this, and it seems that there is nothing to be afraid of.

  Based on his many years of experience in being beaten, if he shows timidity in the face of such a situation, these desperate and angry Spanish soldiers will definitely take this opportunity to tear him to pieces.

  But... When I put on a terrifying posture, only by preempting them can they continue to fall into fear and anxiety.

   This is the result of Xu Pengju's years of hard study.

  Although he was also beaten, but like all the children in the nursery, he was familiar with horse bows and various weapons, not to mention, he had also dabbled in spiritual and psychological knowledge.

   This move is the result of his research since childhood.

   It's just... well, this method is not very effective for the grandson of the emperor and the boys of the Fang family.

  But this does not mean that these Spaniards cannot be deterred at this time.

   When he walked away, he walked very slowly.

   Even when he was about to pass by a Spanish soldier, he deliberately bumped into his shoulder hard.

  The other party staggered in pain.

  So, the man retreated subconsciously.

  The other Spanish soldiers were flustered at first, but they seemed to be controlled by inexplicable magic power after this collision, and they subconsciously backed away.

  Xu Peng walked to the beach step by step, then tore off the Franji clothes he was wearing, and threw away the three-cornered hat on his head. Under the three-cornered hat was a rolled up bun, which is the symbol of the Han people.

So, when countless sailors charged forward and saw such a strange 'person', the sailors still passed him like a tide, they screamed, their eyes were red, like a group of hungry Like a rumbling wolf, he raised his knife and swept away.


   It was the day when the sailors landed and wiped out the Spaniards.

   Beheaded more than 5,400 people, and captured more than 10,000 Spanish soldiers and civilians.

   Great victory!

  In the evening...the local native elders brought their cattle and sheep to reward them.

  The form is reversed, and Francois is finished.

   There are many Han people in Luzon. During the Spanish rule, they used to exercise high-handed rule over the Han people. Now... these people have been invited by the natives. They want to know what the route of these Han troops is.

  With the help of the Han people, so...they learned **** pigs and cook sheep.

  Hu Kaishan was taken aback when he heard that, what the hell, is this a state of etiquette?

  Why does it seem to pick out a person, as if he is more educated than himself.

  Of course...if you don't care about these details...the wine and meat sent by others are still very fragrant.

  Hu Kaishan found Xu Pengju, Wei Guogong Xu's family lived in Nanjing, and he is the top prince. Although the Ningbo Navy belongs to the Zhen Guofu, because he is resident in Ningbo, he will naturally have to deal with the Xu family.

   What's more, Xu Pengju is still a student of Duke Qi!

  In Hu Kaishan's life, no one admired him. The only one who admired him was Qi Guogong.

  He had a general understanding of Xu Pengju's experience, and his body shook violently, as if he was immediately captured by Xu Pengju's domineering aura.

  He is a rough man, marching and fighting is his job.

  Can get off the horse and comfort the people, but he is not good at it.

  Xu Pengju taught him to immediately write the Announcement to the People, and spread the call to action, so that the natives of Lusong rushed to tell each other that the army was stationed here, and there was no crime in autumn. Only the Spaniards were held accountable, their properties were confiscated, and the treasury of the Spanish colonists was banned at the same time.

   Immediately afterwards, a letter was quickly sent to the capital of the Ming Dynasty by express boat.

   After that, Xu Pengju shook his head and drank tea with Hu Kaishan and others.


   Wei Guogong Xu Yu has arrived in Beijing, and immediately joined his clan brother Dingguo Gong Xu Yongning.

Not to mention that Wei Guogong has guarded Nanjing for a long time and has a certain amount of military power. Although Xu Yongning, the Duke of Ding, was sent by Emperor Hongzhi to handle some royal affairs before, he had not undertaken the task of offering sacrifices. In the past two years, Emperor Hongzhi sent Xu Yongning to sacrifice at the end of the year, and in the next year, he sent Xu Yongning and others to the Taimiao to worship Emperor Yizu and Emperor Xizu; the next month, Hongzhi replaced Emperor Hongzhi Offering sacrifices to the Great Society and the Great Ji; at the same time offering sacrifices to the heavens and the earth, the Sheji and the mountains and rivers. During this period, the number and specifications of Xu Yongning's sacrifices far exceeded the previous three Dingguo Dukes. This is also a manifestation of the political status of the Dingguogong family. .

  In addition to these years, Emperor Hongzhi began to try to make Ding Guogong and Ying Yinggong start to inspect the Beijing camp, and Ding Guogong obviously began to gain the trust of the emperor.

   There are even rumors that this generation of Duke Dingguo is very likely to replace the British lineage and take on the great responsibility of future priests.

  Ding Guogong and Wei Guogong both originated from Xu Da, and they are relatives of the same origin.

   When Xu Yu came to Beijing, Xu Yongning came to greet him specially, and the two of them went directly to Xishan without any fuss.

  When I arrived at Xishan, I went to find Fang Jifan.

   But I asked, it was said that Fang Jifan went to the palace early in the morning these few days to greet Empress Zhang, Princess Taikang also went with her, and the couple returned late at night.

  Xu Wu and Xu Yongning couldn't help stamping their feet.

  Xu Yongning can understand the feelings of his clan brother very well.

  In terms of the direct lineage of Duke Wei's mansion, because Xu Pengju's father died early, Xu Yu's grandson is the most valued by Xu Yu. This is the heir of Duke Wei's mansion!

  He couldn't help cursing at this moment: "This bastard..."

   After cursing for a while, he seemed to feel that it was meaningless, so he hurried into the palace with Duke Ding Xu Yongning.

   When I saw Emperor Hongzhi, I never thought that Fang Jifan would be there.

   Xu Yongning and Xu Yu glared at Fang Jifan.

