Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1648: There is no turning back arrow

  Chapter 1648 There is no turning back arrow

  The things on the market are mostly like this.

  When people like the Qi family who hold a lot of land start to sell it, the power it brings is extremely terrifying.

  On the one hand, there is an oversupply of land on the market, which makes the market that no one cares about even colder.

   And because more and more land is sold, it will inevitably lead to a crazy plunge in land prices.

  The Qi family is the most powerful family in Nanzhili, and once they make a move, their energy is astonishing.

   Even the land price in Jiangnan began to be deeply affected.

In the beginning, many people were still buying...but soon, the people who bought it thought they had got a good deal, but when they found out that the land they bought for a thousand taels of silver today, the next day , There are only eight hundred taels left. The person who bought the land became the person who bought the land in an instant.

Of course... For many high-ranking families, their worries are even more serious. The Qi family is not a small family. Logically speaking, they shouldn't be so petty. The sudden sale of the land must have gotten some rumors. In addition, the army of the imperial court is rushing towards this place, and the dynamics of Duke Wei's mansion are still unclear.

  Emperor did not decree to search Wei Guogong's mansion immediately, and the imperial envoy punished the left deputy capital Yushi, and he didn't have a clue.

  All kinds of doubts made them realize that something big might happen.

  The Qi family's performance confirmed this point.

  Who would it be... With a lot of land in his hand, but knowing that the land is getting cheaper every day, the anxiety and uneasiness in his heart are enough to make people crazy.

  When the price fell to half in the blink of an eye, someone finally couldn't sit still.

   As a result, in many dental banks, more land began to participate in the sale.

  Qi Zhiyuan has people staring at the land price at any time, looking at the land that is falling day by day, at this time, his heart has begun to heat up.

  Actually... Although his land was sold in large quantities, many of them were sold, but most of them, even when the price was low, were still unattended.

  When the land of more than 30 taels of silver per mu became more than a dozen taels, and even began to be worth less than ten taels... Qi Zhiyuan, who had already mobilized all the capital of the Qi family, was already eager to try.

  Of course... He didn't rush to start buying the bottom right away.

  The word "buying the bottom" is really wonderful.

   This is also a new vocabulary that Qi Zhiyuan has learned in recent days.

  Qi Zhiyuan is still waiting for the opportunity. In order to let the price continue to fall, he began to continuously lower the price of the Qi family's land.

  Nine taels...Eight taels...Seven taels...

   When it was seven o'clock... Qi Zhiyuan couldn't help but gasped.

  On this day, the children of the Qi family had already gathered in the ancestral hall.

  All the uncles and children entered the ancestral hall, and after saluting the ancestors, in the ancestral hall, Qi Zhiyuan looked at the members of the clan with complacency.

   Immediately... Qi Zhiyuan said seriously: "How is the fund mobilization going?"

   "Uncle, all the cash has been calculated, and there can be more than 300,000 taels..."

  The Qi family is a gentry family with a lot of land but little cash.

   More than 300,000 grain and silver, it is an astronomical figure for anyone to put it in, but for the Qi family, the value of their land is far beyond this figure.

  Qi Zhiyuan couldn't help frowning.

When he sold the land, the return of funds was not much. After all, when the sale started, there were still people who bought it, but soon, people began to wait and see, and then... those who noticed something was wrong turned their heads and started to sell. . As a result... in the current land market, there is a price but no market. No matter how low the price is, no one cares about it. On the contrary, it has triggered more people to sell. I heard that many families in Jiangnan have already started to sell their land. These people are all Old fox, the Qi family made a move first, so naturally they also smelled a scent. There is so much scrambling to be the first, there are so many lands on the market, even though this land is hung with seven or eight taels of silver, no one dares to buy it.

   "Too few." He frowned, looked at an old man, and said, "Second Uncle, didn't you say that the store in Hangzhou will be sold? How is it? How is the situation over there?"

  The Second Uncle Qi smiled wryly and said: "Nowadays, people are panicking, and it's so difficult to cash in. Zhiyuan, what do you want so much money for, and it's so urgent..."

  Qi Zhiyuan pursed his lips, but looked at his son Qiye: "Has no merchant come to ask about the raw silk in Curry?"

   "The merchants in the capital refused to come, the raw silk has plummeted, and now..."

  Qi Zhiyuan waved his hand, he couldn't help but be speechless, more than 300,000 taels of silver, if you go to buy the bottom now, you can certainly make a lot of money.

  But... obviously you can earn more... such a great opportunity, it would be a pity if you miss it.

I only hate that the time is too short, and there is no time to raise more cash. If there are two million, three million, or even five million taels of silver, the Qi family... can jump in just a few days. After becoming one of the best masters in the world, who would dare to underestimate him?

He seemed worried, but became anxious. His lips trembled, his head was lowered slightly, his hands were behind his back, he paced back and forth, and finally looked up at the crowd suddenly, and said through gritted teeth: "I still have to visit the Xishan Bank." , Go borrow some money and use our real estate as collateral, anyway, these lands can’t be sold now, the old man should go there in person, this matter is urgent.”

  He was extremely reluctant to borrow money.

  People like him, why do they need to borrow money from others?

  But after such a toss, but only followed by a sip of soup, I really can't swallow this breath.

   He gritted his teeth and sneered: "That's the decision."


  When he saw Wang Jinyuan again, Wang Jinyuan still had Qi Zhiyuan's amicable expression.

  The two parties have agreed that when seven taels of silver are reached, they will start buying land on the market frantically, and the action must be extremely fast, otherwise it will be too late when someone comes back and starts to rise against the trend.

