Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1647: make a fortune

  Chapter 1647 Big profit

  After hearing Wang Jinyuan's words, Qi Zhiyuan became vigilant.

  In this world, there is no such thing as a pie in the sky.

  And who is Wang have to be more careful.

  It's just... Qi Zhiyuan never dared to offend Wang Jinyuan: "I don't know Mr. Wang, where does the so-called huge profit come from?"

Wang Jinyuan said: "The land has plummeted at the moment, but it seems that it is still a breath away. The Xishan Bank gambled that there would be no troubles in the south of the Yangtze River, so they wanted to take advantage of the chaos and buy land at a low price. But the land... the price has reached now. Loose, but not enough to make huge profits. To be honest, I don’t like this small profit. But if the current land price is cut in half, it will be profitable. Mr. Qi, what do you think? Thinking, if the land price plummets and you sell the land, and once the land plummets, when it hits the bottom, you can buy double the land with the same money, wouldn't this... be a good deal?"

"Xishan Bank is relying on this to make profits, and the richest man at the moment, Wang Bushi, has heard of Brother Lai Qi, and his means of making profits are also the same. Relying on the crops to grow food, after all It’s just to make some petty profits, but if the land price falls again, causing the people in the south of the Yangtze River to sell their land one after another, think about it...then the land price will be worthless..."

  Qi Zhiyuan squinted, shocked.

  In the there such a way to play?

  Qi Zhiyuan couldn't hide his surprise and said, "Could it be that the land price can really be manipulated?"

Wang Jinyuan smiled: "What's wrong? It's easy. People are panicking now. If a large amount of land appears on the market at this moment and is sold at a low price, the reserve price will definitely not be able to hold, and if you can't hold it... it means The only problem now is who has more land! Whoever has more land is the big banker. Take advantage of this opportunity, if you want it to rise, it will rise, and if you want it to fall, it will fall.”

Seeing Qi Zhiyuan's more surprised reaction, Wang Jinyuan continued: "Actually... there is something even more exciting. When the price of land reaches the bottom, Brother Qi will sell high and buy low. This land will be like cabbage. It’s not worth it, if you want more land, you can borrow from the bank as a mortgage, and then... buy land frantically. Get a loan."

   "This kind of argument is called leverage. It means spending other people's money to make money for yourself."

   "Therefore, if the land price can be controlled, then... the land and silver that can be earned will not be twice as much as before, and may even be five times or ten times."

  Wang Jinyuan said on the phone that although Qi Zhiyuan knew how to sell high and buy low, he had only touched the door of real economics and finance.

  I said that Wang Jinyuan explained it in the most easy-to-understand terms, but Qi Zhiyuan still had a little understanding.

  Smash the the bottom...leverage...

  These things... sound scary.

  But... the five-fold and ten-fold increase in wealth... He understood it.

  If the net worth soars...what is this concept?

   Qi Zhiyuan is simply unimaginable.

The imperial court's attack on the gentry has caused his income to plummet. This time, his mentor was punished, which also made him panic all day long. Fortunately, his mentor died, and his evidence of guilt has almost been erased, but now the land price is still falling. Heartache.

   And now...

  He restrained the expression on his face. He didn't dare to agree to such a big matter easily. Therefore, he looked at Wang Jinyuan with a fake smile and said, "Mr. Wang... this... I'm afraid the risk is not small."

"There are risks." Wang Jinyuan sipped his tea and said with a smile, "However...Since Xishan is ready to make a move, then...this risk can be minimized. What Xishan needs most now is to recruit a banker. Only in this way can we get twice the result with half the effort, Brother Qi, in all the business in this world, those small fish and shrimps will always lose money, and who is the one who will always sit firmly on the Diaoyutai?"

Wang Jinyuan looked at Qi Zhiyuan with a half-smile, and then said: "Brother Qi must have heard about the old man's deeds. The old man is in Xishan, and he manages the family business for the Duke of Qi. The wealth of this Xishan grows like a snowball. The old man I have done countless transactions, and I have only made big and small profits. As for the loss-making business, I have never done it. Brother Qi thinks, really thinks that the old man is better than other merchants because the old man has some extraordinary skills To tell you the truth, the only reason why the old man can succeed in any business is because the old man’s back is Xishan. With Xishan, the old man is a big banker and a chess player. In buying and selling, chess players will never lose. It is the chess pieces that lose everything, and it is also the chess pieces that go bankrupt, because chess players are always outside the chessboard, and they can turn upside down with a backhand. Transparency? If Brother Qi still has doubts, then... just let it go, this Jiangnan may not only be able to cooperate with the Qi family, I will leave now, and Brother Qi should not be offended by bothering you for so long."