  Fang Jifan showed a smile on his face, with a pleasant expression.

The two bowed down, Emperor Hongzhi seemed very happy, and said in a gentle manner: "You two gentlemen don't need to be too polite. A few days ago, Xu Qing played from Nanjing and hoped to return to Beijing for a short stay. The family has already entered the capital, which is amazing. But... Xu Qing's family is like this, which surprises me. Is there something wrong with the Qing family?"

   "The grandson of the minister is missing." Xu Chu was already in tears.

  Emperor Hongzhi was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Fang Jifan. He knew that Xu Yu's grandson was Fang Jifan's disciple.

Fang Jifan felt uncomfortable when he was seen, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, have you forgotten that last month, my minister gave a report about Lu Song's matter. At that time, my minister thought that the Spaniards invaded the northern province, and my Daming should retaliate. In the West, it is impossible to allow others to sleep soundly under the couch. However, it is not easy to take Luzon. Once the war starts, it will inevitably be protracted and consume a lot of money. Therefore, my son's suggestion is that I hope to find ways to gather Spanish troops. It is better to get together in one place and attack them again. Only in this way can the war be ended as soon as possible and the casualties of our navy can be minimized. Otherwise, the Spaniards will spread all over Luzon. They have been operating in Luzon for a long time, they are familiar with the geography of mountains and rivers, and they have a certain foundation. This will inevitably make my Ming Dynasty continue to bleed. With so many soldiers, their lives cannot be ignored. "

Emperor Hongzhi nodded his head, and he was more inclined. Once the war started, it would be best to finish the battle. If it lasted for a long time, it would not only seriously affect morale, but also waste money and food. He also heard that there are many islands in Luzon, with countless mountains, rivers, and dense forests. It is extremely cunning, and if things go on like this, it may repeat the mistakes of Emperor Wen in Jiaozhi.

   It's just... this...

   "What does this have to do with the grandson of Xu Qing's family?" Emperor Hongzhi still didn't quite understand.

Fang Jifan said sternly: "In the memorandum, my son has already stated clearly that he sent someone to pretend to be an envoy to reveal the information that Ming Dynasty is about to attack on a large scale, but Spain is very cunning, if it is just a rumor, they may not be convinced, let alone a large-scale mobilization is involved. Therefore, someone must be sent, and only one person can convince them by speaking in person in front of them, and this person must be familiar with Spanish, able to communicate effectively, and also need to let the other party know that this person It is definitely not someone who is unknown, who can show my determination to attack Luzon. Only a person with a very high status can know the battle plan, so... After thinking about it, only Xu Pengju is suitable, and the Spaniards themselves I know that Ming Dynasty has always adhered to the rule that the two armies do not fight, but they are extremely cunning. Seeing that we have dispatched Xu Pengju with confidence, they will know Xu Pengju's exact identity from various channels, and only what Xu Pengju said can tell them. Believe it or not."

   "Why is it that only Xu Pengju believes what he said?" Emperor Hongzhi was shocked. When he read the memorial, he only said that he had sent an envoy, but he didn't hear that it was the grandson of Duke Wei's mansion.

Fang Jifan said: "Because the vast majority of people can't survive severe torture, this minister is a bitter plan. Of course, the main thing is that Xu Pengju took the initiative to invite Ying. Your Majesty, Xu Pengju understands the righteousness. Although my minister is a teacher, but this I admire you so much."

  Emperor Hongzhi understood instantly.

  Xu Pengju is Huang Gai.

  He couldn’t help being speechless. Emperor Hongzhi was quite happy when he agreed to the plan with the memorial. Anyway, Fang Jifan promised to solve the Luzon problem. He was naturally willing to accept it, so he didn’t go into it. But now...

  The muscles on his face were a little stiff, looking at Wei Guogong and Ding Guogong...

   "Oh, so that's the case, this matter...Xu Qing's family...Lingsun..."

  Xu Yu sighed... He knew what kind of temperament his grandson was, why he took the initiative to ask for a job... This must be a series of lies by Fang Jifan.

  But what this involves is the military strategy...

  His body trembled, and his face was miserable. He said: "The minister and his family have received the emperor's grace, and now His Majesty wants to conquer Lu Song. He has called the minister and grandson to be the vanguard, and the minister... has nothing to say... the minister..."

  Tian choked up when he said this, and didn't know what to say.

  Emperor Hongzhi was also surprised that Fang Jifan actually harmed Wei Guogong's grandson.

   Can't help but glared at Fang Jifan.

Fang Jifan was like a normal person: "Your Majesty, those who have been honored by the king should share the worries of the king, not to mention Xu Pengju. How can the sons of princes and princes in this world receive the holy family for nothing? Wei Guogong can understand righteousness, This is the country's fortune. Just like the Fang family, it is a matter of course to die for His Majesty. If it wasn't for the fact that I had a brain disease, I wish I could replace Xu Pengju with my body. Wouldn't it be that I entered the enemy's country alone? During the Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian and Ban Chao all did this. If His Majesty wants to frighten the world and cut off the bandits, the world needs more Xu Pengju, and more people like Wei Guogong who understand righteousness."

  Fang Jifan spoke very seriously.

  The decline of the dynasty has always been the beginning of the corruption of those who have received the grace of the country. If they all cherish their lives and are only willing to indulge in drinking, then the so-called ruling the world and conquering the world are just empty talk.

  Fang Jifan is a person with three views, strange and upright. He knows in his heart that he cannot create a country like Plato, but...he always hopes that this world will become better.

  To be cruel to those who are favored by the state is to be gentle to those ragged people.

  This truth may not be understood by some people.

   But Fang Jifan is in this world, but he has a deep understanding.


  Thanks to Api TT for becoming the leader, thank you.

  (end of this chapter)

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