Hearing that Qi Zhiyuan was coming, Wang Jinyuan came to the living room, looked at Qi Zhiyuan with a smile and said, "Xishan Bank, it's ready here, the old man is a trustworthy person, just wait for Brother Qi to buy the bottom together, how about it, Brother Qi... get ready What's the matter?"

Qi Zhiyuan said sternly: "The preparations are of course proper. We must work together on this matter. I have been reading some books recently, and I have gained some experience. It's just... the silver taels on hand are still not enough. Last time, I remembered that my husband mentioned There is a word called leverage, isn't that right?"

  Wang Jinyuan nodded on WeChat: "However, leverage."

"I want to give it a try." Qi Zhiyuan took a deep breath. He is a big banker. As Wang Jinyuan said, he can decide the ups and downs of the market. If the land is listed for sale in the land, then the land price will inevitably rise against the trend. At that time, it will be a situation of buying low and selling high. Here, I am afraid that there will be five times or ten times the huge profits. The most important thing now is, It is necessary to have enough money, even if Xishan refuses to cooperate with him and buy bottoms together, it is enough for him to decide the value of the land.

  Of course, if Xishan also takes action, then... the benefits of this may be even higher.

Wang Jinyuan nodded and said: "Brother Qi is really a straightforward person. It's easy to borrow money. Xishan Bank has silver. I don't know how much to borrow? Of course, there are rules in the bank, and you must need collateral. Is this collateral ready?"

   Qi Zhiyuan was a little hesitant about this, and tentatively said: "How about two million taels of silver? Mortgage is easy, and the old man has plenty of land."

  Wang Jinyuan said very simply: "All you need is a contract, here in Xishan, you can transfer money at any time..."

  When Qi Zhiyuan heard this, he regretted it.

The land in his hands is enough to mortgage countless silver, and the two million yuan is still less, he gritted his teeth: "No, it's better to just five million taels, don't worry, the Qi family's land, real estate , and there are countless pavements in the city, which are enough to make up for it.”

  Wang Jinyuan glanced at him appreciatively: "The Qi family is a first-class family, not to mention there is enough mortgage, there is nothing you can't trust, when do you want to lend money?"

  Qi Zhiyuan immediately said: "The sooner the better."

  Wang Jinyuan said again: "You are clear about the interest rate of the loan. If the interest rate is seven cents, if it is five million taels, you have to repay 350,000 taels of silver every month."

  Qi Zhiyuan's expression was calm. In fact... speaking of it, the Xishan Bank is indeed a good place to borrow money. The interest here is outrageously lower than what the Qi family gave to tenants.

  He didn't hesitate much, he nodded and said: "Within three months, if you earn money at that time, you will pay back the money with interest."

  Wang Jinyuan smiled.

The efficiency of this Xishan bank for big households like the Qi family is astonishing, and it only took two days... When the countless land deeds and land deeds were sent to the branch of the Xishan bank as collateral, the treasures in this box were also prepared. All right.

  When Qi Zhiyuan got the cash, his heart beat in his throat.

  He hasn't slept for days.

   And then... he was finally able to close the net and sweep the entire Jiangnan, and since then... the Qi family has the final say on the half of Jiangnan.

  The members of the Qi family immediately started to act.

  All the listed land was withdrawn, and then... almost at the same time, the children of the Qi family, with huge sums of money in their hands, started buying land frantically.

  They didn't even bother to look at the quality of the land. The price of the six or seven taels of silver per acre of land was outrageously low, and they took as much as they had.

  The news from all over the place was delivered to Qi's family almost overnight.

  Qi Zhiyuan was like an old monk sitting still.

  He is not concerned with land acquisitions.

   After all, there are low-priced land on the market now, but I have silver.

  He focused on Xishan.

   "How is it? Is there any movement in Xishan, has the acquisition started?"

"Master, at the beginning, there were indeed people from Xishan who appeared in the tooth shop and asked for the price. At first, the villain thought they had already started to do it, but who knew that they were only thundering, but not raining..." The steward was panting , looking timidly at the haggard master, the master has not slept for an unknown amount of time these days, his eyes are bloodshot, and he looks extremely frightening.

  Hearing this, Qi Zhiyuan felt as if his heart had been slammed by a hammer, his body trembled, his eyes widened and he said, "They...couldn't believe what they said."

   "Master, isn't it..."

  Qi Zhiyuan said with a gloomy face: "How is the land price now?"

  The steward said truthfully: "Since we withdrew our land and started to repurchase it, the decline in land prices has stopped a lot, and some prefectures and counties have begun to rise slightly."


  Qi Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief. He entered the market with five million taels of silver, and also withdrew so many lands listed for sale. It is no wonder that the land price has not increased.

  Even if Xishan is still hesitating, relying on the Qi family is enough to turn the tide.

He probably hadn't slept for a long time, and his mood was extremely fluctuating. At this time, he laughed ferociously and said: "Haha, if they don't enter the venue, it's fine, let the old man eat this piece of meat by himself, and ignore Xishan. Give the old man a hard charge, as much as you have, don't care about the price."

  The steward was a little worried, and boldly said: "Master, is this too risky... The Qi family's family training is very cautious..."

  Qi Zhiyuan's hideous face was even more terrifying, but his eyes gradually became calm, and he suddenly said meaningfully: "The bow...there is no turning back arrow, the arrow is on the string, and I have to shoot it!"

   At this point, there is only one step away from huge profits. The expected skyrocketing price is coming, and the Qi family will become the largest gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. As long as the land price recovers, you can sell some land at will to raise funds for repayment. The big time... has arrived.

  Is there any retreat?


  Da Zhang delivered.

  (end of this chapter)

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