  Who is Wang Jinyuan? Having said that, if he continues to persuade him, he will lose his worth.

  He dusted off his long sleeves, stood up straight away, and was about to leave.

  Qi Zhiyuan's face was changing, if this Wang Jinyuan went to someone else, wouldn't it be that he made a fortune for nothing?

  Especially when Wang Jinyuan talked about chess players, his heart skipped a beat, the old man...can also be this chess player...

  So he hurriedly stood up and said, "What are you talking about? It's not that you can't believe Mr. Wang, it's just that... this matter is too involved, let me think again, think again."

Wang Jinyuan still had a smile on his face, made a bow, and then said: "It should be, think about it, there must be nothing wrong, the old man has just arrived in Jinling, today, apart from meeting Brother Qi, he still needs to meet a few old friends, so let's say goodbye .”

   Qi Zhiyuan couldn't keep him, so he personally sent him to the middle gate.

   But in his heart, once the coquettish box was opened, he immediately became distraught, his mind was full of Wang Jinyuan's words.

  He is very hesitant now. This matter has too much to do with it.

   And... Qi Zhiyuan couldn't help but think, this Wang Jinyuan, who are some of his old friends? Could it be that he wants to find other people to cooperate with?

  If you look for someone else, wouldn't you just miss out on this day's chance to be rich?

If the Qi family does not open up other situations, although the family has a big business, but if the New Deal continues and the court is so tossed, who knows if the children and grandchildren will spend a few happy lives for this big family business, and when the time comes , How can I be worthy of my ancestors?

  Qi Zhiyuan was very anxious, he... went to the ancestral hall again.

  He sat cross-legged in front of a dazzling array of ancestral tablets, counting his ancestors, grandfathers, great-grandfathers and great-grandfathers with his eyes straight...

  At midnight, when he came out of the ancestral hall, he suddenly cheered up: "Call the steward."

  So the steward came all night wearing clothes and shoes.

Qi Zhiyuan said with a sullen face, "Do two things. First, go to the branch of Xishan Bank immediately to find Mr. Wang, and tell him that the old man has agreed to what happened today. The second thing is to immediately investigate the current Qi The family's land, whether it is fields, forests, ponds, Zhuangzi everywhere, as well as shops and real estate in Nanjing, as well as in various prefectures and counties, these... all have to be thoroughly investigated... Do you understand?"

  The steward is full of surprises. Isn't this all checked at the end of the year?

   After all, the Qi family has such a large family business, and the land in their hands will increase or decrease every month. This is the middle of the year, what is the investigation?

   "Master... this... dare to ask the master, what is the reason?"

  Qi Zhiyuan didn't care about the manager's words, and said lightly: "Tomorrow, I will invite some dentists to come and have a good talk."

  Tooth line...

   Those in charge are struck by lightning.

   Unprovoked, what do you do with Yaxing?

   "Master wants to buy land?"

   "Sell!" Qi Zhiyuan was decisive.

  In the dim candlelight, the steward... felt a chill inexplicably.

  Sell land...

  The Qi family has always only bought land, never sold land...

  Since the ancestor of the Qi family, this is unprecedented.

  And now...someone as shrewd as the master, actually...

   But Qi Zhiyuan had his hands behind his back, looking at ease.

   Of course, this leisurely complacency is a fake.

  In fact, Qi Zhiyuan felt... too empty.

  I can think of the huge profits at my fingertips, as well as my worries about the future... There seems to be something in my heart that is about to move.


  The name of the richest man in the world should be the old man, not the king who is not an official.

  Wang Bushi is nothing.

  When our Qi family was rich, their ancestors were nothing but a group of poor men.

  My Qi family has always been blessed by heaven. If not, how could I have accumulated a family business of more than ten generations.

  Thinking of this, Qi Zhiyuan stared at the steward, gritted his teeth and said, "Listen to the old man, there is nothing wrong, go ahead and do it overnight, don't delay for a moment."

  He thought again at this time, Xishan was gambling, but the old man didn't have to.

  Because... the old man already knew that Wei Guogong conspired against him, so it was nothing.

   This is nothing more than framing.

  So there will never be trouble in Jiangnan.

  As long as you take advantage of this time to create a sharp drop in land prices, sell high and buy low, you can accumulate countless family fortunes for your children and grandchildren.



  The next day...

  Almost all the people in the dental shop in Nanjing City went to the Qi family.

  Then...they came out of Qi's house with incredible expressions on their faces.


   This is a land market that few people are interested in. Suddenly... countless lands began to appear, and they began to sell crazily...

  There are more and more listed lands.

  Originally...some people who wanted to buy land were also frightened.

  In the city... people began to inquire about something privately everywhere, and those who held the land began to panic to the extreme.

  What happened?

  (end of this chapter)

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